Enum Class Continuous.Benefits

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Continuous.Benefits>, Constable, CLOption.Key
Enclosing class:

public static enum Continuous.Benefits extends Enum<Continuous.Benefits> implements CLOption.Key
Selected benefit functions to translate continuous traits into payoffs. Enum on steroids. Currently available benefit functions are:
Linear benefit function (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,y\).
Quadratic benefit function (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,y+\b_1\,y^2\).
Saturating benefit function following a square root (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\sqrt{y}\).
Saturating benefit function following a logarithm (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\log{b_1\,y+1}\).
Saturating benefit function following an exponential (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0 \left(1-e^{-b_1\,y}\right)\).
Linear benefit function (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,(x+y)\).
Quadratic benefit function (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,(x+y)+\b_1\,(x+y)^2\).
Saturating benefit function following a square root (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\sqrt{x+y}\).
Saturating benefit function following a logarithm (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\log{b_1\,(x+y)+1}\).
Saturating benefit function following an exponential (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0 \left(1-e^{-b_1\,(x+y)}\right)\).
Linear benefit function (with interaction term): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x=b_1\,y+\b_2\,x\,y\).
Linear benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x\).
Quadratic benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x+b_1\,x^2\).
Cubic benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x+b_1\,x^2+b_2\,x^3\).
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Linear benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x\).
    Quadratic benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x+b_1\,x^2\).
    Cubic benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x+b_1\,x^2+b_2\,x^3\).
    Linear benefit function (with interaction term): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x=b_1\,y+\b_2\,x\,y\).
    Saturating benefit function following an exponential (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0 \left(1-e^{-b_1\,(x+y)}\right)\).
    Linear benefit function (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,(x+y)\).
    Saturating benefit function following a logarithm (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\log{b_1\,(x+y)+1}\).
    Quadratic benefit function (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,(x+y)+\b_1\,(x+y)^2\).
    Saturating benefit function following a square root (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\sqrt{x+y}\).
    Saturating benefit function following an exponential (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0 \left(1-e^{-b_1\,y}\right)\).
    Linear benefit function (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,y\).
    Saturating benefit function following a logarithm (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\log{b_1\,y+1}\).
    Quadratic benefit function (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,y+\b_1\,y^2\).
    Saturating benefit function following a square root (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\sqrt{y}\).
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) String
    The key of the benefit function.
    (package private) int
    The number of parameters of the benefit function.
    (package private) String
    The brief description of the benefit function for the help display.
  • Constructor Summary

    Benefits(String key, String title, int nParams)
    Create a new type of benefit function with key key and description title as well as nParams parameters.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return key of in this collection.
    Brief description of purpose of this key.
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface CLOption.Key

  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final Continuous.Benefits YOU_LINEAR
      Linear benefit function (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,y\).
    • YOU_QUAD

      public static final Continuous.Benefits YOU_QUAD
      Quadratic benefit function (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,y+\b_1\,y^2\).
    • YOU_SQRT

      public static final Continuous.Benefits YOU_SQRT
      Saturating benefit function following a square root (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\sqrt{y}\).
    • YOU_LOG

      public static final Continuous.Benefits YOU_LOG
      Saturating benefit function following a logarithm (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0\log{b_1\,y+1}\).
    • YOU_EXP

      public static final Continuous.Benefits YOU_EXP
      Saturating benefit function following an exponential (independent of focal): \(B(x,y)=b_0 \left(1-e^{-b_1\,y}\right)\).

      public static final Continuous.Benefits WE_LINEAR
      Linear benefit function (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,(x+y)\).
    • WE_QUAD

      public static final Continuous.Benefits WE_QUAD
      Quadratic benefit function (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,(x+y)+\b_1\,(x+y)^2\).
    • WE_SQRT

      public static final Continuous.Benefits WE_SQRT
      Saturating benefit function following a square root (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\sqrt{x+y}\).
    • WE_LOG

      public static final Continuous.Benefits WE_LOG
      Saturating benefit function following a logarithm (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0\log{b_1\,(x+y)+1}\).
    • WE_EXP

      public static final Continuous.Benefits WE_EXP
      Saturating benefit function following an exponential (sum of focal, \(x\), and opponent, \(y\), traits): \(B(x,y)=b_0 \left(1-e^{-b_1\,(x+y)}\right)\).

      public static final Continuous.Benefits MEYOU_LINEAR
      Linear benefit function (with interaction term): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x=b_1\,y+\b_2\,x\,y\).

      public static final Continuous.Benefits ME_LINEAR
      Linear benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x\).
    • ME_QUAD

      public static final Continuous.Benefits ME_QUAD
      Quadratic benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x+b_1\,x^2\).
    • ME_QUBIC

      public static final Continuous.Benefits ME_QUBIC
      Cubic benefit function (independent of opponent): \(B(x,y)=b_0\,x+b_1\,x^2+b_2\,x^3\).
  • Field Details

    • key

      String key
      The key of the benefit function. Used when parsing command line options.
      See Also:
    • title

      String title
      The brief description of the benefit function for the help display.
      See Also:
    • nParams

      int nParams
      The number of parameters of the benefit function.
  • Constructor Details

    • Benefits

      private Benefits(String key, String title, int nParams)
      Create a new type of benefit function with key key and description title as well as nParams parameters.
      key - the identifier for parsing of command line option
      title - the summary of the benefit function
      nParams - the number of parameters
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Continuous.Benefits[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static Continuous.Benefits valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Enum<Continuous.Benefits>
    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Description copied from interface: CLOption.Key
      Return key of in this collection. Used when parsing command line options.
      Specified by:
      getKey in interface CLOption.Key
      the key of the command line option
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Description copied from interface: CLOption.Key
      Brief description of purpose of this key. Used in GUI and in help display.
      Specified by:
      getTitle in interface CLOption.Key
      the title of the command line option
      See Also: