All Classes and Interfaces

The base class for all graphical representations.
The base interface for communicating with the controller of all graphs.
The style features for graphs.
Graphs that show trajectories and support exporting their data should implement this interface.
Create custom Context2d that admits drawing dashed lines.
Graphs that support shifting of their view should implement this interface.
Graphs that support shifting should implement this interface.
Graphs that support zooming should implement this interface.
Graphs that support zooming should implement this interface.
The parent class of all panels that provide graphical representations the state of the current EvoLudo model.
The available export data types: SVG scalable vector graphics format, svg PDF portable document format, pdf (not yet implemented). EPS encapsulated postscript format, eps (not yet implemented). PNG portable network graphics format, png STAT_DATA statistics data as comma separated list, csv TRAJ_DATA trajectory data as comma separated list, csv (not yet implemented). STATE current state of simulation, plist
Numerical integration of partial differential equations for reaction-diffusion-advection systems based on Euler's method (fixed step size).
The AffineTransform class represents a 2D affine transform that performs a linear mapping from 2D coordinates to other 2D coordinates that preserves the "straightness" and "parallelness" of lines.
Collection of convenience methods for mathematical operations, including array manipulations and statistics.
The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in asymmetric 2×2 games.
Graphs that provide basic tooltips should implement this interface.
Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions.
Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions with peer punishment.
Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions with peer and pool punishment.
The Centipede class provides an EvoLudo module for the centipede game.
All ChangeListener's get informed about state changes of the core of EvoLudo models.
The GUI or engine can request running models to suspend execution and process a pendingAction.
The module for the evolution of two behavioural traits.
Parser for command line options.
Interface for classes that that to provide command line options for configurable parameters.
Command line option and argument.
Types of command line options: REQUIRED required argument.
Handle different categories of options.
Interface to process command line arguments
The interface for keys of command line options.
Simple key for command line options.
Interface for mapping data to colors.
Abstract super class for color maps following a gradient.
One dimensional color gradient spanning two or more colors
Two dimensional color gradient with one color for each dimension.
Color gradient for N dimensional data with one color for each dimension.
Color gradient following the hue.
Associates integer indices with colors.
Coloring3D is a wrapper class for different schemes to map data onto colors for 3D visualization using WebGL.
One dimensional color gradient spanning two or more colors
Two dimensional color gradient with one color for each dimension.
N dimensional color gradient with one color for each dimension.
Color gradient following the hue.
Associates integer indices with colors.
Coloring is a wrapper class for different schemes to map data onto colors for 2D visualizations using the HTML5 canvas element.
One dimensional color gradient spanning two or more colors
Two dimensional color gradient with one color for each dimension.
N dimensional color gradient with one color for each dimension.
Color gradient following the hue.
Associates integer indices with colors.
Collection of convenience methods for mathematical operations dealing with combinatorics.
The view to display the console log.
The console log widget.
Context menu extension to GWT's user interface.
Listener interface for widgets that offer context menus.
Provider interface for classes that are responsible for supplying the contents of the context menu.
Component of the context menu extension to GWT's user interface.
Component of the context menu extension to GWT's user interface.
Component of the context menu extension to GWT's user interface.
Common interface for all models with continuous strategy sets.
Parent class of all EvoLudo modules with one or more continuous traits.
Selected benefit functions to translate continuous traits into payoffs.
Selected cost functions to translate continuous traits into payoffs.
The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics of the continuous snowdrift game, or more generally, interactions among pairs of individuals with continuous traits.
Data types that are handled by the model.
Simulations of 2x2 games in deme structured populations.
Common interface for all models with discrete strategy sets.
Parent class of all EvoLudo modules with discrete strategy sets.
The view to display the distribution of continuous traits.
Collection of convenience methods for mathematical operations dealing with distributions.
Cooperation in ecological public goods interactions.
Interface with the outside world.
Coloring methods for multiple continuous traits.
The interface to execute commands in a manner that is agnostic to the implementation details regarding GWT or JRE environments.
GWT specific implementation of EvoLudo controller.
Create button to launch an EvoLudo lab in a semi-transparent overlay.
Entry point classes define onModuleLoad().
GWT magic to define GUI elements (see EvoLudoWeb.ui.xml).
Interface to query features of the Module.
All modules that admit interactions in larger groups (as opposed to interactions in pairs) should implement this interface.
All modules that admit interactions in pairs (as opposed to larger groups) should implement this interface.
Interface that all modules with static fitness/payoffs should implement.
EXPERIMENTAL: should mature into data structure useful for statistics
Collection of convenience methods for formatting numbers, vectors and matrices as Strings.
Represents a native fullscreenchange event.
Handler interface for FullscreenChangeEvent events.
Collection of mathematical functions.
The abstract parent class for views that display the configuration of the current state of the model in 2D or 3D.
The base class for population graphs.
The interface for communicating with graphs that show nodes, e.g.
Instances of Geometry represent the interaction and/or competition structure of the population.
The types of graph geometries.
The interface to provide access to the file.
Modules that implement the HasDistribution interface request a graphical view to visualize the density distribution of data in multiple dimensions in their GUI: Distribution for GWT and MVCDistr, MVC2Distr for JRE modules with one or two continuous traits, respectively.
Modules that implement the HasDistribution.Strategy interface include a graphical view that depicts the density distribution of strategic traits over time in their GUI.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for FullscreenChangeHandler instances.
Modules that implement the HasHistogram interface request a graphical view to depicts a histogram of data in their GUI: Histogram in GWT and MVCTraitHistogram, MVFitHistogram in JRE for a single continuous trait or the fitness distribution, respectively.
Modules that implement the HasHistogram.Degree interface include histograms of the degree distribution of the population geometry.
Modules that implement the HasHistogram.Fitness interface include histograms of fitness distributions.
Modules that implement the HasHistogram.StatisticsProbability interface must be capable of running statistics over multiple runs and include histograms of fixation probabilities.
Modules that implement the HasHistogram.StatisticsStationary interface must be capable of generate histograms of the number of times particular configurations (frequencies of strategies) are visited, which eventually converges to a stationary distributions in ergodic settings.
Modules that implement the HasHistogram.StatisticsTime interface must be capable of running statistics over multiple runs and include histograms of fixation times.
Modules that implement the HasHistogram.Strategy interface include histograms of strategy distributions.
A widget that implements this interface provides registration for InputHandler instances.
Modules that implement the HasMean interface request a graphical view to visualize the mean state of the population as a function of time in their GUI: Mean for GWT and MVDMean, MVCMean for JRE.
Modules that implement this interface request a LineGraph that depicts the mean fitness of the population.
Modules that implement this interface request a LineGraph that depicts the mean strategies of the population.
Modules that implement the HasPhase2D interface request a graphical view to visualize the mean state of the population in a 2D (projection) of the phase plane as a function of time in their GUI: Phase2D for GWT and MVDPhase2D for JRE.
Interface for providing custom mappings from data to 2D phase plane projections.
Modules that implement the HasPop2D interface request a graphical view to visualize a 2D representation of the geomtery of the population in their GUI: Pop2D for GWT and MVPop2D for JRE.
Modules that implement the HasPop2D.Fitness interface include 2D graphical visualizations of the geometry of the population where nodes display the color coded fitness of each individual.
Modules that implement the HasPop2D.Strategy interface include 2D graphical visualizations of the geometry of the population where nodes display the color coded strategy of each individual.
Modules that implement the HasPop3D interface request a graphical view to visualize a 3D representation of the geomtery of the population in their GUI: Pop3D for GWT and none for JRE (java3d has long been retired).
Modules that implement the HasPop3D.Strategy interface include 3D graphical visualizations of the geometry of the population where nodes display the color coded fitness of each individual.
Modules that implement the HasPop3D.Strategy interface include 2D graphical visualizations of the geometry of the population where nodes display the color coded strategy of each individual.
Modules that implement the HasS3 interface request a graphical view to visualize the mean state of the population in the simplex \(S_3\) as a function of time in their GUI: S3 for GWT and MVDS3 for JRE.
The view to display a histogram of various quantities of the current EvoLudo model.
Histogram graph for displaying data in bins.
Base class for individual based simulation models, IBS.
Enumeration of possible events in focal population.
Modules that offer individual based simulation models must implement this interface.
Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
Modules that offer individual based simulation models with multiple continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
Types of species updates (only relevant for multi-species models): none no migration D diffusive migration (exchange of neighbors) B birth-death migration (fit migrates, random death). d death-birth migration (random death, fit migrates).
Schedules for resetting individual payoffs/fitness: onchange Reset when changing trait (only after updating from reference model with a different trait) onupdate Reset when updating from reference individual (not necessarily a change in trait) ephemeral Determine payoffs/fitness calculated only for updating
The class managing the settings for statistics mode.
Type of statistics.
Base class for individual based simulation models, IBS, with a single or multiple continuous traits/strategies.
The initialization of populations with continuous traits.
Type of initial density distribution of traits.
The core class for individual based simulations with a single continuous trait/strategy.
Base class for individual based simulation models, IBS, with discrete traits/strategies.
The initialization of populations with discrete traits.
Type of initial density distribution.
Type of optimizations.
The core class for individual based simulations with discrete traits/strategies.
A minimalstic helper class (or data structure) to represent a single directed link in the network structure.
Interaction and reference groups in IBS models.
Types of sampling of groups for interactions or references: none no interactions all interact with all neighbours random interact with n random neighbours
The core class for individual based simulations with multiple continuous traits/strategies.
The core class for individual based simulations.
Represents a native input event.
Handler interface for InputEvent events.
Utility class for deal with straight (infinite) lines in 2D.
Graph to visualize time series data.
Map scores/payoffs to fitness and vice versa.
Enum representing the different types of payoff/score to fitness maps
The class to manage customised markers for graphs.
The view to display graphs with time series data.
MersenneTwister and MersenneTwisterFast
The minimal Chronometer interface is only used to hide differences for measuring execution time in JRE and GWT.
Minimal implementation of Chronometer.
All MilestoneListener's get informed about milestones and state changes of the core of EvoLudo modules.
Modes of the model.
Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.
Parent class of all EvoLudo modules.
The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in the classical Moran process with two types of individuals that have constant fitness values.
The abstract superclass to implement mutations in IBS models with discrete or continuous traits.
The class to implement mutations in continuous IBS models.
Mutation types.
The class to implement mutations in discrete IBS models.
Mutation types.
Collection of native javascript methods.
Cooperation in dynamical networks.
Abstract graphical representation for generic population geometries.
Interface for GUI elements that are interested in receiving updates regarding the process of laying out the network.
Status of the layout process of networks: Network.Status.HAS_LAYOUT network layout complete.
Graphical representation of generic population geometries in 2D.
Graphical representation of generic population geometries in 2D.
Graphical representation of generic population geometries in 3D.
Graphical representation of generic population geometries in 3D.
Interface representing a (network) node in 2D or 3D space with a position and a radius.
Class representing a (network) node in 2D space with position and radius.
Class representing a (network) node in 3D space with position and radius.
The NoninvertibleTransformException class represents an exception that is thrown if an operation is performed requiring the inverse of an AffineTransform object but the AffineTransform is in a non-invertible state.
Common base class for all differential equations models.
Methods that every Module must implement, which advertises numerical solutions based on differential equations.
Additional methods that must be implemented by Modules that advertise numerical solutions based on ordinary differential equations.
Types of initial configurations.
Parametric graph for displaying trajectories in phase plane.
Adapted from java.awt.geom.Path2D, merged with PathIterator and stripped to the bare bones.
Adapted from java.awt.geom.PathIterator, merged with Path2D Iterator and CopyIterator.
The PathIterator interface provides the mechanism for objects that implement the Shape interface to return the geometry of their boundary by allowing a caller to retrieve the path of that boundary a segment at a time.
Numerical integration of partial differential equations for reaction-diffusion systems based on Euler's method (fixed step size)
Methods that every Module must implement, which advertises numerical solutions based on partial differential equations.
Types of initial configurations.
Supervisor of reaction-diffusion processes.
Supervisor of reaction-diffusion processes.
The view to display time series of data as a trajectory in a 2D phase plane.
The implementation of player updates.
Player update types.
Utility class to read and write plist-files with some customizations to store the bit-patterns for doubles to allow for perfect reproducibility.
Basic parser for plist-files.
Iterator over tags in plist-string.
Entry in plist-string.
Interface representing a point in 2D or 3D space determined by Cartesian coordinates.
Class representing a point in 2D Cartesian space.
Class representing a point in 3D Cartesian space.
The view to display configuration of the current state of the model in 2D.
The view to display configuration of the current state of the model in 3D.
The graphical representation of network structures in 2D.
The graphical representation of network structures in 3D.
The implementation of population updates.
Types of species updates (only relevant for multi-species models): synchronous Synchronized population updates.
Utility class for dealing with rectangles in 2D.
The interface to provide access to GWT specific resource files.
Non-blocking ring buffer.
Collection of distributions of random numbers based on the Mersenne Twister.
Binomially distributed random numbers with support {0,1,2,3,..., n}.
Exponentially distributed random numbers with support [0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE).
Geometrically distributed random numbers with support {1,2,3,...}.
Gillespie algorithm for selecting integers with support {0,1,2,3,..., n} but with different weights.
Normally (or Gaussian) distributed random numbers with support (-Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE).
The interface to execute commands in a manner that is agnostic to the implementation details regarding GWT or JRE environments.
Uniformly distributed random numbers with support [min, max).
Cyclical dynamics of the rock-scissors-paper game.
Implementation of Runge-Kutta method with adaptive step size for the numerical integration of systems of differential equations.
The view to display time series of data as a trajectory on the \(S_3\) simplex.
Graph for the simplex \(S_3\).
Default mapping of data to simplex \(S_3\) projections.
Simulations of the evolution of continuous investement levels in social dilemmas.
Integrator for stochastic differential equations (SDE) based on Euler's method.
Interface for modules that implement stochastic differential equations (SDE).
Utility class for deal with (finite) line segments in 2D.
Simulations to investigate the role of volunteering in public goods games.
Simulations to investigate peer punishment in the voluntary public goods game.
Simulations of peer- versus pool-punishment in voluntary public goods games.
Simulations to investigate the Moran process on graph structured populations.
Simulation of the two player, two trait model.
Simulations to investigate individual based simulations versus stochastic differential equations for modelling the evolutionary dynamics of populations with pairwise interactions and d strategic traits.
A standard slider widget.
The implementation of population updates.
Types of species updates (only relevant for multi-species models): size focal species selected proportional to their size fitness focal species selected proportional to their total fitness turns one species is selected after another. sync simultaneous updates of all species (not yet implemented). For size and fitness selection is also proportional to the update rate of each species.
The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in the classical 2×2 games.
TestEvoLudo is a test suite for EvoLudo.
The control codes for changing the style of the console output.
Formats LogRecords into XML/XHTML compliant text
Tooltip extension to GWT's user interface.
Provider interface for classes that are responsible for supplying the contents of the tooltip.
Views that provide more sophisticated tooltips should implement this interface.
Views that provide extended tooltips for specific locations that go beyond the capabilities of the BasicTooltipProvider should implement this interface.
Views that provide extended tooltips for specific (scaled) coordinates (x,y) on a parametric plot that go beyond the capabilities of the BasicTooltipProvider should implement this interface.
Views that provide extended tooltips for specific (scaled) coordinates (x,y) on a simplex plot that go beyond the capabilities of the BasicTooltipProvider should implement this interface.
Trackball controls for 3D views adapted from Parallax and threejs
Model types that modules may support.
Utility class for 2D vector manipulations.
Utility class for 3D vector manipulations.
Encode and decode XML strings.