Interface HasPop3D

All Known Subinterfaces:
HasPop3D.Fitness, HasPop3D.Strategy
All Known Implementing Classes:
ATBT, CDL, CDLP, CDLPQ, Centipede, CLabour, CSD, DemesTBT, EcoPGG, Moran, NetGames, RSP, scanCSD, simCDL, simCDLP, simCDLPQ, simMoran, simTBT, simTraits, TBT, Traits

public interface HasPop3D
Modules that implement the HasPop3D interface request a graphical view to visualize a 3D representation of the geomtery of the population in their GUI: Pop3D for GWT and none for JRE (java3d has long been retired).

Important: Implementations have to be agnostic of the runtime environment (JRE vs GWT).

Christoph Hauert
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    Modules that implement the HasPop3D.Strategy interface include 3D graphical visualizations of the geometry of the population where nodes display the color coded fitness of each individual.
    static interface 
    Modules that implement the HasPop3D.Strategy interface include 2D graphical visualizations of the geometry of the population where nodes display the color coded strategy of each individual.