Class HistoGraph.Marker

Enclosing class:

public class HistoGraph.Marker extends Object
Marker for highlighting a specific bin in the histogram. The marker is defined by its x-coordinate, color, and description. The linestyle can be set to null for a solid line or to an array of integers defining the dash pattern.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) int
    The index of the marked bin.
    (package private) String
    The color of the marker.
    (package private) String
    The description of the marker.
    (package private) int[]
    The linestyle of the marker.
    (package private) double
    The x-coordinate of the marker.
  • Constructor Summary

    Marker(double x, String color, String descr)
    Create a new marker for the histogram at x with color color and description descr.
    Marker(double x, String color, String descr, int[] linestyle)
    Create a new marker for the histogram at x with color color, description descr, and linestyle linestyle.
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • x

      double x
      The x-coordinate of the marker.
    • bin

      int bin
      The index of the marked bin.
    • color

      String color
      The color of the marker.
    • descr

      String descr
      The description of the marker. This is shown on the tolltip when hovering over the marked bin.
    • linestyle

      int[] linestyle
      The linestyle of the marker. This can be set to null for a solid line or to an array of integers defining the dash pattern.
  • Constructor Details

    • Marker

      public Marker(double x, String color, String descr)
      Create a new marker for the histogram at x with color color and description descr.
      x - the x-coordinate of the marker
      color - the color of the marker
      descr - the description of the marker
    • Marker

      public Marker(double x, String color, String descr, int[] linestyle)
      Create a new marker for the histogram at x with color color, description descr, and linestyle linestyle.
      x - the x-coordinate of the marker
      color - the color of the marker
      descr - the description of the marker
      linestyle - the linestyle of the marker