Package org.evoludo.simulator.modules
Class NetGames
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class NetGames
extends Discrete
implements IBS.HasIBS, HasPop2D.Strategy, HasPop3D.Strategy, HasMean.Strategy, HasPop2D.Fitness, HasPop3D.Fitness, HasMean.Fitness, HasHistogram.Fitness, HasHistogram.Degree, HasHistogram.StatisticsStationary
Cooperation in dynamical networks.
- Author:
- Christoph Hauert
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The extension for IBS simulations implement cooperative actions on dynamical networks.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface Features
Features.Groups, Features.Pairs, Features.Static
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasHistogram
HasHistogram.Degree, HasHistogram.Fitness, HasHistogram.StatisticsProbability, HasHistogram.StatisticsStationary, HasHistogram.StatisticsTime, HasHistogram.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasMean
HasMean.Fitness, HasMean.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasPop2D
HasPop2D.Fitness, HasPop2D.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface HasPop3D
HasPop3D.Fitness, HasPop3D.Strategy
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface IBS.HasIBS
IBS.HasIBS.CGroups, IBS.HasIBS.CPairs, IBS.HasIBS.DGroups, IBS.HasIBS.DPairs, IBS.HasIBS.MCGroups, IBS.HasIBS.MCPairs
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal CLOption
Command line option to set the colors for altruists, fair players, and CLOption
Command line option to set the cost-to-benefit ratio of CLOption
Command line option to set the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.(package private) double
The probability to pick a random model for comparison.(package private) double
The cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.(package private) double
The selection strength on differences in payoff or cooperativity.static final int
The color index of altruists.static final int
The color index of egoists.static final int
The color index of fair players.Fields inherited from class Discrete
cloMonoStop, monoStop, mutation, species
Fields inherited from class Module
active, cloDeathRate, cloGeometry, cloNGroup, cloNPopulation, cloPhase2DAxis, cloSpeciesUpdateRate, cloTraitColors, cloTraitDisable, cloTraitNames, competition, deathRate, defaultColor, engine, ibs, ID, interaction, logger, map2fitness, markers, model, nActive, name, nGroup, nPopulation, nTraits, opponent, playerUpdate, speciesUpdateRate, structure, traitColor, traitName, trajectoryColor, VACANT
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Providers of command line options may want to remove certain options that other providers provided by overriding this method.void
(CLOParser parser) All providers of command line options must implement this method to collect their options.Opportunity to supply custom individual based simulations.Get the color of pure altruists (only help others, don't receive any help from others).Returns a string with information about the authors of the module.Get the color of pure egoists (only receive help from others, don't provide any help to others).Get the color of fair individuals (help the same number of individuals as help them, regardless of any potential reciprocity).getKey()
Returns identifier of the active module.double
Calculates and returns the maximum payoff/score of an individual.double
Calculates and returns the minimum payoff/score of an individual.double
Get the probability of picking a random model for comparison.double
Get the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.double
Get the selection strength on differences in payoffs and cooperativity.getTitle()
Returns title of active module, e.g.void
Load new module and perform basic initializations.<T> ColorMap
<T> processColorMap
(ColorMap<T> colorMap) void
(Color altruist) Set the color of pure altruists (only help others, don't receive any help from others).void
(Color egoist) Set the color of pure egoists (only receive help from others, don't provide any help to others).void
(Color fair) Set the color of fair individuals (help the same number of individuals as help them, regardless of any potential reciprocity).void
(double prob) Set the probability of picking a random model for comparison.void
(double ratio) Set the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.void
(double selection) Set the selection strength on differences in payoffs and cooperativity.Methods inherited from class Discrete
add, getMaxMonoGameScore, getMinMonoGameScore, getMonoGameScore, getMonoStop, getMutation, setMonoStop, unload
Methods inherited from class Module
check, createGeometry, getActiveTraits, getCompetitionGeometry, getDeathRate, getDependent, getGeometry, getIBSPopulation, getID, getInteractionGeometry, getMapToFitness, getMarkers, getMeanColors, getModelTypes, getNActive, getName, getNGroup, getNPopulation, getNRoles, getNSpecies, getNTraits, getOpponent, getPlayerUpdate, getSpecies, getSpecies, getSpeciesUpdateRate, getTraitColor, getTraitColors, getTraitName, getTraitNames, getTrajectoryColor, getVacant, init, isNeutral, reset, run, setActiveTraits, setDeathRate, setGeometries, setIBSPopulation, setModel, setName, setNGroup, setNPopulation, setNTraits, setOpponent, setSpeciesUpdateRate, setTraitColors, setTraitNames, setTrajectoryColor
Methods inherited from class Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface Features
isPairwise, isStatic
Methods inherited from interface HasHistogram
getCustomLevels, getNTraits, getTraitColors
Methods inherited from interface IBS.HasIBS
Methods inherited from interface MilestoneListener
modelDidInit, modelDidReset, modelLoaded, modelRelaxed, modelRunning, modelSettings, modelStopped, modelUnloaded, moduleLoaded, moduleRestored, moduleUnloaded
Field Details
double ratioThe cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation. -
double selectionThe selection strength on differences in payoff or cooperativity. -
double pRandomSampleThe probability to pick a random model for comparison. -
public static final int TYPE_ALTRUISTThe color index of altruists.- See Also:
public static final int TYPE_FAIRThe color index of fair players.- See Also:
public static final int TYPE_EGOISTThe color index of egoists.- See Also:
Command line option to set the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation. -
Command line option to set the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation. -
Command line option to set the colors for altruists, fair players, and egoists.
Constructor Details
Create a new instance of the module for cooperation in dynamical networks, where the network structure encodes the individuals behaviour.- Parameters:
- the manager of modules and pacemaker for running the model
Method Details
public void load()Description copied from class:Module
Load new module and perform basic initializations. -
Description copied from class:Module
Returns identifier of the active module. For example, 2x2 games inTBT
return "2x2". This corresponds to the argument for the--module
option to load a particular module. The default is to use the class name. -
Description copied from class:Module
Returns a string with information about the authors of the module.- Overrides:
in classModule
- Returns:
- the names of the authors
Description copied from class:Module
Returns title of active module, e.g. 2x2 games inTBT
returns "2x2 Games". -
Opportunity for modules to make adjustments to the color map in graphs such asPop2D
. By default no changes are made.Dynamical networks use a custom mapping for colors.
- Overrides:
in classModule
- Type Parameters:
- the type of the color map- Parameters:
- the color map- Returns:
- the processed color map
- See Also:
public double getMinGameScore()Description copied from class:Module
Calculates and returns the minimum payoff/score of an individual. This value is important for converting payoffs/scores into probabilities, for scaling graphical output and some optimizations.- Specified by:
in classModule
- Returns:
- the minimum payoff/score
- See Also:
public double getMaxGameScore()Description copied from class:Module
Calculates and returns the maximum payoff/score of an individual. This value is important for converting payoffs/scores into probabilities, for scaling graphical output and some optimizations.- Specified by:
in classModule
- Returns:
- the maximum payoff/score
- See Also:
public void setRatio(double ratio) Set the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.- Parameters:
- the new cost-to-benefit ratio
public double getRatio()Get the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.- Returns:
- the cost-to-benefit ratio
public void setSelection(double selection) Set the selection strength on differences in payoffs and cooperativity.- Parameters:
- the new selection strength
public double getSelection()Get the selection strength on differences in payoffs and cooperativity.- Returns:
- the selection strength
public void setRandomSampleProb(double prob) Set the probability of picking a random model for comparison.- Parameters:
- the new probability to pick a random model
public double getRandomSampleProb()Get the probability of picking a random model for comparison.- Returns:
- the probability to pick a random model
Set the color of pure altruists (only help others, don't receive any help from others).- Parameters:
- the new color of altruists
Get the color of pure altruists (only help others, don't receive any help from others).- Returns:
- the color of altruists
Set the color of fair individuals (help the same number of individuals as help them, regardless of any potential reciprocity).- Parameters:
- the new color of fair individuals
Get the color of fair individuals (help the same number of individuals as help them, regardless of any potential reciprocity).- Returns:
- the color of fair individuals
Set the color of pure egoists (only receive help from others, don't provide any help to others).- Parameters:
- the new color of egoists
Get the color of pure egoists (only receive help from others, don't provide any help to others).- Returns:
- the color of egoists
Description copied from interface:CLOProvider
All providers of command line options must implement this method to collect their options.Each command line option is (uniquely) identified by it's name (see
), which corresponds to the long version of the option. If an attempt is made to add an option with a name that already exists, theparser
issues a warning and ignores the option. Thus, in general, implementing subclasses should first register their options and callsuper.collectCLO(CLOParser)
at the end such that subclasses are able to override command line options specified in a parental class.Override this method in subclasses to add further command line options. Subclasses must make sure that they include a call to super.
- Specified by:
in interfaceCLOProvider
- Overrides:
in classDiscrete
- Parameters:
- the reference to parser that manages command line options- See Also:
Description copied from interface:CLOProvider
Providers of command line options may want to remove certain options that other providers provided by overriding this method. After all command line options are collected, all providers get a chance to adjust the collection. In particular, options should be removed that do not make sense in present context. Overriding methods usually callCLOParser.removeCLO(String[])
or variants thereof.- Specified by:
in interfaceCLOProvider
- Parameters:
- the reference to parser that manages command line options- See Also:
Description copied from class:Module
Opportunity to supply custom individual based simulations.- Overrides:
in classModule
- Returns:
- the custom IBSPopulation or
to use default.