Interface HasMean

All Known Subinterfaces:
HasMean.Fitness, HasMean.Strategy
All Known Implementing Classes:
ATBT, CDL, CDLP, CDLPQ, Centipede, CLabour, CSD, DemesTBT, EcoPGG, Moran, NetGames, RSP, scanCSD, simCDL, simCDLP, simCDLPQ, simMoran, simTBT, simTraits, TBT, Traits

public interface HasMean
Modules that implement the HasMean interface request a graphical view to visualize the mean state of the population as a function of time in their GUI: Mean for GWT and MVDMean, MVCMean for JRE.

Important: Implementations have to be agnostic of the runtime environment (JRE vs GWT).

Christoph Hauert
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    Modules that implement this interface request a LineGraph that depicts the mean fitness of the population.
    static interface 
    Modules that implement this interface request a LineGraph that depicts the mean strategies of the population.