Class CDLP
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Author:
- Christoph Hauert
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class CDL
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface Features
Features.Groups, Features.Pairs, Features.Static
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasHistogram
HasHistogram.Degree, HasHistogram.Fitness, HasHistogram.StatisticsProbability, HasHistogram.StatisticsStationary, HasHistogram.StatisticsTime, HasHistogram.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasMean
HasMean.Fitness, HasMean.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasPop2D
HasPop2D.Fitness, HasPop2D.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasPop3D
HasPop3D.Fitness, HasPop3D.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface IBS.HasIBS
IBS.HasIBS.CGroups, IBS.HasIBS.CPairs, IBS.HasIBS.DGroups, IBS.HasIBS.DPairs, IBS.HasIBS.MCGroups, IBS.HasIBS.MCPairs
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal CLOption
Command line option to set the cost of peer CLOption
Command line option to set the leniency of peer punishers towards cooperators, provided the composition of the interaction group reveals them as second-order free CLOption
Command line option to set the leniency of peer punishers towards CLOption
Command line option to set the fine of peer punishment for non-contributors.(package private) double
The cost of peer punishment of non-contributors.(package private) double
The fine for peer punishment of non-contributors.(package private) double
The leniency of peer punishers towards cooperators (0
: full leninecy,1
: no leninecy).(package private) double
The leniency of peer punishers towards loners (0
: full leninecy,1
: no leninecy).static final int
The trait (and index) value of peer punishers.Fields inherited from class CDL
cloCost, cloInterest, cloLoneCooperator, cloLoneDefector, cloLoner, cloOthers, cloSolo, COOPERATE, costCoop, DEFECT, doSolo, isLinearPGG, LONER, othersOnly, payLoneCoop, payLoneDefect, payLoner, r1, rN
Fields inherited from class Discrete
cloMonoStop, monoStop, mutation, species
Fields inherited from class Module
active, cloDeathRate, cloGeometry, cloNGroup, cloNPopulation, cloPhase2DAxis, cloSpeciesUpdateRate, cloTraitColors, cloTraitDisable, cloTraitNames, competition, deathRate, defaultColor, engine, ibs, ID, interaction, logger, map2fitness, markers, model, nActive, name, nGroup, nPopulation, nTraits, opponent, playerUpdate, speciesUpdateRate, structure, traitColor, traitName, trajectoryColor, VACANT
Fields inherited from interface HasS3
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(double[] density, int n, double[] avgscores) Calculate the average payoff/score for the frequency of traits/strategies specified in the arraydensity
for interactions in groups of sizen
(CLOParser parser) All providers of command line options must implement this method to collect their options.Opportunity to supply custom individual based simulations.Returns a string with information about the authors of the module.double
Get the leniency towards cooperators, provided the composition of the interaction group reveals them as second-order free riders.double
Get the leniency towards loners.double
Calculates and returns the minimum payoff/score of an individual.double
(int type) Calculate and return the payoff/score of individuals in monomorphic populations with trait/strategytype
Get the cost of peer punishment of non-contributors.double
Get the peer punishment fine to non-contributors.getTitle()
Returns title of active module, e.g.void
(int[] traitCount, double[] traitScore) Calculate the payoff/score for interactions in groups consisting of traits/strategies with respective numbers given in the arraytCount
Load new module and perform basic initializations.void
(int[] count, int n, double[] traitScores) Calculate the average payoff/score in a finite population with the number of each trait/strategy provided incount
for interaction groups of sizen
(int me, int[] traitCount, double[] traitScore) Calculate and return total (accumulated) payoff/score for pairwise interactions of the focal individual with trait/strategyme
against opponents with different traits/strategies.void
(double aValue) Set the leniency towards cooperators, provided the composition of the interaction group reveals them as second-order free riders.void
(double aValue) Set the leniency of punishment towards loners.void
(double aValue) Set the cost of peer punishment of non-contributors.void
(double aValue) Set the fine peer punishment for non-contributors.Methods inherited from class CDL
adjustCLO, check, getCostCoop, getDependent, getInterest, getMaxGameScore, getOthersOnly, getPayLoneCoop, getPayLoneDefect, getPayLoner, getSolo, interest, setCostCoop, setInterest, setInterest, setOthersOnly, setPayLoneCoop, setPayLoneDefect, setPayLoner, setSolo, unload
Methods inherited from class Discrete
add, getMaxMonoGameScore, getMinMonoGameScore, getMonoStop, getMutation, setMonoStop
Methods inherited from class Module
createGeometry, getActiveTraits, getCompetitionGeometry, getDeathRate, getGeometry, getIBSPopulation, getID, getInteractionGeometry, getKey, getMapToFitness, getMarkers, getMeanColors, getModelTypes, getNActive, getName, getNGroup, getNPopulation, getNRoles, getNSpecies, getNTraits, getOpponent, getPlayerUpdate, getSpecies, getSpecies, getSpeciesUpdateRate, getTraitColor, getTraitColors, getTraitName, getTraitNames, getTrajectoryColor, getVacant, init, isNeutral, processColorMap, reset, run, setActiveTraits, setDeathRate, setGeometries, setIBSPopulation, setModel, setName, setNGroup, setNPopulation, setNTraits, setOpponent, setSpeciesUpdateRate, setTraitColors, setTraitNames, setTrajectoryColor
Methods inherited from class Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface Features.Groups
getNGroup, isPairwise
Methods inherited from interface HasHistogram
getCustomLevels, getNTraits, getTraitColors
Methods inherited from interface IBS.HasIBS
Methods inherited from interface IBS.HasIBS.DGroups
Methods inherited from interface MilestoneListener
modelDidInit, modelDidReset, modelLoaded, modelRelaxed, modelRunning, modelSettings, modelStopped, modelUnloaded, moduleLoaded, moduleRestored, moduleUnloaded
Methods inherited from interface ODE.HasODE
Methods inherited from interface PDE.HasPDE
Methods inherited from interface SDE.HasSDE
Field Details
public static final int PUNISHThe trait (and index) value of peer punishers.- See Also:
double costPeerPunishThe cost of peer punishment of non-contributors.- See Also:
double finePeerPunishThe fine for peer punishment of non-contributors.- See Also:
double leniencyCoopThe leniency of peer punishers towards cooperators (0
: full leninecy,1
: no leninecy). Punishment of cooperators applies only if they happen to find themselves in an interaction group that reveals them as second-order free riders. For example, a group including a cooperator, a peer punisher and a defector such that the peer punisher notices the failure of the cooperator to punish the defector(s). The default is full leniency. -
double leniencyLonerThe leniency of peer punishers towards loners (0
: full leninecy,1
: no leninecy). The default is full leniency. -
Command line option to set the leniency of peer punishers towards cooperators, provided the composition of the interaction group reveals them as second-order free riders. -
Command line option to set the leniency of peer punishers towards loners. -
Command line option to set the fine of peer punishment for non-contributors. -
Command line option to set the cost of peer punishment.
Constructor Details
Create a new instance of the module for voluntary public goods games with peer punishment.- Parameters:
- the manager of modules and pacemaker for running the model
Method Details
public void load()Description copied from class:Module
Load new module and perform basic initializations. -
Description copied from class:Module
Returns a string with information about the authors of the module.- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Returns:
- the names of the authors
Description copied from class:Module
Returns title of active module, e.g. 2x2 games inTBT
returns "2x2 Games". -
public double getMinGameScore()Description copied from class:Module
Calculates and returns the minimum payoff/score of an individual. This value is important for converting payoffs/scores into probabilities, for scaling graphical output and some optimizations.- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Returns:
- the minimum payoff/score
- See Also:
public double getMonoGameScore(int type) Calculate and return the payoff/score of individuals in monomorphic populations with trait/strategytype
.Note: Optional implementation. Returns
if not defined or not implemented.Note, monomorphic populations of peer punishers have the same payoff as monomorphic populations of cooperators.
- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Parameters:
- trait/strategy- Returns:
- payoff/score in monomorphic population with trait/strategy
public double pairScores(int me, int[] traitCount, double[] traitScore) Calculate and return total (accumulated) payoff/score for pairwise interactions of the focal individual with trait/strategyme
against opponents with different traits/strategies. The respective numbers of each of thenTraits
opponent traits/strategies are provided in the arraytCount
. The payoffs/scores for each of thenTraits
opponent traits/strategies must be stored and returned in the arraytScore
.Important: must be overridden and implemented in subclasses that define game interactions between pairs of individuals (
), otherwise seeIBS.HasIBS.DGroups.groupScores(int[], double[])
.Note: Leniency with cooperators (and punishing cooperators that failed to punish defectors) does not matter in pairwise interactions because this requires at least groups of three or more players. For example a cooperator, a defector and a punisher interact. In such a group composition the cooperator reveals the fact that it does not punish the defector (second-order free riding) and in turn may get punished by the punisher.
- Specified by:
in interfaceIBS.HasIBS.DPairs
- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Parameters:
- the trait index of the focal individualtraitCount
- number of opponents with each trait/strategytraitScore
- array for returning the scores of each opponent trait/strategy- Returns:
- score of focal individual
accumulated over all interactions
public void groupScores(int[] traitCount, double[] traitScore) Description copied from interface:IBS.HasIBS.DGroups
Calculate the payoff/score for interactions in groups consisting of traits/strategies with respective numbers given in the arraytCount
. The interaction group size is given by the sum overtCount[i]
. The payoffs/scores for each of thenTraits
traits/strategies must be stored and returned in the arraytScore
.Important: must be overridden and implemented in subclasses that define game interactions among groups of individuals (for groups with sizes
, otherwise seeIBS.HasIBS.DPairs.pairScores(int, int[], double[])
).- Specified by:
in interfaceIBS.HasIBS.DGroups
- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Parameters:
- group composition given by the number of individuals with each trait/strategytraitScore
- array for returning the payoffs/scores of each trait/strategy
public void mixedScores(int[] count, int n, double[] traitScores) Calculate the average payoff/score in a finite population with the number of each trait/strategy provided incount
for interaction groups of sizen
. The payoffs/scores for each of thenTraits
traits/strategies must be stored and returned in the arraytraitScores
For payoff calculations:- each strategy sees one less of its own type in its environment
- the size of the environment is
- the fact that the payoff of each strategy does not depend on its own type simplifies things
for an example).Important:
Must be overridden and implemented in subclasses that define game interactions in well-mixed populations where individuals interact with everyone else. Computationally it is not feasible to cover this scenario withIBS.HasIBS.DPairs.pairScores(int, int[], double[])
orIBS.HasIBS.DGroups.groupScores(int[], double[])
, respectively.- standard non-linear PGG:
- \[ \begin{align} f_L =& c \sigma \\ f_D =& \frac{X}{M-1}\frac{N}{M-N} (B + S) + H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N-1) \sigma c \\ f_C =& \frac{(r_1-1)N}{M-N} \left(1-H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N-1)\right) c +\\ & \frac{N}{M-N}\left(\frac{X-2}{M-1} S - \frac{Y}{M-1} B\right) + H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N-1) \sigma c \end{align} \] with \[ \begin{align} B =& \frac{M-1}{X+Y} \frac{M-N}{M}\left(r_1 - \frac{2 S}{N-1}\right) \times \left(\frac{N}{M-N} - \frac{\big(1-H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N)\big)M}{N(X+Y-1)}\right) c \\ S =& \frac{(r_\text{all}-r_1)(X-1)}{(X+Y-2)} c \end{align} \] using \[ H_2(X, x, Y, y) = \frac{\binom{X}{x}\binom{Y}{y}}{\binom{X+Y}{x+y}} \]
- other's only non-linear PGG:
- \[ \begin{align} f_L =& c \sigma \\ f_D =& \frac{X}{M-1} \frac{N}{M-N} (B + S) + H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N-1) \sigma c \\ f_C =& \frac{X-2}{M-1} \frac{N}{M-N} (B + S) +\frac{r_1 (N-1)}{(M-N)(X+Y)}c- \frac{N}{M-N}\left(\frac{r_1 (M-X-Y-N+1)}{N(X+Y)(X+Y-1)}+1\right)\times \\ & \left(1-H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N-1)\right)c+ H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N-1) \sigma c \end{align} \] with \[ \begin{align} B =& \frac{M-1}{X+Y} \frac{M-N}{M} \left(r_1 - \frac{2 S}{N-1}\right) \times \left(\frac{N}{M-N} - \frac{\big(1-H_2(X+Y-1, 0, M-X-Y, N)\big)M}{N(X+Y-1)}\right)c \\ S =& \frac{(r_\text{all}-r_1)(X-1)}{X+Y-2}\frac{N-1}{N-2}c. \end{align} \]
Proper sampling in finite populations - formulas for standard public goods interactions with private punishment: \[ \begin{align} f_C =& \sigma-\frac w{M-1}(N-1)\delta\beta\\ f_D =& B-\frac w{M-1}(N-1)\beta\\ f_C =& B-F(z)c-w(N-1)G(y)\alpha\beta\\ f_P =& B-F(z)c-\frac y{M-1}(N-1)\gamma-x(N-1)G(y)\alpha\gamma-\frac z{M-1}(N-1)\delta\gamma \end{align} \] with \[ \begin{align} B =& \frac{\binom z{N-1}}{\binom{M-1}{N-1}}\sigma+r\frac {x+w}{M-z-1}\times\\ \left(1-\frac 1{N(M-z)}\left( M-(z-N+1)\frac{\binom z{N-1}}{\binom{M-1}{N-1}}\right)\right) c\\ F(z) =& 1-\frac rN\frac{M-N}{M-z-1}+\frac{\binom z{N-1}}{\binom{M-1}{N-1}} \left(\frac rN \frac{z+1}{M-z-1}+r\frac{M-z-2}{M-z-1}-1\right)\\ G(y) =& \frac 1{M-1}-\frac 1{M-y-1}\frac{\binom{M-y-1}{N-1}}{\binom{M-1}{N-1}} \end{align} \]
- Specified by:
in interfaceIBS.HasIBS.DGroups
- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Parameters:
- number of individuals for each trait/strategyn
- interaction group sizetraitScores
- array for returning the payoffs/scores of each trait/strategy
public void avgScores(double[] density, int n, double[] avgscores) Description copied from class:CDL
Calculate the average payoff/score for the frequency of traits/strategies specified in the arraydensity
for interactions in groups of sizen
. The average payoffs/scores for each of thenTraits
traits/strategies must be stored and returned in the arrayavgscores
.Note: needs to be thread safe for parallel processing of PDE's.
should be implemented in modules that advertise the model typesODE, SDE
.Alternatively, the method
ODE.getDerivatives(double, double[], double[], double[])
may be overridden in a subclass ofODE
, which may prevent calls toavgScores(...)
altogether.- standard non-linear PGG:
- \[ \begin{align} f_L =& c \sigma \\ f_D =& x (B + S) c + \sigma c z^{N-1} \\ f_C =& (r_1-1)\left(1-z^{N-1}\right)c-y B c + x S c + \sigma c z^{N-1} \end{align} \] with \[ \begin{align} B =& \frac1{1-z} \left(r_1 - \frac{2 S}{N-1}\right) \left(1-\frac{1-z^N}{N (1-z)}\right) \\ S =& x \frac{r_\text{all}-r_1}{1-z} \end{align} \]
- other's only non-linear PGG:
- \[ \begin{align} f_L =& c \sigma \\ f_D =& x (B + S) c + \sigma c z^{N-1} \\ f_C =& x (B + S) c - \left(1-z^{N-1}\right)c + \sigma c z^{N-1} \end{align} \] with \[ \begin{align} B =& \frac1{1-z} \left(r_1 - \frac{2 S}{N-1}\right) \left(1 - \frac{1-z^N}{N (1-z)}\right) \\ S =& x \frac{r_\text{all}-r_1}{1-z}\frac{N-1}{N-2} \end{align} \]
public void setPunishCost(double aValue) Set the cost of peer punishment of non-contributors.- Parameters:
- the cost of cooperation.
public double getPunishCost()Get the cost of peer punishment of non-contributors.- Returns:
- the cost of peer punishment.
public void setPunishFine(double aValue) Set the fine peer punishment for non-contributors.- Parameters:
- the peer punishment fine.
public double getPunishFine()Get the peer punishment fine to non-contributors.- Returns:
- the peer punishment fine.
public void setLeniencyCoop(double aValue) Set the leniency towards cooperators, provided the composition of the interaction group reveals them as second-order free riders.- Parameters:
- the leniency towards cooperators.- See Also:
public double getLeniencyCoop()Get the leniency towards cooperators, provided the composition of the interaction group reveals them as second-order free riders.- Returns:
- the leniency towards cooperators.
- See Also:
public void setLeniencyLoner(double aValue) Set the leniency of punishment towards loners.- Parameters:
- the leniency towards loners.- See Also:
public double getLeniencyLoner()Get the leniency towards loners.- Returns:
- the leniency towards loners.
- See Also:
Description copied from interface:CLOProvider
All providers of command line options must implement this method to collect their options.Each command line option is (uniquely) identified by it's name (see
), which corresponds to the long version of the option. If an attempt is made to add an option with a name that already exists, theparser
issues a warning and ignores the option. Thus, in general, implementing subclasses should first register their options and callsuper.collectCLO(CLOParser)
at the end such that subclasses are able to override command line options specified in a parental class.Override this method in subclasses to add further command line options. Subclasses must make sure that they include a call to super.
- Specified by:
in interfaceCLOProvider
- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Parameters:
- the reference to parser that manages command line options- See Also:
Opportunity to supply custom individual based simulations.The parent class
admits kaleidoscopes. None have been identified forCDLP
- use default IBS model.- Overrides:
in classCDL
- Returns:
- the custom IBSPopulation or
to use default.