Class Model

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public abstract class Model extends Object implements CLOProvider
Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.
Christoph Hauert
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of samples to take for statistical measurements.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of generations to relax the model from the initial configuration.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of generations between reports for EvoLudo.modelNext().
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of generations after which to stop the model calculations.
    protected boolean
    Flag to indicate whether the current data point belongs to the same time series.
    protected boolean
    Flag to indicate whether the model has converged.
    protected EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    protected FixationData
    The container for collecting statistics samples.
    protected boolean
    Flag to indicate whether the model entertains multiple species, i.e.
    (package private) boolean
    The flag to indicate whether the model is currently relaxing the initial configuration.
    protected Logger
    Logger for keeping track of and reporting events and issues.
    protected Mode
    Indicates current mode of IBS model.
    protected double
    The number of statistical samples to collect before returning the results.
    protected int
    The number of species in multi-species models.
    protected int
    Number of failed statistics samples.
    protected int
    Number of statistics samples collected.
    protected RNGDistribution
    The shared random number generator to ensure reproducibility of results.
    protected ArrayList<? extends Module>
    Short-cut to the list of species modules.
    protected boolean
    The flag to indicate whether to start new statistics sample.
    protected double
    Keeps track of the time elapsed.
    protected double
    The relaxation time for simulations measured in generations.
    protected double
    Indicates the interval (measured in generations) after which models report updates on their current state.
    protected double
    Running simulations are halted when time ≥ timeStop holds for the first time.
    (package private) Type
    The type of the model: IBS, ODE, SDE, or PDE.
  • Constructor Summary

    Model(EvoLudo engine)
    Creates a model.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Check consistency of parameters and adjust if necessary (and possible).
    All providers of command line options must implement this method to collect their options.
    Perform single debug step in models that allow it.
    abstract void
    Encode the state of the model in a plist inspired XML string.
    Gets a formatted string summarizing the elapsed time.
    abstract <T> void
    getFitnessData(int id, T[] colors, ColorMap.Gradient1D<T> colorMap)
    Translates fitness data into colors using ColorMap colorMap.
    abstract void
    getFitnessHistogramData(int id, double[][] bins)
    Generates a histogram of fitness data and returns the result in the provided array bins.
    getFitnessNameAt(int id, int idx)
    Gets the fitness at location idx for species with ID id as a formatted string.
    Gets the statistics sample of the fixation data.
    abstract void
    getInitialTraits(double[] init)
    Collect and return initial trait values for all species.
    abstract void
    getInitialTraits(int id, double[] init)
    Return initial trait values for species with ID id.
    Return the logger for reporting information.
    abstract double
    getMaxFitness(int id)
    Calculates and returns the absolute fitness maximum.
    abstract double
    getMaxScore(int id)
    Returns the maximum score that individuals of species with ID id can achieve in this model.
    abstract boolean
    getMeanFitness(double[] mean)
    Gets the mean fitness values for traits in all species.
    abstract boolean
    getMeanFitness(int id, double[] mean)
    Gets the mean fitness values for species with ID id.
    getMeanFitnessAt(int id, int idx)
    Gets the mean fitness(es) of this model at location idx.
    getMeanName(int index)
    Return the name of the mean trait with index index or null if index is invalid.
    Return the names of the mean traits of this model.
    getMeanTraitAt(int id, int idx)
    Return mean trait values at location idx for species with ID id.
    abstract boolean
    getMeanTraits(double[] mean)
    Collect and return mean trait values for all species.
    abstract boolean
    getMeanTraits(int id, double[] mean)
    Return mean trait values for species with ID id.
    abstract double
    getMinFitness(int id)
    Calculates and returns the absolute fitness minimum.
    abstract double
    getMinScore(int id)
    Returns the minimum score that individuals of species with ID id can achieve in this model.
    Gets the Mode of the model.
    Gets the next generation for which stopping the model execution has been requested.
    abstract int
    Return the number of mean values for this model including all species (for traits or fitness).
    abstract int
    getNMean(int id)
    Return the number of mean trait values for species with ID id.
    Gets the number of statistical samples after which the active Model is halted.
    Return the number of species in this model.
    Gets the number of failed statistics samples.
    Gets the number of statistics samples collected so far.
    getScoreNameAt(int id, int idx)
    Gets the score at location idx for species with ID id as a formatted string.
    getSpecies(int id)
    Return the species with ID id.
    abstract String
    Returns status message from model.
    Gets the elapsed time in model.
    Gets the number of generations to relax the initial configuration of the active Model.
    Get the interval between subsequent reports to the GUI or the simulation controller measured in generations (or fractions thereof).
    Gets the number of generations after which the active Model is halted.
    abstract <T> void
    getTraitData(int id, T[] colors, ColorMap<T> colorMap)
    Gets the trait data for species with ID id and translates them into colors using the colorMap.
    getTraitNameAt(int id, int idx)
    Gets the formatted trait names at location idx for species with ID id.
    Gets the type of the model.
    Checks if model has converged.
    Milestone: Initialize this model
    Clear statistics sample and get ready to collect next sample.
    Clear statistics sample and get ready to collect next sample.
    Checks if the current data point should be connected to the previous one.
    Checks if model deals with continuous traits.
    Checks if model is of type ODE/SDE/PDE.
    Checks if model is of type IBS.
    Checks if model is of type ODE.
    Checks if model is of type PDE.
    Check if EvoLudo model is in the process of relaxing.
    Checks if model is of type SDE.
    Checks if time is reversed.
    isType(Type aType)
    Checks if model is of type aType.
    Milestone: Load this model and allocate resources (if applicable).
    abstract boolean
    Advance model by one step.
    Checks if debugging single steps is supported.
    Check if current model implements mode test; by default only Mode.DYNAMICS is permitted.
    Check if the current model settings permit sample statistics.
    Checks if time reversal is permitted.
    Check if the current model settings permit update statistics.
    Signal that statistics sample is ready to process.
    Relax the initial configuration of the model over timeRelax generations.
    requestMode(Mode newmode)
    Request a change of the Mode of the model.
    Milestone: Reset this model
    Reset statistics and get ready to start new collection.
    abstract boolean
    Restore the state encoded in the plist inspired map of key, value-pairs.
    setInitialTraits(double[] init)
    Set initial traits in one or all species.
    setInitialTraits(int id, double[] init)
    Set initial trait values for species with ID id.
    setMode(Mode mode)
    Sets the Mode of model/simulator.
    setNSamples(double nSamples)
    Sets the number of statistical samples taken after which the active Model is halted.
    setTimeRelax(double relax)
    Sets the number of generations to relax the initial configuration of the active Model.
    setTimeReversed(boolean reversed)
    Request time reversal if reversed==true.
    setTimeStep(double aValue)
    Set the report interval, i.e.
    setTimeStop(double timeStop)
    Sets the number of generations after which the active Model is halted.
    Milestone: Unload this model and free resources (if applicable).
    abstract void
    Update this model.
    GWT models run asynchronously and long running tasks require scheduling to maintain responsive user interface.

    Methods inherited from class Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface CLOProvider

  • Field Details

    • engine

      protected EvoLudo engine
      The pacemaker of all models. Interface with the outside world.
    • logger

      protected Logger logger
      Logger for keeping track of and reporting events and issues.
    • rng

      protected RNGDistribution rng
      The shared random number generator to ensure reproducibility of results.
      See Also:
    • time

      protected double time
      Keeps track of the time elapsed. Time is measured in number of generations. In IBS models this corresponds to one Monte-Carlo step, such that in a population of size N one generation corresponds to N updates, which translates to N events (birth, death, imitation, etc.). Notes:
      1. generation==0 after reset() and at the beginning of a simulation run.
      2. generation is incremented before the next event is processed, to reflect the time at which the event occurs.
      3. generally differs from 'real time'.
      4. may be negative for models that admit time reversal (e.g. integrating ODE backwards).
      See Also:
    • species

      protected ArrayList<? extends Module> species
      Short-cut to the list of species modules. Convenience field.
    • nSpecies

      protected int nSpecies
      The number of species in multi-species models.
    • isMultispecies

      protected boolean isMultispecies
      Flag to indicate whether the model entertains multiple species, i.e. nSpecies&gt;1. Convenience field.
    • converged

      protected boolean converged
      Flag to indicate whether the model has converged. Once a model has converged the model execution automatically stops.
    • connect

      protected boolean connect
      Flag to indicate whether the current data point belongs to the same time series. This is used by the GUI to decide whether to connect the data points or not. Typically this is false only after init(), reset(), restoreState(Plist) or similar.
    • isRelaxing

      boolean isRelaxing
      The flag to indicate whether the model is currently relaxing the initial configuration.
    • mode

      protected Mode mode
      Indicates current mode of IBS model.
    • statisticsSampleNew

      protected boolean statisticsSampleNew
      The flag to indicate whether to start new statistics sample.
    • nStatisticsSamples

      protected int nStatisticsSamples
      Number of statistics samples collected.
    • nStatisticsFailed

      protected int nStatisticsFailed
      Number of failed statistics samples.
    • fixData

      protected FixationData fixData
      The container for collecting statistics samples.
    • type

      Type type
      The type of the model: IBS, ODE, SDE, or PDE.
    • timeStep

      protected double timeStep
      Indicates the interval (measured in generations) after which models report updates on their current state. for example, the GUI gets updated whenever timeStep generations (or fractions thereof) have elapsed.

      Note: timeStep<0 disables reporting; timeStep=0 reports every single update.

    • cloTimeStep

      public final CLOption cloTimeStep
      Command line option to set the number of generations between reports for EvoLudo.modelNext().
    • timeRelax

      protected double timeRelax
      The relaxation time for simulations measured in generations.

      Note: timeRelax is set with the command line option --timerelax

      See Also:
    • cloTimeRelax

      public final CLOption cloTimeRelax
      Command line option to set the number of generations to relax the model from the initial configuration. After relaxation the model is assumed to be close to its (thermal) equilibrium. In particular, the system should be ready for measurements such as the strategy abundances, their fluctuations or the local strategy configurations in structured populations.
    • timeStop

      protected double timeStop
      Running simulations are halted when time ≥ timeStop holds for the first time. This is useful to indicate the end of simulations or to generate (graphical) snapshots in the GUI after a specified amount of time has elapsed.

      Note: timeStop is set with the command line option --timestop (or -g),

      See Also:
    • cloTimeStop

      public final CLOption cloTimeStop
      Command line option to set the number of generations after which to stop the model calculations. Model execution can be resumed afterwards.
    • nSamples

      protected double nSamples
      The number of statistical samples to collect before returning the results.

      Note: nSamples is set with the command line option --samples

      See Also:
    • cloSamples

      public final CLOption cloSamples
      Command line option to set the number of samples to take for statistical measurements.
  • Constructor Details

    • Model

      public Model(EvoLudo engine)
      Creates a model.
      engine - the pacemaker for running the model
  • Method Details

    • load

      public void load()
      Milestone: Load this model and allocate resources (if applicable).
      See Also:
    • unload

      public void unload()
      Milestone: Unload this model and free resources (if applicable).
      See Also:
    • check

      public boolean check()
      Check consistency of parameters and adjust if necessary (and possible). All issues and modifications should be reported through logger. Some parameters can be adjusted while the model remains active or even while running, whereas others require a reset. An example of the former category is in general simple adjustments of payoffs, while an example of the latter category is a change of the population structure.
      true if reset required
      See Also:
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Milestone: Reset this model
      See Also:
    • init

      public void init()
      Milestone: Initialize this model
      See Also:
    • update

      public abstract void update()
      Update this model. For example called after initialization and when parameters changed.
      See Also:
    • next

      public abstract boolean next()
      Advance model by one step. The details of what happens during one step depends on the models Type as well as its Mode.
      true if next() can be called again. Typically false is returned if the model requires attention, such as the following conditions:
      • the model has converged
      • the model turned monomorphic (stops only if requested)
      • a statistics sample is available
      • a preset time has been reached
      See Also:
    • relax

      public boolean relax()
      Relax the initial configuration of the model over timeRelax generations. During relaxation the method isRelaxing() must return true.
      true if converged during relaxation
      See Also:
    • isRelaxing

      public boolean isRelaxing()
      Check if EvoLudo model is in the process of relaxing.
      true if model is currently relaxing
      See Also:
    • hasConverged

      public boolean hasConverged()
      Checks if model has converged.
      true if model has converged.
      See Also:
    • getSpecies

      public Module getSpecies(int id)
      Return the species with ID id.
      id - the species identifier
      the species
    • getNSpecies

      public int getNSpecies()
      Return the number of species in this model.
      the number of species
    • requestMode

      public boolean requestMode(Mode newmode)
      Request a change of the Mode of the model. Returns false if newmode is not supported.
      newmode - the requested mode
      true if mode supported
      See Also:
    • permitsMode

      public boolean permitsMode(Mode test)
      Check if current model implements mode test; by default only Mode.DYNAMICS is permitted.
      test - the mode to test
      true if test is available in current model
    • setMode

      public boolean setMode(Mode mode)
      Sets the Mode of model/simulator. Returns false if mode is already active or not supported.

      Note: Do not set mode directly. Changes of the execution mode should be coordinated by the engine through requests.

      mode - change mode of model to mode
      true if mode changed
      See Also:
    • getMode

      public Mode getMode()
      Gets the Mode of the model.
      mode of model
    • permitsSampleStatistics

      public boolean permitsSampleStatistics()
      Check if the current model settings permit sample statistics. Fixation probabilities and times are examples of statistics based on samples.
      true if sample statistics are permitted
    • permitsUpdateStatistics

      public boolean permitsUpdateStatistics()
      Check if the current model settings permit update statistics. Sojourn times are an example of statistics based on updates.
      true if update statistics are permitted
    • resetStatisticsSample

      public void resetStatisticsSample()
      Reset statistics and get ready to start new collection.
    • initStatisticsSample

      public void initStatisticsSample()
      Clear statistics sample and get ready to collect next sample.
    • initStatisticsFailed

      public void initStatisticsFailed()
      Clear statistics sample and get ready to collect next sample.
    • readStatisticsSample

      public void readStatisticsSample()
      Signal that statistics sample is ready to process.
    • getNStatisticsSamples

      public int getNStatisticsSamples()
      Gets the number of statistics samples collected so far.
      the number of samples
    • getNStatisticsFailed

      public int getNStatisticsFailed()
      Gets the number of failed statistics samples.
      the number of samples
    • getFixationData

      public FixationData getFixationData()
      Gets the statistics sample of the fixation data.
      the statistics sample
    • isContinuous

      public boolean isContinuous()
      Checks if model deals with continuous traits.
      true if traits are continuous
    • getType

      public Type getType()
      Gets the type of the model.
      the type of the model
    • isType

      public boolean isType(Type aType)
      Checks if model is of type aType.
      aType - the type to check
      true for models of type aType
    • isIBS

      public boolean isIBS()
      Checks if model is of type IBS.
      true for IBS models
    • isODE

      public boolean isODE()
      Checks if model is of type ODE.
      true for ODE models
    • isSDE

      public boolean isSDE()
      Checks if model is of type SDE.
      true for SDE models
    • isPDE

      public boolean isPDE()
      Checks if model is of type PDE.
      true for PDE models
    • isDE

      public boolean isDE()
      Checks if model is of type ODE/SDE/PDE.
      true for differential equations models
    • useScheduling

      public boolean useScheduling()
      GWT models run asynchronously and long running tasks require scheduling to maintain responsive user interface. In contrast, JRE provides a multi-threaded environment, which allows to run multiple threads synchronously. This parallel execution results in an significant speed-boost (for PDE calculations).
      true if model calculations are asynchronous
    • getLogger

      public Logger getLogger()
      Return the logger for reporting information.
      the logger
    • getMinScore

      public abstract double getMinScore(int id)
      Returns the minimum score that individuals of species with ID id can achieve in this model. Takes into account potential adjustments due to population structure and payoff accounting.
      id - the id of the population for multi-species models
      the minimum score
      See Also:
    • getMaxScore

      public abstract double getMaxScore(int id)
      Returns the maximum score that individuals of species with ID id can achieve in this model. Takes into account potential adjustments due to population structure and payoff accounting.
      id - the id of the population for multi-species models
      the maximum score
      See Also:
    • getMinFitness

      public abstract double getMinFitness(int id)
      Calculates and returns the absolute fitness minimum. This is important to
      1. determine probabilities or rates for adopting the strategy of another player,
      2. optimize fitness based picking of individuals, and
      3. scaling graphical output.
      id - the id of the population for multi-species models
      the minimum fitness
      See Also:
    • getMaxFitness

      public abstract double getMaxFitness(int id)
      Calculates and returns the absolute fitness maximum. This is important to
      1. determine probabilities or rates for adopting the strategy of another player,
      2. optimize fitness based picking of individuals, and
      3. scaling graphical output.
      id - the id of the population for multi-species models
      the maximum fitness
      See Also:
    • getStatus

      public abstract String getStatus()
      Returns status message from model. Typically this is a string summarizing the current state of the simulation. For example, models with discrete strategy sets (such as 2x2 games, see TBT) return the average frequencies of each strategy type in the population(s), see IBSDPopulation. Similarly, models with continuous strategies (such as continuous snowdrift games, see CSD) return the mean, minimum and maximum trait value(s) in the population(s), see IBSMCPopulation. The status message is displayed along the bottom of the GUI.

      Note: if the model runs into difficulties, problems should be reported through the logging mechanism. Messages with severity Level.WARNING or higher are displayed in the status of the GUI and override status messages returned here.

      status of active model
    • getCounter

      public String getCounter()
      Gets a formatted string summarizing the elapsed time.
      elapsed time as string
    • getTime

      public double getTime()
      Gets the elapsed time in model. Time is measured in generations.
      elapsed time
      See Also:
    • setInitialTraits

      public boolean setInitialTraits(double[] init)
      Set initial traits in one or all species.

      NOTE: this is a convenience method for multi-species modules to set inital states efficiently for interactions with GUI.

      init - the array with the initial trait values
      true if initial traits successfully set
    • getInitialTraits

      public abstract void getInitialTraits(double[] init)
      Collect and return initial trait values for all species.

      NOTE: this is a convenience method for multi-species modules to retrieve states efficiently for further processing or visualization.

      init - the array for storing the initial trait values
    • setInitialTraits

      public boolean setInitialTraits(int id, double[] init)
      Set initial trait values for species with ID id.
      id - the species identifier
      init - the array with the initial trait values
      true if initial traits successfully set
    • getInitialTraits

      public abstract void getInitialTraits(int id, double[] init)
      Return initial trait values for species with ID id.
      id - the species identifier
      init - the array for storing the initial trait values
    • getNMean

      public abstract int getNMean()
      Return the number of mean values for this model including all species (for traits or fitness). By default this returns the number of traits in the module. Models that report a different number of mean traits must override this method
      the number of mean values for all species
    • getNMean

      public abstract int getNMean(int id)
      Return the number of mean trait values for species with ID id.
      id - the species identifier
      the number of mean values for species id
    • getMeanNames

      public String[] getMeanNames()
      Return the names of the mean traits of this model.
      the names of the mean traits
    • getMeanName

      public String getMeanName(int index)
      Return the name of the mean trait with index index or null if index is invalid.
      index - the index of the mean trait
      the name of mean trait with index index
    • getMeanTraits

      public abstract boolean getMeanTraits(double[] mean)
      Collect and return mean trait values for all species.

      NOTE: this is a convenience method for multi-species modules to retrieve states efficiently for further processing or visualization.

      mean - the array for storing the mean trait values
      true if this and previous data point should be connected, i.e. no reset had been requested in the mean time.
    • getMeanTraits

      public abstract boolean getMeanTraits(int id, double[] mean)
      Return mean trait values for species with ID id.
      id - the species identifier
      mean - the array for storing the mean trait values
      true if this and the previous data point should be connected, i.e. no reset had been requested in the mean time.
    • getMeanTraitAt

      public double[] getMeanTraitAt(int id, int idx)
      Return mean trait values at location idx for species with ID id.

      Note: optional implementation; currently makes sense only for local dynamics in PDE models.

      IMPORTANT: the returned array is live and should not be altered.

      id - the species identifier
      idx - the index of the location
      array of mean trait values
    • getTraitNameAt

      public String getTraitNameAt(int id, int idx)
      Gets the formatted trait names at location idx for species with ID id. The formatting may include HTML tags. Used by GUI for example to show trait names in tooltips.

      Note: optional implementation. Currently makes sense only for IBS models and local dynamics in PDE models.

      id - the species identifier
      idx - the index of the location
      description of traits at idx
    • getTraitData

      public abstract <T> void getTraitData(int id, T[] colors, ColorMap<T> colorMap)
      Gets the trait data for species with ID id and translates them into colors using the colorMap. The result is stored and returned in colors. Used by GUI to visualize the current state of the model.
      Type Parameters:
      T - color data type. Color for PopGraph2D and PopGraph2D as well as MeshLambertMaterial for PopGraph3D
      id - the species identifier
      colors - the array for storing the colors for individuals
      colorMap - the map for translating individual traits into colors
    • getMeanFitness

      public abstract boolean getMeanFitness(double[] mean)
      Gets the mean fitness values for traits in all species. The result is stored and returned in mean. Used by GUI to visualize the current the state of the model.

      Note: this is a convenience method for multi-species modules to retrieve states efficiently for further processing or visualization.

      mean - the array for storing the mean fitness values
      true if this and the previous data point should be connected, i.e. no reset had been requested in the mean time.
    • getMeanFitness

      public abstract boolean getMeanFitness(int id, double[] mean)
      Gets the mean fitness values for species with ID id. The result is stored and returned in mean. Used by GUI to visualize local dynamics at idx.
      id - the species identifier
      mean - the array for storing the mean fitness values
      true if this and the previous data point should be connected, i.e. no reset had been requested in the mean time.
    • getMeanFitnessAt

      public double[] getMeanFitnessAt(int id, int idx)
      Gets the mean fitness(es) of this model at location idx. Used by GUI to visualize local dynamics at idx.

      Note: optional implementation. Currently makes sense only for local dynamics in PDE models.

      IMPORTANT: the returned array is live and should not be altered.

      id - the species identifier
      idx - the location of the fitness values
      the array of mean fitness values
    • getFitnessNameAt

      public String getFitnessNameAt(int id, int idx)
      Gets the fitness at location idx for species with ID id as a formatted string. The formatting may include HTML tags. Used by GUI for example to show fitness in tooltips.

      Note: optional implementation. Currently makes sense only for IBS and PDE models.

      id - the species identifier
      idx - the index of the location
      the fitness as a formatted string
    • getScoreNameAt

      public String getScoreNameAt(int id, int idx)
      Gets the score at location idx for species with ID id as a formatted string. The formatting may include HTML tags. Used by GUI for example to show scores in tooltips.

      Note: optional implementation. Currently makes sense only for IBS and PDE models.

      id - the species identifier
      idx - the index of the location
      the score as a formatted string
    • getFitnessData

      public abstract <T> void getFitnessData(int id, T[] colors, ColorMap.Gradient1D<T> colorMap)
      Translates fitness data into colors using ColorMap colorMap. Used by GUI to visualize current state of model.
      Type Parameters:
      T - color data type. Color for PopGraph2D and PopGraph2D as well as MeshLambertMaterial for PopGraph3D
      id - the species identifier
      colors - the array for storing color values
      colorMap - the map to use for translating traits to colors
    • getFitnessHistogramData

      public abstract void getFitnessHistogramData(int id, double[][] bins)
      Generates a histogram of fitness data and returns the result in the provided array bins. For Discrete modules a fitness histogram is returned for each trait separately. For Continuous modules there is, in general, only a single fitness dimension.
      id - the species identifier
      bins - the array for storing histogram. For Discrete modules this is always one dimensional
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected()
      Checks if the current data point should be connected to the previous one. For example, returns false after a model has been reset and subsequent data points no longer refer to the same time series.
      true if data points are connected.
    • permitsTimeReversal

      public boolean permitsTimeReversal()
      Checks if time reversal is permitted. By default returns false. Only few models are capable of time reversal.
      true if time reversal permissible.
      See Also:
    • isTimeReversed

      public boolean isTimeReversed()
      Checks if time is reversed. By default returns false. Only few models are capable of time reversal.
      true if time is reversed
      See Also:
    • setTimeReversed

      public void setTimeReversed(boolean reversed)
      Request time reversal if reversed==true. The model may not be able to honour the request. However, some models allow to travel back in time. In general, this is only possible for ODE and SDE models and even for those it may not be feasible due to details of the dynamics, such as dissipative terms in the differential equations. For example, in
      invalid reference
      the ecological dynamics of the patch quality prevents time reversal, i.e. results are numerically unstable due to exponential amplification of deviations in dissipative systems.
      reversed - the request whether time should be reversed.
      See Also:
    • permitsDebugStep

      public boolean permitsDebugStep()
      Checks if debugging single steps is supported. By default returns false. Only few models support debugging of single update steps.
      true if stepwise debuggin is permissible.
    • debugStep

      public void debugStep()
      Perform single debug step in models that allow it.
    • getNextHalt

      public double getNextHalt()
      Gets the next generation for which stopping the model execution has been requested.
      the next requested stop
    • setTimeStep

      public void setTimeStep(double aValue)
      Set the report interval, i.e. number of updates in one step (see EvoLudo.modelNext() measured in generations (or fractions thereof).
      aValue - the new report interval
    • getTimeStep

      public double getTimeStep()
      Get the interval between subsequent reports to the GUI or the simulation controller measured in generations (or fractions thereof).
      the report interval
    • setTimeRelax

      public void setTimeRelax(double relax)
      Sets the number of generations to relax the initial configuration of the active Model. In interactive mode (with GUI) the active Model starts running upon launch and stop after timeRelax.
      relax - the number of generations
      See Also:
    • getTimeRelax

      public double getTimeRelax()
      Gets the number of generations to relax the initial configuration of the active Model.
      the number of generations
      See Also:
    • setTimeStop

      public void setTimeStop(double timeStop)
      Sets the number of generations after which the active Model is halted.
      timeStop - the number of generations
      See Also:
    • getTimeStop

      public double getTimeStop()
      Gets the number of generations after which the active Model is halted.
      the number of generations
      See Also:
    • setNSamples

      public void setNSamples(double nSamples)
      Sets the number of statistical samples taken after which the active Model is halted.
      nSamples - the number of samples
      See Also:
    • getNSamples

      public double getNSamples()
      Gets the number of statistical samples after which the active Model is halted.
      the number of statistical samples
      See Also:
    • collectCLO

      public void collectCLO(CLOParser parser)
      Description copied from interface: CLOProvider
      All providers of command line options must implement this method to collect their options.

      Each command line option is (uniquely) identified by it's name (see CLOption.getName()), which corresponds to the long version of the option. If an attempt is made to add an option with a name that already exists, the parser issues a warning and ignores the option. Thus, in general, implementing subclasses should first register their options and call super.collectCLO(CLOParser) at the end such that subclasses are able to override command line options specified in a parental class.

      Override this method in subclasses to add further command line options. Subclasses must make sure that they include a call to super.

      Specified by:
      collectCLO in interface CLOProvider
      parser - the reference to parser that manages command line options
      See Also:
    • encodeState

      public abstract void encodeState(StringBuilder plist)
      Encode the state of the model in a plist inspired XML string. This allows to save the state and restore later with the exact same results as when continuing to run the model. This even allows to switch from JRE to GWT or back and obtain identical results!
      plist - the StringBuilder to write the encoded state to
      See Also:
    • restoreState

      public abstract boolean restoreState(Plist map)
      Restore the state encoded in the plist inspired map of key, value-pairs.
      map - the map of key, value-pairs
      true if successful
      See Also: