Interface GenericPopGraph.PopGraphController

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Distribution, GenericPop, Pop2D, Pop3D
Enclosing class:
GenericPopGraph<T,N extends Network>

public static interface GenericPopGraph.PopGraphController extends AbstractGraph.Controller
The interface for communicating with graphs that show nodes, e.g. lattices or networks.
  • Method Details

    • mouseHitNode

      default void mouseHitNode(int id, int node)
      Notifies the controller that the mouse/tap has hit node with index node on the graph with the tag id.
      id - the id of the graph
      node - the index of the node that was hit
    • mouseHitNode

      default void mouseHitNode(int id, int node, boolean alt)
      Notifies the controller that the mouse/tap has hit node with index node on the graph with the tag id. The flag alt indicates whether the alt-modifier was pressed
      id - the id of the graph
      node - the index of the node that was hit
      alt - true if the alt-key was pressed
    • populateContextMenuAt

      default void populateContextMenuAt(ContextMenu menu, int node)
      Opportunity for the controller to add functionality to the context menu (optional implementation). Additional entries should be added to menu. If the context menu was opened while the mouse was over a node its index is node. At this point the menu already contains entries that are relevant for all graphs, e.g. fullscreen and export. Override this method to add further, more specialized entries. Finally, the current pane will be asked whether it wants to add further entries (e.g. autoscale axis).
      menu - the context menu
      node - the index of node
      See Also: