Class HistoGraph

All Implemented Interfaces:
HasAllDragAndDropHandlers, HasAllFocusHandlers, HasAllGestureHandlers, HasAllKeyHandlers, HasAllMouseHandlers, HasAllTouchHandlers, HasBlurHandlers, HasClickHandlers, HasContextMenuHandlers, HasDoubleClickHandlers, HasDragEndHandlers, HasDragEnterHandlers, HasDragHandlers, HasDragLeaveHandlers, HasDragOverHandlers, HasDragStartHandlers, HasDropHandlers, HasFocusHandlers, HasGestureChangeHandlers, HasGestureEndHandlers, HasGestureStartHandlers, HasKeyDownHandlers, HasKeyPressHandlers, HasKeyUpHandlers, HasMouseDownHandlers, HasMouseMoveHandlers, HasMouseOutHandlers, HasMouseOverHandlers, HasMouseUpHandlers, HasMouseWheelHandlers, HasTouchCancelHandlers, HasTouchEndHandlers, HasTouchMoveHandlers, HasTouchStartHandlers, MouseDownHandler, MouseMoveHandler, MouseOutHandler, MouseUpHandler, MouseWheelHandler, TouchEndHandler, TouchMoveHandler, TouchStartHandler, HasAttachHandlers, EventHandler, HasHandlers, EventListener, AcceptsOneWidget, Focusable, HasFocus, HasOneWidget, HasVisibility, HasWidgets, HasWidgets.ForIsWidget, IsWidget, RequiresResize, SourcesClickEvents, SourcesFocusEvents, SourcesKeyboardEvents, SourcesMouseEvents, SourcesMouseWheelEvents, Iterable<Widget>, BasicTooltipProvider, ContextMenu.Listener, ContextMenu.Provider, Tooltip.Provider

public class HistoGraph extends AbstractGraph<double[]> implements BasicTooltipProvider
Histogram graph for displaying data in bins. The data is stored in a 2D array with the first index representing the data row and the second index the bin index. The data can be normalized to the total number of samples or to a specific data row. The graph can be used to display data for different types of modules, such as degree distributions, strategies, fitness values, or fixation probabilities.
Christoph Hauert
  • Field Details Link icon

    • autoscale Link icon

      private static final double[][] autoscale
      The list of thresholds for automatically scaling the y-axis. The first element of each row is the maximum value for the y-axis, the second element is the minimum value for the y-axis, and the third element is the number of levels for the y-axis.

      For example, the scale changes from 0-1 with 4 levels to 0-0.5 with 5 levels if the maximum value drops below 0.4.

    • autoscaleidx Link icon

      private int autoscaleidx
      The index of the current autoscale setting.
    • binmarkers Link icon

      private ArrayList<HistoGraph.Marker> binmarkers
      The list of markers for the histogram.
    • data Link icon

      double[][] data
      The data array backing the histogram. This may be shared by multiple HistoGraphs, each accessing a different row in the array.
    • row Link icon

      int row
      The index of the data row.
    • message Link icon

      String message
      The message to display if no histogram is available.
    • isNormalized Link icon

      private boolean isNormalized
      The flag to indicate whether the data is normalized.
    • normIdx Link icon

      private int normIdx
      The index of the data row used for normalization.
    • nSamples Link icon

      double nSamples
      The number of samples in the histogram.
    • nBins Link icon

      int nBins
      The number of bins.
      See Also:
      Implementation Notes:
      The number of bins needs to be even for doubling the range of the histogram.
    • MAX_BINS Link icon

      public static final int MAX_BINS
      The maximum number of bins for the histogram.
      See Also:
    • MIN_BIN_WIDTH Link icon

      public static final int MIN_BIN_WIDTH
      The minimum width of a bin.
      See Also:
    • autoscaleYMenu Link icon

      private ContextMenuCheckBoxItem autoscaleYMenu
      The context menu to select autoscaling of the y-axis.
    • enableAutoscaleYMenu Link icon

      private boolean enableAutoscaleYMenu
      The flag to indicate whether the autoscale y-axis menu is enabled.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • HistoGraph Link icon

      public HistoGraph(AbstractGraph.Controller controller, Module module, int row)
      Create new histogram graph for module running in controller. The row is used to identify data entries that apply to this histogram and represents the index of the data row.
      controller - the controller of this graph
      module - the module backing the graph
      row - the index of the data row
  • Method Details Link icon

    • addMarker Link icon

      public void addMarker(double x, String color, String descr)
      Add marker to histogram at x with color color and description descr.
      x - the x-coordinate of the marker
      color - the color of the marker
      descr - the description of the marker
    • addMarker Link icon

      public void addMarker(double x, String color, String descr, int[] linestyle)
      Add marker to histogram at x with color color, description descr, and linestyle linestyle.
      x - the x-coordinate of the marker
      color - the color of the marker
      descr - the description of the marker
      linestyle - the linestyle of the marker
    • clearMarkers Link icon

      public void clearMarkers()
      Clear all markers from the histogram.
    • getNoteAt Link icon

      public String getNoteAt(int bin)
      Get the description of the marker at bin bin or null if no marker is set.
      bin - the index of the bin
      the description of the marker
    • getMaxBins Link icon

      public int getMaxBins()
      Calculate the maximum number of bins for the histogram with a width of at least MIN_BIN_WIDTH.
      the maximum number of bins
      See Also:
    • setNormalized Link icon

      public void setNormalized(boolean isNormalized)
      Set whether the data is normalized. If isNormalized is true, the sum of the data in each bin is normalized to 1.0.
      Note: This conflicts with setNormalized(int).
      isNormalized - true if the data is normalized, false otherwise
    • setNormalized Link icon

      public void setNormalized(int normIdx)
      Set the index of the data row that is used for normalization. If multiple HistoGraphs share the same data, they all need to use the same row for normalization.
      Note: This conflicts with setNormalized(boolean).
      normIdx - the index of the data row for normalization
    • getSamples Link icon

      public double getSamples()
      Get the number of samples for this histogram.
      the number of samples
    • getSamples Link icon

      public double getSamples(int idx)
      Get the total number of samples in bin with index idx. For data that is not normalized the number of samples is returned.
      idx - the index of the bin
      the number of samples
      See Also:
    • getData Link icon

      public double[][] getData()
      Get the data for the histogram.
      Note: The data may be shared by multiple HistoGraphs, each refering to a row in the double[][] array specified by the graphs row.
      the 2D data array for storing the histogram data
    • getData Link icon

      public double getData(int idx)
      Get the data for the histogram in bin with index idx. Whether this returns raw or normalized data depends on the setting of the graph.
      idx - the index of the bin
      the histogram data for the bin idx
      See Also:
    • setData Link icon

      public void setData(double[][] data)
      Set the data for the histogram.
      Note: The data may be shared by multiple HistoGraphs, each refering to a row in the double[][] array specified by the graphs row.
      data - the 2D data array for storing the histogram data
    • addData Link icon

      public void addData(int bin)
      Add data point to histogram by increasing the count of the bin with index bin by one. For normalized data the normalization is updated accordingly.
      bin - the index of the bin in the histogram
      See Also:
    • addData Link icon

      public void addData(int bin, double incr)
      Add data point to histogram by increasing the count of the bin with index bin by incr. For normalized data the normalization is updated accordingly.
      bin - the index of the bin in the histogram
      incr - the increment to add to the bin
      See Also:
    • addData Link icon

      public void addData(double x)
      Add data point x to histogram. The data point is added to the histogram for x[xmin,xmax]. If x>xmax] or x<xmin] the range is doubled to [xmin,xmax+(xmaxxmin)]) or [xmin(xmaxxmin),xmax]), respectively. The number of bins remains unchanged.
      Important: The number of bins needs to be even!
      x - the new data point
      See Also:
    • clearData Link icon

      public void clearData()
      Clear the histrogram data.
    • doubleMinRange Link icon

      private void doubleMinRange()
      Double the range of the histogram by lowering the minimum value.
      Implementation Notes:
      The number of bins needs to be even!
    • doubleMaxRange Link icon

      private void doubleMaxRange()
      Double the range of the histogram by increasing the maximum value.
      Implementation Notes:
      The number of bins needs to be even!
    • x2bin Link icon

      public int x2bin(double x)
      Convert x-coordinate to bin index.
      x - the x-coordinate
      the index of the bin
    • bin2x Link icon

      public double bin2x(int bin)
      Convert the bin index to x-coordinate.
      bin - the index of the bin
      the x-coordinate
    • reset Link icon

      public void reset()
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Reset the graph. Clear canvas and messages.
      reset in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
    • export Link icon

      public void export(AbstractGraph.MyContext2d ctx)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Export the graphical context ctx.
      Specified by:
      export in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      ctx - the graphical context to export
    • displayMessage Link icon

      public boolean displayMessage(String msg)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Display message msg on the graph (no HTML formatting).

      Implementation note: Link icon

      The message is centered and scaled such that it fills approximately two thirds of the width of the graph.
      displayMessage in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      msg - the message to display
      true if message displayed
    • clearMessage Link icon

      public void clearMessage()
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Clear the message.
      clearMessage in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
    • paint Link icon

      public boolean paint(boolean force)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Draw the graph. For re-drawing the graph, set force to true.
      paint in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      force - true to force re-drawing of graph
      true if painting skipped
    • drawMarkers Link icon

      protected void drawMarkers()
      Draw the marked bins.
    • getBinAt Link icon

      public int getBinAt(int x, int y)
      Get the index of the bin at (x, y). Returns -1 if no bin is found.
      x - the x-coordinate
      y - the y-coordinate
      the index of the bin
    • getTooltipAt Link icon

      public String getTooltipAt(int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: Tooltip.Provider
      Get the tooltip information for the location with coordinates (x, y). The returned string may include HTML elements for formatting.
      Specified by:
      getTooltipAt in interface Tooltip.Provider
      x - the x-coordinate for the tooltip
      y - the y-coordinate for the tooltip
      the (formatted) string with the tooltip info
    • getTooltipAt Link icon

      public String getTooltipAt(int bar)
      Description copied from interface: BasicTooltipProvider
      Get the tooltip for the location with index index. The index typically refers to an individual node but may equally refer to a location on a lattice for PDE models or trait distributions.
      Specified by:
      getTooltipAt in interface BasicTooltipProvider
      bar - the index of the location
      the tooltip
    • enableAutoscaleYMenu Link icon

      public void enableAutoscaleYMenu(boolean enable)
      Enable or disable the autoscale y-axis menu.
      enable - true to enable the autoscale menu
    • populateContextMenuAt Link icon

      public void populateContextMenuAt(ContextMenu menu, int x, int y)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Populate context menu menu in listening widget at (relative) position (x,y).

      Adds buffer size menu and queries the controller to add further functionality.

      Specified by:
      populateContextMenuAt in interface ContextMenu.Provider
      populateContextMenuAt in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      menu - context menu entries are added here
      x - horizontal coordinate (relative to listening widget)
      y - horizontal coordinate (relative to listening widget)
      See Also: