Class Pop3D

All Implemented Interfaces:
HasAttachHandlers, HasHandlers, EventListener, HasVisibility, IsRenderable, IsWidget, ProvidesResize, RequiresResize, AbstractGraph.Controller, GenericPopGraph.PopGraphController, TooltipProvider, TooltipProvider.Index, ChangeListener, MilestoneListener, BasicTooltipProvider

The view to display configuration of the current state of the model in 3D. The visual representation depends on the geometry of the model. Lattice structures have a fixed layout but all other strutures are dynamically generated through a process insipired by the physical arrangement of charged spheres that are connected by springs. The spheres represent members of the population and the springs represent their interaction (or competition) neighbourhood. The size of the sphere scales with the size of the individual's neighbourhood. Moreover, the colour of the spheres reflects the state of the individual, for example their trait or fitness.
Christoph Hauert
  • Field Details

    • projectionMenu

      private ContextMenuCheckBoxItem projectionMenu
      The context menu item for selecting parallel projection of the graph instead of the default perspective projection.
    • anaglyphMenu

      private ContextMenuCheckBoxItem anaglyphMenu
      The context menu item for selecting anaglyph projection of the 3D space for a reperesentation of the graph suitable for colored 3D glasses.
    • vrMenu

      private ContextMenuCheckBoxItem vrMenu
      The context menu item for selecting stereo projection of the 3D space for a virtual reality representation of the graph.
  • Constructor Details

    • Pop3D

      public Pop3D(EvoLudoGWT engine, Data type)
      Construct a new view to display the configuration of the current state of the EvoLudo model in 3D.
      engine - the pacemaker for running the model
      type - the type of data to display
  • Method Details