Interface HasMean.Fitness

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ATBT, CDL, CDLP, CDLPQ, Centipede, CLabour, CSD, DemesTBT, EcoPGG, Moran, NetGames, RSP, scanCSD, simCDL, simCDLP, simCDLPQ, simMoran, simTBT, simTraits, TBT, Traits
Enclosing interface:

public static interface HasMean.Fitness extends HasMean
Modules that implement this interface request a LineGraph that depicts the mean fitness of the population. For discrete modules the mean fitness of each trait is shown together with the overall mean fitness of the population. For continuous modules the mean overall fitness of the population \(\bar f\) is shown together with its standard deviation \(\bar f \pm \sigma\).

Note: this requires that the Model implements the method Model.getMeanFitness(int, double[]).