Class ContextMenu

All Implemented Interfaces:
ContextMenuHandler, MouseOutHandler, MouseOverHandler, TouchCancelHandler, TouchEndHandler, TouchMoveHandler, TouchStartHandler, HasAttachHandlers, EventHandler, HasHandlers, EventListener, HasVisibility, HasWidgets, HasWidgets.ForIsWidget, IndexedPanel, IndexedPanel.ForIsWidget, InsertPanel, InsertPanel.ForIsWidget, IsWidget, Iterable<Widget>, FullscreenChangeHandler, HasFullscreenChangeHandlers

Context menu extension to GWT's user interface.

Main class for implementing context menus in GWT applications. Context menus work through a shared instance (like Tooltip's). Each widget that sports context menus (the listener widget) must be associated with a context menu provider.

The context menu opens when the ContextMenuHandler fires (typically by a right click on mouse as a pointing device and a two-finger tap/click on a touch pad). For devices without a pointer the context menu is triggered by a two-finger touch (after some configurable delay). The context menu is automatically closed for one of the following events:

  1. an entry has been selected
  2. scrolling of the window
  3. on devices with pointers: once the pointer exited the menu (after some delay)
  4. on devices without pointers: by tapping anywhere else on the screen

CSS Style Rules

the context menu element.
Christoph Hauert
  • Field Details


      private static final int DEFAULT_OFFSET_X
      Default horizontal offset of context menu relative to the coordinates of the context menu triggering event.
      See Also:

      private static final int DEFAULT_OFFSET_Y
      Default vertical offset of context menu relative to the coordinates of the context menu triggering event.
      See Also:
    • offsetX

      private int offsetX
      Horizontal offset of context menu relative to coordinates of context menu triggering event. In general, this should be a negative number such that any pointing device actually ends up on top of the context menu.
      See Also:
    • offsetY

      private int offsetY
      Vertical offset of context menu relative to coordinates of context menu triggering event. In general, this should be a negative number such that any pointing device actually ends up on top of the context menu.
      See Also:

      private static final int DELAY_HIDE
      Default delay before hiding the context (sub)menu (in milliseconds) after the pointer has exited the context (sub)menu.
      See Also:
    • delayHide

      private int delayHide
      Delay before hiding the context (sub)menu (in milliseconds) after the pointer has exited the context (sub)menu.
      See Also:

      public static final int LONG_TOUCH_TIME
      Delay in milliseconds before the touch event is considered a 'long touch' instead of a 'tap'.
      See Also:
    • longTouch

      private int longTouch
      Delay before two finger touch triggers context menu, provided that no other touch event fired during delayTap milliseconds.
      See Also:
    • style

      protected Style style
      Reference to style of context menu. Most important to control positioning of context menu.
    • autoHide

      private boolean autoHide
      true to automatically set timer for hiding context menu after pointer exited context menu.
    • autoOpen

      private boolean autoOpen
      true to open sub-menus automatically on hovering over the corresponding parent menu item.
    • autoClose

      private boolean autoClose
      true to close sub-menus automatically when pointer exited the sub-menu.
    • isMouseOver

      private boolean isMouseOver
      true if pointer is currently over context (sub)menu.
    • fullscreenChangeHandler

      HandlerRegistration fullscreenChangeHandler
      Reference to fullscreen change handler. When entering fullscreen the context menu needs to be moved from the RootPanel to the fullscreen element and vice versa.
    • participants

      Lookup table of listener widgets sporting context menus and their corresponding providers of the context menu contents.
    • parentMenu

      protected ContextMenu parentMenu
      Reference to the parent menu. This is null for the shared, top level context menu.
    • childMenu

      protected ContextMenu childMenu
      Reference to current child menu or null if no child menu is visible.
    • contextMenu

      protected static ContextMenu contextMenu
      Shared instance of context menu.
    • hideContextMenuTimer

      private Timer hideContextMenuTimer
      Timer for closing the context menu after a fixed delay.
      See Also:
    • touchTimer

      protected ContextMenu.TouchTimer touchTimer
      Timer for handling touch events that are scheduled to trigger context menu.
  • Constructor Details

    • ContextMenu

      protected ContextMenu()
      Create new context menu. Use shared instance to create top level context menu, sharedContextMenu().
    • ContextMenu

      public ContextMenu(ContextMenu parent)
      Create new context submenu for parent menu. Cannot be used to create top level context menu. Use shared instance instead, sharedContextMenu().

      Note: for submenus only.

      parent - menu (cannot be null)
  • Method Details

    • sharedContextMenu

      public static ContextMenu sharedContextMenu()
      The context menu is added to the RootPanel of the GWT application and shared among all elements that sport a context menu. Always use this shared instance to build context menus.
      shared instance of context menu.
    • isShowing

      public static boolean isShowing()
      Check if context menu is visible.
      true if context menu is showing
    • add

      public void add(ContextMenu.Listener listener, ContextMenu.Provider provider)
      Register a new listener widget for context menu requests and associate with the provider of the context menu.
      listener - widget sporting a context menu
      provider - provides context menu entries for this listener widget
    • addSeparator

      public void addSeparator()
      Add new separator to context menu.
    • add

      public ContextMenuItem add(String name, ContextMenu submenu)
      Add new submenu to context menu.
      name - of menu item with submenu
      submenu - to add
      context menu item that controls submenu
    • showAt

      protected void showAt(int x, int y)
      Show context menu (or submenu) at position (x, y) relative to browser window.
      x - horizontal position of context menu
      y - vertical position of context menu
    • showAt

      public void showAt(ContextMenu.Listener listener, int x, int y)
      Prepares context menu (or submenu) for showing at position (x, y) relative to browser window. Retrieves the context menu provider for the listener widget and asks the provider to supply context menu for coordinates (x', y') relative to listener widget. No context menu is shown if no provider found or if provider did not supply any context menu entries.
      listener - widget that requested the context menu
      x - horizontal position of context menu
      y - vertical position of context menu
      See Also:
    • openChildMenu

      public void openChildMenu(ContextMenu child)
      Open submenu child. If needed, first close any other currently open submenu.
      child - new child menu to open
    • closeChildMenu

      public void closeChildMenu()
      Close submenu, if one is showing.
    • open

      protected void open()
      Open submenu.
    • close

      public void close()
      Close submenu or context menu if this is the top level.
    • closeAll

      public void closeAll()
      Recursively close hierarchy of context submenus, including the top level context menu.
    • setHideTimer

      protected void setHideTimer()
      Set timer for delayed hiding of context menu if autoClose is true. This timer is used when pointer exits context (sub)menu.
      See Also:
    • cancelHideTimer

      protected void cancelHideTimer()
      Cancel the timer for hiding the context menu. Triggered when pointer re-enters context (sub)menu before the timer for hiding the menu runs out. This cascades through the entire (sub)menu hierarchy.
    • setAutoHide

      public void setAutoHide(boolean auto)
      Sets whether context menu hides automatically (with delay) after pointer exits context menu.
      auto - true to automatically hide context menu after delay
      See Also:
    • isAutoHide

      public boolean isAutoHide()
      Checks if context menu hides automatically (with some delay) after pointer exited.
      true if context menu hides automatically
      See Also:
    • setAutoOpen

      public void setAutoOpen(boolean auto)
      Sets whether submenus should open automatically when pointer hovers over corresponding menu item in parent menu.
      auto - true to open submenus automatically
      See Also:
    • isAutoOpen

      public boolean isAutoOpen()
      Checks if submenus open automatically when pointer hovers over corresponding menu item in parent menu.
      true if context menu opens automatically
      See Also:
    • setAutoClose

      public void setAutoClose(boolean auto)
      Sets whether submenus should close automatically when pointer stops hovering over corresponding menu item in parent menu.
      auto - true to close submenus automatically
      See Also:
    • isAutoClose

      public boolean isAutoClose()
      Checks if submenus close automatically when pointer stops hovering over corresponding menu item in parent menu.
      true if context menu closes automatically
      See Also:
    • setOffset

      public void setOffset(int ox, int oy)
      Sets the horizontal and vertical offset between the location where the context menu was triggered and the position of the top left corner of the context menu. Typically the offset should be negative in both directions to ensure that once the context menu is visible, the pointer is located inside the context menu.
      ox - the horizontal offset
      oy - the vertical offset
      See Also:
    • setDelayHide

      public void setDelayHide(int delay)
      Set delay before hiding the context (sub)menu (in milliseconds) after the pointer has exited the context menu, provided that autoHide is set to true.
      delay - the delay for hiding context (sub)menu
      See Also:
    • setLongTouch

      public void setLongTouch(int delay)
      Set delay (in milliseconds) before showing the context menu after a two finger touch, provided that no other touch events fired during delay.
      delay - the delay for showing context menu after two-finger touch
      See Also:
    • getParentMenu

      public ContextMenu getParentMenu()
      Get the parent menu. The parent can be a submenu or null for the top level context menu.
      the parent (sub)menu
    • isSubmenu

      public boolean isSubmenu()
      Check if this is a submenu. Returns false only for the top level context menu
      true if this is a submenu
    • onContextMenu

      public void onContextMenu(ContextMenuEvent event)
      Specified by:
      onContextMenu in interface ContextMenuHandler
    • onMouseOver

      public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event)

      Pointer (re-)entered context (sub)menu. Cancel timer to hide (sub)menu, in case it was running.

      Specified by:
      onMouseOver in interface MouseOverHandler
    • onMouseOut

      public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event)

      Pointer exited context (sub)menu. Start timer to hide (sub)menu.

      Specified by:
      onMouseOut in interface MouseOutHandler
    • onTouchStart

      public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event)

      Note: gesture events are proprietary implementations by Apple. Let's try to do without and stick to more primitive touch events.

      Specified by:
      onTouchStart in interface TouchStartHandler
    • onTouchMove

      public void onTouchMove(TouchMoveEvent event)

      One or more touches moved. Cancel request to show context menu (if scheduled).

      Note: gesture events are proprietary implementations by Apple. Let's try to do without and stick to more primitive touch events.

      Specified by:
      onTouchMove in interface TouchMoveHandler
    • onTouchEnd

      public void onTouchEnd(TouchEndEvent event)

      One or more touches ended. Cancel request to show context menu (if scheduled).

      Note: gesture events are proprietary implementations by Apple. Let's try to do without and stick to more primitive touch events.

      Specified by:
      onTouchEnd in interface TouchEndHandler
    • onTouchCancel

      public void onTouchCancel(TouchCancelEvent event)

      Touch canceled. Cancel request to show context menu (if scheduled).

      Note: gesture events are proprietary implementations by Apple. Let's try to do without and stick to more primitive touch events.

      Specified by:
      onTouchCancel in interface TouchCancelHandler
    • addFullscreenChangeHandler

      public HandlerRegistration addFullscreenChangeHandler(FullscreenChangeHandler handler)
      Description copied from interface: HasFullscreenChangeHandlers
      Adds a FullscreenChangeEvent handler.
      Specified by:
      addFullscreenChangeHandler in interface HasFullscreenChangeHandlers
      handler - the fullscreenchange handler
      HandlerRegistration used to remove this handler
    • onFullscreenChange

      public void onFullscreenChange(FullscreenChangeEvent event)
      Called when a FullscreenChangeEvent is fired.

      Placement of shared context menu element in the DOM needs to be adjusted when entering or exiting fullscreen mode.

      Specified by:
      onFullscreenChange in interface FullscreenChangeHandler
      event - the FullscreenChangeEvent that was fired