Class PDESupervisorGWT


public class PDESupervisorGWT extends PDESupervisor
Supervisor of reaction-diffusion processes. Coordinates calculations of the next step. Optimized implementation for GWT which uses scheduling to prevent computations from blocking the GUI.
Christoph Hauert
  • Field Details

    • inProgress

      boolean inProgress
      true if calculations are already in progress. This prevents the concurrent scheduling of redundant tasks.
  • Constructor Details

    • PDESupervisorGWT

      public PDESupervisorGWT(EvoLudo engine, PDE charge)
      Creates a new supervisor to manage the PDE calculations of model charge with scheduling in GWT.
      engine - the pacemaker for running the model
      charge - the model to supervise
  • Method Details

    • unload

      public void unload()
      Description copied from class: PDESupervisor
      Unload the supervisor and free resources.
      unload in class PDESupervisor
    • next

      public boolean next(double stepDt)
      Advances the PDE model by a time step of stepDt. Subclasses may override this method to implement optimizations. For example, GWT uses scheduling to avoid blocking the GUI.

      Note: Reaction and diffusion steps could be scheduled independently or even split into smaller chunks but for now GUI remains responsive even for 101×101 grid.

      next in class PDESupervisor
      stepDt - the time step to advance the PDE
      true if system converged
      See Also: