Interface IBS.HasIBS.MCPairs

All Superinterfaces:
Features, Features.Pairs, IBS.HasIBS
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface IBS.HasIBS.MCPairs extends IBS.HasIBS, Features.Pairs
Modules that offer individual based simulation models with multiple continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
  • Method Details

    • pairScores

      double pairScores(double[] me, double[] groupTraits, int len, double[] groupPayoffs)
      Calculate the payoff/score for modules with interactions in pairs and multiple continuous traits. The focal individual has traits me and the traits of its len interaction partners are given in group. The traits they are arranged in the usual manner, i.e. first all traits of the first group member then all traits by the second group member etc. for a total of len*nTraits entries. The payoffs/scores for each of the len opponent traits/strategies must be stored and returned in the array payoffs.


      Only the first len entries in group are guaranteed to exist and have meaningful values. The population structure may restrict the size of the interaction group. len≤nGroup always holds.


      must be overridden and implemented in subclasses that define game interactions between pairs of individuals (nGroup=2, pairwise=true), otherwise see IBS.HasIBS.CGroups.groupScores(double, double[], int, double[]).
      me - the trait of the focal individual
      groupTraits - the traits of the group members
      len - the number of memebrs in the group
      groupPayoffs - the array for returning the payoffs/scores for each group member
      the total (accumulated) payoff/score for the focal individual