Interface TooltipProvider.Simplex

All Superinterfaces:
BasicTooltipProvider, TooltipProvider
Enclosing interface:

public static interface TooltipProvider.Simplex extends TooltipProvider
Views that provide extended tooltips for specific (scaled) coordinates (x,y) on a simplex plot that go beyond the capabilities of the BasicTooltipProvider should implement this interface.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getTooltipAt

      String getTooltipAt(S3Graph graph, double x, double y)
      Get the tooltip for the simplex graph at the scaled coordinates (x,y) with the origin in the lower left corner of the simplex.
      graph - the graph requesting the tooltip
      x - the x-coordinate
      y - the y-coordinate
      the tooltip for the location (x,y)
      See Also: