Class RNGDistribution.Gillespie

Enclosing class:

public static class RNGDistribution.Gillespie extends RNGDistribution
Gillespie algorithm for selecting integers with support {0,1,2,3,..., n} but with different weights.

Note: if multiple random number are drawn using the same distribution of weights, optimizations are posssible that require expensive initialization but then drawing the random number is significantly cheaper.

For an excellent overview, see Keith Schwarz' website Darts, Dice, and Coins: Sampling from a Discrete Distribution. Of particular interest is Vose's Alias Method, which is also what's implemented in NetLogo

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int THRESHOLD_SIZE
      The threshold for switching between the standard and the optimized version of the Gillespie algorithm.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Gillespie

      public Gillespie()
      Creates a weighted distribution over intergers using the Gillespie algorithm and a new instance of MersenneTwister.
    • Gillespie

      public Gillespie(MersenneTwister rng) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a weighted distribution over intergers using the Gillespie algorithm using the random number generator rng.
      rng - random number generator
  • Method Details

    • next

      public int next(int[] weights)
      Return a random integer with support [0, weights.length) from the discrete distribution of weights defined by the double[] array weights.

      Note: if the sum of weights or the maximum weight is known, consider using the methods #nextSum(double[], double) or #nextMax(double[], double), instead.

      weights - the array of weights of the discrete distribution
      the random integer
    • nextSum

      public int nextSum(int[] weights, int sum)
      Return a random integer with support [0, weights.length) from the discrete distribution of weights defined by the double[] array weights. Given the sum of weights sum the Gillespie algorithm picks a uniformly distributed random number in [0, sum) and then walks through the array of weights until the cumulative sum exceeds the random number. The index of the weight that exceeds the random number is returned.

      Note: this is the standard, non-optimized version of the Gillespie algorithm and is most likely best for small supports.

      weights - the array of weights of the discrete distribution
      sum - the sum of all weights
      the random integer
    • nextMax

      public int nextMax(int[] weights, int max)
      Return a random integer with support [0, weights.length) from the discrete distribution of weights defined by the double[] array weights. Given the maximum weight max, the drawing of weighted random numbers can be optmized by simplifying bookkeeping at the expense of drawing more random numbers.


      1. The optimization is most effective for large supports but can be hampered by heavily skewed weight distributions.
      2. For small supports the standard version of the Gillespie algorithm is likely faster.
      3. For skewed weights consider sorting the weights in descending order.
      4. max can be bigger than the actual maximum but the optimization becomes less efficient.
      weights - the array of weights of the discrete distribution
      max - the maximum weight in the array
      the random integer
      See Also:
    • next

      public int next(double[] weights)
      Return a random integer with support [0, weights.length) from the discrete distribution of weights defined by the double[] array weights. Optimized sampling is used above the threshold of weights.length > 350.

      Note: if the sum of weights or the maximum weight is known, consider using the methods #nextSum(double[], double) or #nextMax(double[], double), instead.

      weights - the array of weights of the discrete distribution
      the random integer
    • nextSum

      public int nextSum(double[] weights, double sum)
      Return a random integer with support [0, weights.length) from the discrete distribution of weights defined by the double[] array weights. Given the sum of weights sum the Gillespie algorithm picks a uniformly distributed random number in [0, sum) and then walks through the array of weights until the cumulative sum exceeds the random number. The index of the weight that exceeds the random number is returned.

      Note: this is the standard, non-optimized version of the Gillespie algorithm and is most likely best for small supports.

      weights - the array of weights of the discrete distribution
      sum - the sum of all weights
      the random integer
    • nextMax

      public int nextMax(double[] weights, double max)
      Return a random integer with support [0, weights.length) from the discrete distribution of weights defined by the double[] array weights. Given the maximum weight max, the drawing of weighted random numbers can be optmized by simplifying bookkeeping at the expense of drawing more random numbers.


      1. The optimization is most effective for large supports but can be hampered by heavily skewed weight distributions.
      2. For small supports the standard version of the Gillespie algorithm is likely faster. The threshold appears to be at around 350 elements.
      3. For skewed weights consider sorting the weights in descending order.
      4. max can be bigger than the actual maximum but the optimization becomes less efficient.
      weights - the array of weights of the discrete distribution
      max - the maximum weight in the array
      the random integer
      See Also:
    • clone

      public RNGDistribution.Gillespie clone()
      Description copied from class: RNGDistribution
      Clone this RNGDistribution to ensure both objects return identical sequences of random numbers.


      1. overrides clone() in Object but conflicts with GWT's aversion to clone()ing...
      2. remove @SuppressWarnings("all") to ensure that no other issues crept in when modifying method.
      Specified by:
      clone in class RNGDistribution
      clone of RNGDistribution
    • test

      public static void test(MersenneTwister rng, Logger logger, MersenneTwister.Chronometer clock)
      Test Gillespie algorithm for random weight distribution.

      The test samples the distribution and bins the random numbers. This sample distribution is compared to the theoretical expectation. The mean deviation is the mean difference between the actual number of events in each bin and their expected number. For a perfect match the mean deviation is 0. The test passes if the mean deviation lies within one standard error from 0. This is more stringent than the traditional 95% confidence interval.

      rng - the random number generator
      logger - the logger for reporting results
      clock - the stop watch