Interface BasicTooltipProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
TooltipProvider, TooltipProvider.Index, TooltipProvider.Parametric, TooltipProvider.Simplex
All Known Implementing Classes:
ATBT.ATBTMap, Centipede.CentiMap, Distribution, EcoPGG.EcoPGGMap, GenericPop, HistoGraph, LineGraph, ParaGraph.TraitMap, Pop2D, Pop3D, S3Map

public interface BasicTooltipProvider
Graphs that provide basic tooltips should implement this interface. The tooltip string may include HTML formatting.


The implementation must be agnostic of GWT or JRE implementations and cannot take advantage of view specific features.
Christoph Hauert
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    getTooltipAt(double x, double y)
    Get the tooltip at the scaled coordinates (x,y) with the origin in the lower left corner of the graph.
    default String
    getTooltipAt(int index)
    Get the tooltip for the location with index index.
  • Method Details

    • getTooltipAt

      default String getTooltipAt(double x, double y)
      Get the tooltip at the scaled coordinates (x,y) with the origin in the lower left corner of the graph.
      x - the x coordinate
      y - the y coordinate
      the tooltip
    • getTooltipAt

      default String getTooltipAt(int index)
      Get the tooltip for the location with index index. The index typically refers to an individual node but may equally refer to a location on a lattice for PDE models or trait distributions.
      index - the index of the location
      the tooltip