Class Geometry


public class Geometry extends Object
Instances of Geometry represent the interaction and/or competition structure of the population. For a list of currently implemented geometries, Geometry.Type.
Christoph Hauert
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    The types of graph geometries.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The average number of incoming links.
    The average number of outgoing links.
    The average number of the sum of incoming and outgoing links.
    The degree or connectivity of the graph or (average) number of neighbours.
    (package private) EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    private boolean
    true if geometry has been evaluated.
    Flag indicating whether boundaries are fixed or periodic (default).
    The geometry of the graph.
    The number of units in each hierarchical level.
    The strength of interactions between hierarchical levels.
    This is the neighbourhood network structure of incoming links.
    true if the interaction and competition graphs are the same.
    true if the network structure is ephemeral.
    true if the network structure is regular (all nodes have the same number of neighbours).
    true if the graph includes rewired edges or links.
    true if the graph is undirected.
    true if the network structure has been successfully initialized.
    The array storing the number of incoming neighbours for each node, i.e.
    The array storing the number of outgoing neighbours for each node, i.e.
    The difference between the number of neighbours on the left and the right in linear, 1D lattices.
    (package private) Logger
    Logger for keeping track of and reporting events and issues.
    protected static final int
    Maximum number of attempts to generate a graph structure.
    The maximum number of incoming links.
    The maximum number of outgoing links.
    The maximum sum of incoming and outgoing links.
    The minimum number of incoming links.
    The minimum number of outgoing links.
    The minimum sum of incoming and outgoing links.
    The name of this graph.
    private Network2D
    Local storage for the 2D representation of this graph.
    private Network3D
    Local storage for the 3D representation of this graph.
    private static final int[]
    Convenience field.
    The IBS population representing the opponent.
    This is the neighbourhood network structure of outgoing links.
    Fraction of directed links to add or rewire.
    The probability for adding links adjust small-world properties of Klemm-Eguiluz scale-free networks.
    (package private) IBSPopulation
    The IBS population that has this geometry.
    Fraction of undirected links to add or rewire.
    protected int[]
    The number of units in each hierarchical level requested.
    The exponent in scale-free networks.
    The number of nodes in the graph.
    Only used for hierarchical geometries to specify the geometry of each level.
    The chain length in superstars.
    The number of petals or tips in superstars.
  • Constructor Summary

    Geometry(EvoLudo engine)
    Instantiates a new geometry for data visualization with pacemaker engine.
    Geometry(EvoLudo engine, Module module)
    Instantiates a new geometry for intra-species module module with pacemaker engine.
    Geometry(EvoLudo engine, Module popModule, Module oppModule)
    Instantiates a new geometry for inter-species module popModule and opponent oppModule with pacemaker engine.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Add directed links to network.
    addEdgeAt(int from, int to)
    Add edge (undirected link) from node from to node to.
    addLinkAt(int from, int to)
    Add link (directed link) from node from to node to.
    Add undirected links.
    Allocate the memory neccessary to store the network structure.
    Check the feasibility of the network parameters.
    Check consistency of links.
    clearLinksFrom(int idx)
    Remove all outgoing links from node idx.
    clearLinksTo(int idx)
    Remove all incoming links to node idx.
    Clone geometry.
    Decode the geometry from the plist.
    Derive competition geometry from current (interaction) geometry.
    Derive interaction geometry from current (competition) geometry.
    static boolean
    Checks whether a single graphical representation can be used for the interaction and competition graphs.
    static boolean
    Checks whether a single graphical representation can be used for the interaction and competition graphs.
    Encode geometry as a plist string fragment.
    Check if this Geometry and geo refer to the same structures.
    Evaluate geometry.
    Gets the name of this graph.
    Get the 2D network representation of this graph.
    Get the 3D network representation of this graph.
    Gets the opponent of the population represented by this graph.
    Get the type of this geometry.
    Entry point to initialize the network structure according to the given parameters.
    Generates a strong undirected amplifier of selection.
    Generates a complete graph where every node is connected to every other node.
    Generates a cubic (3D) regular lattice.
    private boolean
    Utility method to generate network with a given degree distribution.
    Generates a Desargues graph, named after Girard Desargues (1591–1661).
    Generates a dodecahedron graph.
    Generates a Franklin graph.
    Generates a Frucht graph.
    Generates a Heawood graph.
    Generates hierarchical graphs.
    private void
    initGeometryHierarchy(int level, int start)
    Utility method to generate hierarchical graphs.
    private int
    initGeometryHierarchyMeanfield(int start, int end)
    Utility method to generate hierarchical well-mixed subpopulations (demes).
    private int
    initGeometryHierarchySquare(int start, int end)
    Utility method to generate hierarchical square lattices with degree degree.
    Generates a hexagonal regular lattice (degree \(6\)).
    Generates an icosahedron graph.
    Generates a linear chain (1D lattice).
    Generates well-mixed graph, also termed mean-field networks or unstructured populations.
    Generate a (connected, directed) random graph.
    Generate a (connected, directed) random graph.
    Generate a (connected, undirected) random regular graph.
    Generate a (connected, undirected) scale-free network.
    Generate a (connected, undirected) scale-free network following the procedure by Barabási & Albert (1999).
    Generate a (connected, undirected) scale-free network following the procedure by Klemm & Eguíluz (2001).
    Generates a square regular lattice (chessboard).
    private void
    initGeometrySquare(int side, int fullside, int offset)
    Utility method to generate a square lattice with arbitrarily large neighbourhoods.
    private void
    initGeometrySquareMoore(int side, int fullside, int offset)
    Utility method to generate a square lattice with Moore neighbourhood.
    private void
    initGeometrySquareSelf(int side, int fullside, int offset)
    Utility method to generate a square lattice with exclusively 'self'-connections.
    private void
    initGeometrySquareVonNeumann(int side, int fullside, int offset)
    Utility method to generate a square lattice with von Neumann neighbourhood.
    private void
    initGeometrySquareVonNeumann2nd(int side, int fullside, int offset)
    Utility method to generate a square lattice with von Neumann neighbourhood.
    Generates a star geometry with a hub in the middle that is connected to all other nodes (leaves).
    Generates a superstar geometry, which represents a strong directed amplifier of selection.
    Generates a strong undirected suppressor of selection.
    Generates a Tietze graph.
    Generates a triangular regular lattice (degree \(3\)).
    Generates a wheel geometry, which corresponds to a ring (periodic 1D lattice) with a hub in the middle that is connected to all nodes in the ring (resembling spokes).
    private void
    initRRGCore(RNGDistribution rng, int start, int end, int degree)
    Utility method to generate an (almost) regular graph as the core of an evolutionary amplifier.
    Check if graph is connected.
    isGraphConnected(int node, boolean[] check)
    Check if any other node can be reached from node.
    Check if graph refers to inter-species model.
    Utility method to determine whether a given geometry type is a lattice.
    isNeighborOf(int focal, int check)
    Check if check is a neighbor of focal (not necessarily the other way round).
    Check if current geometry unique.
    private boolean
    Helper method to check uniqueness of the geometry geo.
    Parse string of geometry specifications cli.
    Report relevant parameters of geometry and print to output.
    removeEdgeAt(int from, int to)
    Remove edge (undirected link) from node from to node to.
    private void
    removeInLink(int from, int to)
    Remove incoming link (directed link) to node to from node from.
    removeLinkAt(int from, int to)
    Remove link (directed link) from node from to node to.
    private void
    removeOutLink(int from, int to)
    Remove outgoing link (directed link) from node from to node to.
    Reset the network structure and free the allocated memory.
    Add/rewire directed and undirected random links.
    Rewire directed links.
    rewireEdgeAt(int from, int to, int prev)
    Rewire edge (undirected link) from node from to node prev to node to.
    rewireLinkAt(int from, int to, int prev)
    Rewire directed link from node from to node prev to node to.
    private boolean
    rewireNeighbourEdge(RNGDistribution rng, int nodeA, int nodeB, int[] done, int nDone)
    Utility method to rewire an edge between two nodes.
    rewireUndirected(double prob)
    Rewire undirected links.
    Sets the name of this graph.
    Set the 2D network representation of this graph.
    Set the 3D network representation of this graph.
    setSize(int size)
    Sets the number of nodes in the graph to size.
    Set the type of this geometry.
    private static void
    swap(int[] x, int a, int b)
    Swap elements with indices a and b in array x
    private boolean
    swapEdges(int a, int an, int b, int bn)
    Utility method to swap edges (undirected links) between nodes: change link a-an to a-bn and b-bn to b-an.
    Get the usage description for the command line option --geometry.

    Methods inherited from class Object

    equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • engine

      EvoLudo engine
      The pacemaker of all models. Interface with the outside world.
    • population

      IBSPopulation population
      The IBS population that has this geometry.
    • opponent

      public IBSPopulation opponent
      The IBS population representing the opponent. For intra-species interactions population==opponent holds.
    • logger

      Logger logger
      Logger for keeping track of and reporting events and issues.
    • network2D

      private Network2D network2D
      Local storage for the 2D representation of this graph.
    • network3D

      private Network3D network3D
      Local storage for the 3D representation of this graph.
    • geometry

      private Geometry.Type geometry
      The geometry of the graph.
    • subgeometry

      public Geometry.Type subgeometry
      Only used for hierarchical geometries to specify the geometry of each level.
      See Also:
    • name

      public String name
      The name of this graph. Typically this is "interaction" or "competition" for the correpsonding graphs, or "structure" if the two graphs are the same. In multi-species models the name of the species may be prepended.
    • in

      public int[][] in
      This is the neighbourhood network structure of incoming links. More specifically, for each node a list of indices of neighbouring nodes with links to this one.


      in[i].length does not necessarily reflect the number of neighbours! Use kin[i] instead. To minimize memory allocation requests in[i].length>kin[i] may hold. This is primarily important for dynamical networks.
    • out

      public int[][] out
      This is the neighbourhood network structure of outgoing links. More specifically, for each node a list of indices of neighbouring nodes that links point to.


      out[i].length does not necessarily reflect the number of neighbours! Use kout[i] instead. To minimize memory allocation requests out[i].length>kout[i] may hold. This is primarily important for dynamical networks.
    • kin

      public int[] kin
      The array storing the number of incoming neighbours for each node, i.e. the number of neighbours that have a link pointing to this one.
    • kout

      public int[] kout
      The array storing the number of outgoing neighbours for each node, i.e. the number of links pointing from this node to another.
    • size

      public int size
      The number of nodes in the graph.
    • fixedBoundary

      public boolean fixedBoundary
      Flag indicating whether boundaries are fixed or periodic (default).
    • rawhierarchy

      protected int[] rawhierarchy
      The number of units in each hierarchical level requested. Processed for feasibility and then stored in hierarchy.
      See Also:
    • hierarchy

      public int[] hierarchy
      The number of units in each hierarchical level. The lowest level refers to the number of nodes.
      See Also:
    • hierarchyweight

      public double hierarchyweight
      The strength of interactions between hierarchical levels. For example, with a strength \(p\) between the first and second level, the strength is \(p^2\) between the first and third. More generally, the interaction strength is \(p^n\), where \(n\) denotes the number of levels between the two interacting individuals.
      See Also:
    • minIn

      public int minIn
      The minimum number of incoming links.
      See Also:
    • maxIn

      public int maxIn
      The maximum number of incoming links.
      See Also:
    • avgIn

      public double avgIn
      The average number of incoming links.
      See Also:
    • minOut

      public int minOut
      The minimum number of outgoing links.
      See Also:
    • maxOut

      public int maxOut
      The maximum number of outgoing links.
      See Also:
    • avgOut

      public double avgOut
      The average number of outgoing links.
      See Also:
    • minTot

      public int minTot
      The minimum sum of incoming and outgoing links.
      See Also:
    • maxTot

      public int maxTot
      The maximum sum of incoming and outgoing links.
      See Also:
    • avgTot

      public double avgTot
      The average number of the sum of incoming and outgoing links.
      See Also:
    • superstar_petals

      public int superstar_petals
      The number of petals or tips in superstars.
      See Also:
    • superstar_amplification

      public int superstar_amplification
      The chain length in superstars.
      See Also:
    • sfExponent

      public double sfExponent
      The exponent in scale-free networks.
      See Also:
    • pKlemm

      public double pKlemm
      The probability for adding links adjust small-world properties of Klemm-Eguiluz scale-free networks.
      See Also:
    • linearAsymmetry

      public int linearAsymmetry
      The difference between the number of neighbours on the left and the right in linear, 1D lattices.
    • connectivity

      public double connectivity
      The degree or connectivity of the graph or (average) number of neighbours.
    • pRewire

      public double pRewire
      Fraction of undirected links to add or rewire.
      See Also:
    • pAddwire

      public double pAddwire
      Fraction of directed links to add or rewire.
      See Also:
    • isUndirected

      public boolean isUndirected
      true if the graph is undirected.
    • isRewired

      public boolean isRewired
      true if the graph includes rewired edges or links.
    • interCompSame

      public boolean interCompSame
      true if the interaction and competition graphs are the same.
    • isDynamic

      public boolean isDynamic
      true if the network structure is ephemeral.
    • isRegular

      public boolean isRegular
      true if the network structure is regular (all nodes have the same number of neighbours).
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid
      true if the network structure has been successfully initialized.

      protected static final int MAX_TRIALS
      Maximum number of attempts to generate a graph structure.
      See Also:
    • evaluated

      private boolean evaluated
      true if geometry has been evaluated.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Geometry

      public Geometry(EvoLudo engine)
      Instantiates a new geometry for data visualization with pacemaker engine.
      engine - the pacemaker for running the model
      See Also:
    • Geometry

      public Geometry(EvoLudo engine, Module module)
      Instantiates a new geometry for intra-species module module with pacemaker engine.
      engine - the pacemaker for running the model
      module - the module with interaction parameters
    • Geometry

      public Geometry(EvoLudo engine, Module popModule, Module oppModule)
      Instantiates a new geometry for inter-species module popModule and opponent oppModule with pacemaker engine. For intra-species interactions population==opponent holds.
      engine - the pacemaker for running the model
      popModule - the module with interaction parameters
      oppModule - the module of the opponent
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name of this graph. Typically this is "Interaction" or "Competition" for the correpsonding graphs, or "Structure" if the two graphs are the same. In multi-species models the name of the species may be prepended.
      the name of the graph
      See Also:
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets the name of this graph.
      name - the name of this graph.
      See Also:
    • getType

      public Geometry.Type getType()
      Get the type of this geometry.
      the type of this geometry
    • setType

      public void setType(Geometry.Type type)
      Set the type of this geometry.
      type - the type of this geometry
    • setNetwork2D

      public void setNetwork2D(Network2D net)
      Set the 2D network representation of this graph. This is purely for storage. The network is generated in Network2D.
      net - the 2D network representation
    • getNetwork2D

      public Network2D getNetwork2D()
      Get the 2D network representation of this graph. This is purely for storage. The network is generated in Network2D.
      the 2D network representation of this graph
    • setNetwork3D

      public void setNetwork3D(Network3D net)
      Set the 3D network representation of this graph. This is purely for storage. The network is generated in Network3D.
      net - the 3D network representation
    • getNetwork3D

      public Network3D getNetwork3D()
      Get the 3D network representation of this graph. This is purely for storage. The network is generated in Network3D.
      the 3D network representation of this graph.
    • setSize

      public boolean setSize(int size)
      Sets the number of nodes in the graph to size. This affects memory allocations in the model and hence a reset is required if the size changes.
      size - the new size of the graph
      true if the graph size changed
    • getOpponent

      public IBSPopulation getOpponent()
      Gets the opponent of the population represented by this graph. For intra-species models this.opponent==this.population holds.
      the opponent population
    • isInterspecies

      public boolean isInterspecies()
      Check if graph refers to inter-species model. For intra-species models this.opponent==this.population holds.
      true for inter-species graphs.
    • displayUniqueGeometry

      public static boolean displayUniqueGeometry(Geometry inter, Geometry comp)
      Checks whether a single graphical representation can be used for the interaction and competition graphs. Two distinct graphical represntations are generally required if the two graphs differ but not if they both refer to the same lattice structure even if connectivities or boundary conditions are different.


      A single graphical representation is adequate:
      1. if the interaction and competition graphs are identical,
      2. if both the interaction and competition graphs are lattices, even if the boundary conditions or the connectivities are different,
      3. but not if the interaction and competition graphs are separate instances of the same random structure, e.g. random regular graphs.


      1. Tooltips need to be careful to report the different graphs and neighborhoods properly.
      inter - the interaction graph
      comp - the competition graph
      true if a single graphical representation suffices, false if two separate graphical representations are required for the interaction and the competition graphs
      See Also:
    • displayUniqueGeometry

      public static boolean displayUniqueGeometry(Module module)
      Checks whether a single graphical representation can be used for the interaction and competition graphs.
      module - the population whose interaction and competition structures to check
      true if a single graphical representation suffices
      See Also:
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Reset the network structure and free the allocated memory.
    • alloc

      public void alloc()
      Allocate the memory neccessary to store the network structure.
    • check

      public boolean check()
      Check the feasibility of the network parameters. If parameters need to be adjusted a warning is issued through the logger. Some changes require a reset of the model because they affect memory allocations (e.g. adjustments of the population size).
      true if reset is required
    • init

      public void init()
      Entry point to initialize the network structure according to the given parameters.
      See Also:
    • printParams

      public void printParams(PrintStream output)
      Report relevant parameters of geometry and print to output.
      output - the print stream to direct the output to
    • initGeometryMeanField

      public void initGeometryMeanField()
      Generates well-mixed graph, also termed mean-field networks or unstructured populations.


      In the limit of large population sizes the results of individual based simulations (IBS) must converge to those of the corresponding deterministic dynamical equations (ODE's) or, with mutations, the stochastic dynamical equations (SDE's).
    • initGeometryComplete

      public void initGeometryComplete()
      Generates a complete graph where every node is connected to every other node. This is very similar to well-mixed (unstructured) populations. The only difference is the potential treatment of the focal node. For example, in the Moran process offspring can replace their parent in the original formulation for well-mixed populations (birth-death updating) but this does not occur in complete networks where offspring replaces one of the parents neighbours.


      See Also:
    • initGeometryHierarchical

      public void initGeometryHierarchical()
      Generates hierarchical graphs.


      Only well-mixed (complete) or square lattice graphs are currently supported.
    • initGeometryHierarchy

      private void initGeometryHierarchy(int level, int start)
      Utility method to generate hierarchical graphs.


      level - the hierarchical level
      start - the index of the first node to process
    • initGeometryHierarchyMeanfield

      private int initGeometryHierarchyMeanfield(int start, int end)
      Utility method to generate hierarchical well-mixed subpopulations (demes).


      start - the index of the first node to process
      end - the index of the last node to process
      the number of nodes processed
    • initGeometryHierarchySquare

      private int initGeometryHierarchySquare(int start, int end)
      Utility method to generate hierarchical square lattices with degree degree.


      start - the index of the first node to process
      end - the index of the last node to process
      the number of nodes processed
    • initGeometryLinear

      public void initGeometryLinear()
      Generates a linear chain (1D lattice). With asymmetric neighbours and fixed boundaries this represents the simplest suppressor of selection.


      1. May have different numbers of neighbours to the left and the right.
      2. For inter-species interactions connectivities are \(+1\) and a connectivity of \(1\) is admissible.
      3. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
    • initGeometryStar

      public void initGeometryStar()
      Generates a star geometry with a hub in the middle that is connected to all other nodes (leaves). The star structure is the simplest undirected evolutionary amplifier.


      Node \(0\) is the hub.
    • initGeometryWheel

      public void initGeometryWheel()
      Generates a wheel geometry, which corresponds to a ring (periodic 1D lattice) with a hub in the middle that is connected to all nodes in the ring (resembling spokes). The wheel structure is an undirected evolutionary amplifier but less than the star structure.


      Node \(0\) is the hub.
      See Also:
    • initGeometrySuperstar

      public void initGeometrySuperstar()
      Generates a superstar geometry, which represents a strong directed amplifier of selection. The superstar consists of a central hub surrounded by \(p\) petals that are each equipped with a reservoir of size \(r\) and a linear chain of length \(k\) connecting the reservoir with the hub (last node of each chain). The hub connects to all reservoir nodes (in all petals) and all reservoir nodes in each petal connect to the first node in the linear chain. The superstar represents the best studied evolutionary amplifier of arbitrary strength (in the limit \(N\to\infty\) as well as \(p, r, k \to\infty\)).


      1. Population size: \(N=(r+k-1)p+1\) with \(r,k,p\) integer.
      2. Strong amplification requires \(r\gg k,p\).
      3. Node \(0\) is the hub.
      See Also:
    • initGeometryAmplifier

      public void initGeometryAmplifier()
      Generates a strong undirected amplifier of selection.


      Population size: \(N=n^3+(1+a)n^2\) where \(n\) integer and a suitable \(a\geq 5\). Three types of nodes \(U=n^3\), \(V=n^2\) and \(W=N-U-V\) where \(W\) represents a regular graph core with degree \(n^2\), each node in \(U\) is a leaf and connected to a single node in \(V\), while each node in \(V\) is connected to \(n^2\) nodes in \(W\).
      See Also:
    • initRRGCore

      private void initRRGCore(RNGDistribution rng, int start, int end, int degree)
      Utility method to generate an (almost) regular graph as the core of an evolutionary amplifier.


      In contrast to initGeometryRandomRegularGraph() no extra effort is made to ensure regularity.
      rng - the random number generator
      start - the index of the first node in the (almost) regular graph
      end - the index of the last node in the (almost) regular graph
      degree - the degree/connectivity of the (almost) regular graph
    • rewireNeighbourEdge

      private boolean rewireNeighbourEdge(RNGDistribution rng, int nodeA, int nodeB, int[] done, int nDone)
      Utility method to rewire an edge between two nodes. This assumes that nodeA and nodeB are neighbours. Pick random node C from set done and node D a random neighbour of C. Now try to rewire the edge A-B to A-C and B-D or B-C and A-D, respectively. Returns false and do nothing if the edge would result in self-loops or double edges.
      rng - the random number generator
      nodeA - the first node with nodeB as neighbour
      nodeB - the second node with nodeA as neighbour
      done - the set of nodes to pick node C from
      nDone - the number of nodes in done
      true if the edges are successfully rewired, false otherwise
    • initGeometrySuppressor

      public void initGeometrySuppressor()
      Generates a strong undirected suppressor of selection.


      Population size: \(N=n^2(1+n(1+n))=n^2+n^3+n^4\) for \(n\) integer. With three types of nodes \(U=n^3\), \(V=n^4\) and \(W=n^2\), each node in \(V\) is connected to one node in \(U\) and to all in \(W\).
      See Also:
    • initGeometrySquare

      public void initGeometrySquare()
      Generates a square regular lattice (chessboard). The most common lattices are the von Neumann lattice with four nearest neighbours (north, south, east and west) as well as the Moore lattice with eight nearest neighbours (chess king's moves).


      1. Integer square population size, \(N=n^2\).
      2. Admissible connectivities: \(4\) (von Neumann) or \(3\times 3-1=8\) (Moore), \(5\times 5-1=24\), \(7\times 7-1=48\) etc.
      3. For inter-species interactions connectivities are \(+1\) and a connectivity of \(1\) is admissible.
      4. Boundaries are periodic by default.
      5. For SQUARE_MOORE interactions with Group.SAMPLING_ALL and group sizes between 2 and 8 (excluding boundaries) relies on a particular arrangement of the neighbors, see IBSDPopulation.playGroupGameAt(IBSGroup) and IBSCPopulation.playGroupGameAt(IBSGroup).
      See Also:
    • initGeometrySquareSelf

      private void initGeometrySquareSelf(int side, int fullside, int offset)
      Utility method to generate a square lattice with exclusively 'self'-connections.


      1. Makes only sense in inter-species interactions.
      2. Inter-species interactions include 'self'-connections.
      3. Hierarchical structures may call this method recursively.
      4. Neighbourhood corresponds to a \(3\times 3\), \(5\times 5\), \(7\times 7\), etc. area.
      5. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      side - the side length of the (sub) lattice
      fullside - the full side length of the entire lattice
      offset - the offset to the sub-lattice
    • initGeometrySquareVonNeumann

      private void initGeometrySquareVonNeumann(int side, int fullside, int offset)
      Utility method to generate a square lattice with von Neumann neighbourhood.


      1. Inter-species interactions include 'self'-connections.
      2. Hierarchical structures may call this method recursively.
      3. Neighbourhood corresponds to a \(3\times 3\), \(5\times 5\), \(7\times 7\), etc. area.
      4. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      side - the side length of the (sub) lattice
      fullside - the full side length of the entire lattice
      offset - the offset to the sub-lattice
    • initGeometrySquareVonNeumann2nd

      private void initGeometrySquareVonNeumann2nd(int side, int fullside, int offset)
      Utility method to generate a square lattice with von Neumann neighbourhood.


      1. Inter-species interactions include 'self'-connections.
      2. Hierarchical structures may call this method recursively.
      3. Neighbourhood corresponds to a \(3\times 3\), \(5\times 5\), \(7\times 7\), etc. area.
      4. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      side - the side length of the (sub) lattice
      fullside - the full side length of the entire lattice
      offset - the offset to the sub-lattice
    • initGeometrySquareMoore

      private void initGeometrySquareMoore(int side, int fullside, int offset)
      Utility method to generate a square lattice with Moore neighbourhood.


      1. Inter-species interactions include 'self'-connections.
      2. Hierarchical structures may call this method recursively.
      3. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      side - the side length of the (sub) lattice
      fullside - the full side length of the entire lattice
      offset - the offset to the sub-lattice
    • initGeometrySquare

      private void initGeometrySquare(int side, int fullside, int offset)
      Utility method to generate a square lattice with arbitrarily large neighbourhoods.


      1. Inter-species interactions include 'self'-connections.
      2. Hierarchical structures may call this method recursively.
      3. Neighbourhood corresponds to a \(3\times 3\), \(5\times 5\), \(7\times 7\), etc. area.
      4. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      side - the side length of the (sub) lattice
      fullside - the full side length of the entire lattice
      offset - the offset to the sub-lattice
    • initGeometryCube

      public void initGeometryCube()
      Generates a cubic (3D) regular lattice.


      1. Integer cube population size, \(N=n^3\).
      2. Admissible connectivities: \(6\) or \(3\times 3\times 3-1=26\), \(5\times 5\times 5-1\), \(7\times 7\times 7-1\) etc.
      3. For inter-species interactions connectivities are \(+1\) and a connectivity of \(1\) is admissible.
      4. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      5. For \(N=25'000\) a lattice is generated representing the NOVA installation in the Zürich main train station (2006-20012). EvoLudo was launched on the NOVA on September 9, 2009 to commemorate the bicentenary of Darwin and 150 years since the publication of his On the Origin of Species.
      See Also:
    • initGeometryHoneycomb

      public void initGeometryHoneycomb()
      Generates a hexagonal regular lattice (degree \(6\)). Also called a triangular lattice depending on whether the focus is on the nodes or on the tiles.


      1. Even integer square population size, i.e. \(N=n^2\) where \(n\) is even.
      2. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryTriangular

      public void initGeometryTriangular()
      Generates a triangular regular lattice (degree \(3\)). Also called a hexagonal lattice depending on whether the focus is on the nodes or on the tiles.


      1. Even integer square population size, i.e. \(N=n^2\) where \(n\) is even.
      2. Boundaries fixed or periodic (default).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryFruchtGraph

      public void initGeometryFruchtGraph()
      Generates a Frucht graph. The Frucht graph is the smallest regular graph without any further symmetries. A cubic graph with \(12\) nodes and no automorphisms apart from the identity map.


      1. No automorphisms, \(k=3, N=12\).
      2. The numbering of the nodes follows McAvoy & Hauert (2015).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryTietzeGraph

      public void initGeometryTietzeGraph()
      Generates a Tietze graph. Tietze’s graph is a (regular) cubic graph with twelve vertices but with a higher degree of symmetry than the Frucht graph. Tietze’s graph has twelve automorphisms but is not vertex-transitive.


      \(12\) automorphisms, \(k=3, N=12\).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryFranklinGraph

      public void initGeometryFranklinGraph()
      Generates a Franklin graph. The Franklin graph is another a cubic graph with twelve nodes but is also vertex-transitive. Intuitively speaking, vertex transitivity means that the graph looks the same from the perspective of every node.


      Vertex-transitive graph, \(k=3, N=12\).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryHeawoodGraph

      public void initGeometryHeawoodGraph()
      Generates a Heawood graph. No cubic symmetric graph with \(12\) vertices exists. The closest comparable graph is the Heawood graph, which cubic and symmetric but with \(14\) nodes.

      Symmetric graphs satisfy the stronger structural symmetry requirements of arc-transitivity. intuitively speaking, arc-transitivity means that not only does the graph look the same from the perspective of every node but also that if a pair of neighbouring individuals is randomly relocated to some other neighbouring pair of nodes, the two individuals are not able to tell whether and where they have been moved even when both are aware of the overall graph structure and share their conclusions.


      Symmetric graph, \(k=3, N=14\).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryIcosahedronGraph

      public void initGeometryIcosahedronGraph()
      Generates an icosahedron graph. A symmetric graph with \(12\) nodes and degree \(5\).


      Symmetric graph, \(k=5, N=12\).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryDodekahedronGraph

      public void initGeometryDodekahedronGraph()
      Generates a dodecahedron graph. A cubic, symmetric graph with \(20\) nodes (same as Desargue's graph). The two graphs have the same diameter, mean shortest path length, and clustering coefficient. Nevertheless the highly susceptible fixation times differ for the two graphs.


      Symmetric graph, \(k=3, N=20\).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryDesarguesGraph

      public void initGeometryDesarguesGraph()
      Generates a Desargues graph, named after Girard Desargues (1591–1661). A cubic, symmetric graph with \(20\) nodes (same as icosahedron graph). The two graphs have the same diameter, mean shortest path length, and clustering coefficient. Nevertheless the highly susceptible fixation times differ for the two graphs.


      Symmetric graph, \(k=3, N=20\).
      See Also:
    • initGeometryRandomGraph

      public void initGeometryRandomGraph()
      Generate a (connected, directed) random graph.


      1. Rounds link count to even number.
      2. Ensure minimal assumptions, i.e. fully general graph.
    • initGeometryRandomGraphDirected

      public void initGeometryRandomGraphDirected()
      Generate a (connected, directed) random graph.


      1. check if truly connected
      2. first node may not necessarily get an incoming link
      3. ensure minimal assumptions, i.e. fully general graph
    • initGeometryRandomRegularGraph

      public void initGeometryRandomRegularGraph()
      Generate a (connected, undirected) random regular graph.


      1. Graph generation may fail
      2. After MAX_TRIALS failures, resort to well-mixed population
      3. Minimize risk of failure?
    • initGeometryScaleFree

      public void initGeometryScaleFree()
      Generate a (connected, undirected) scale-free network. Generates power-law degree distribution first and then a random network that satisfies those connectivities.


      Makes efforts to match the desired overall connectivity.
    • swap

      private static void swap(int[] x, int a, int b)
      Swap elements with indices a and b in array x
      x - [] the data array
      a - the index of the first element
      b - the index of the second element
    • initGeometryDegreeDistr

      private boolean initGeometryDegreeDistr(int[] distr)
      Utility method to generate network with a given degree distribution.


      The degree distribution is sorted with descending degrees.
      distr - the array to store the degree distribution
      true if generation succeeded
    • initGeometryScaleFreeBA

      public void initGeometryScaleFreeBA()
      Generate a (connected, undirected) scale-free network following the procedure by Barabási & Albert (1999).


      See Also:
    • initGeometryScaleFreeKlemm

      public void initGeometryScaleFreeKlemm()
      Generate a (connected, undirected) scale-free network following the procedure by Klemm & Eguíluz (2001).


      1. Effective connectivity is \(k (N-1)/N\) where \(k\) is the desired average connectivity and \(N\) is the population size.
      2. Add bookkeeping to optimize generation time.
      See Also:
    • rewire

      public void rewire()
      Add/rewire directed and undirected random links.


      See Also:
    • rewireUndirected

      public boolean rewireUndirected(double prob)
      Rewire undirected links.


      1. Requires an undirected graph.
      2. Rewiring preserves connectivity of all nodes.
      3. Resulting graph obviously remains undirected.
      4. The number of rewired links is \(N_\text{rewired}=\min {N_\text{links}, N_\text{links} \log(1-p_\text{undir})}\), i.e. at most the number undirected links in the graph. Thus, at most an expected fraction of \(1-1/e\) (or \(~63%\)) of original links get rewired.
      prob - the probability of rewiring an undirected link
      true if geometry rewired
    • addUndirected

      public boolean addUndirected()
      Add undirected links.


      The number of links added is \(N_\text{add}=N_\text{links} p_\text{undir}\).
      true if adding of undirected links successfult
    • rewireDirected

      public boolean rewireDirected()
      Rewire directed links.


      1. Only undirected graphs are guaranteed to remain connected.
      2. Resulting graph is obviously directed (even if original was undirected).
      3. Rewiring preserves connectivity of all nodes (both inlinks and outlinks).
      4. The number of rewired links is \(N_\text{rewired}=\min {N_\text{links}, N_\text{links} \log(1-p_\text{dir})}\), i.e. at most the number directed links in the graph. Thus, at most an expected fraction of \(1-1/e\) (or \(~63%\)) of original links get rewired.
      5. ToDo: Rewrite similar to rewireUndirected().
      true if rewiring succeeded
    • addDirected

      public boolean addDirected()
      Add directed links to network.


      The number of links added is \(N_\text{add}=N_\text{links} p_\text{dir}\).
      true if adding links succeeded
    • evaluate

      public void evaluate()
      Evaluate geometry. Convenience method to set frequently used quantities such as minIn, maxOut, avgTot etc.


      1. For Geometry.Type.MEANFIELD geometries all quantities are set to zero.
      2. Dynamic graphs are always evaluated because all quantities are ephemeral.
    • isLattice

      public boolean isLattice()
      Utility method to determine whether a given geometry type is a lattice.
      true if geometry is lattice, false otherwise
    • isGraphConnected

      public boolean isGraphConnected()
      Check if graph is connected.


      Requires undirected graphs.
      true if graph is connected
    • isGraphConnected

      public boolean isGraphConnected(int node, boolean[] check)
      Check if any other node can be reached from node.


      1. Requires undirected graphs.
      2. check is a boolean array indicating which nodes can or cannot be reached from node.
      node - the node to check the connections from
      check - the array of nodes that can be reached
      true if graph is connected
    • swapEdges

      private boolean swapEdges(int a, int an, int b, int bn)
      Utility method to swap edges (undirected links) between nodes: change link a-an to a-bn and b-bn to b-an.


      Does the same as rewireEdgeAt(a, bn, an); rewireEdgeAt(b, an, bn); but without allocating and freeing memory.
      a - the first node
      an - the neighbour of the first node
      b - the second node
      bn - the neighbour of the second node
      true if swap succeeded
    • checkConnections

      public boolean checkConnections()
      Check consistency of links.


      1. Self connections are unacceptable.
      2. Double links between nodes are unacceptable.
      3. For undirected networks every outgoing link must correspond to an incoming link.
      4. ToDo: "self-connections" are acceptable for inter-species interactions.
      true if check succeeded
    • addEdgeAt

      public void addEdgeAt(int from, int to)
      Add edge (undirected link) from node from to node to.


      from - the first node
      to - the second node
    • addLinkAt

      public void addLinkAt(int from, int to)
      Add link (directed link) from node from to node to.


      1. Allocate new memory if required.
      2. Geometry needs to be re-evaluated when finished.
      from - the index of the first node
      to - the index of the second node
      See Also:
    • removeEdgeAt

      public void removeEdgeAt(int from, int to)
      Remove edge (undirected link) from node from to node to.


      1. Does not update maxIn, maxOut or maxTot.
      2. Geometry needs to be re-evaluated when finished.
      from - the index of the first node
      to - the index of the second node
      See Also:
    • removeLinkAt

      public void removeLinkAt(int from, int to)
      Remove link (directed link) from node from to node to.


      1. Does not update maxIn, maxOut or maxTot.
      2. Geometry needs to be re-evaluated when finished.
      from - the index of the first node
      to - the index of the second node
      See Also:
    • clearLinksFrom

      public void clearLinksFrom(int idx)
      Remove all outgoing links from node idx.


      Doesn't free memory.
      idx - the index of the node to remove all outgoing links
    • removeInLink

      private void removeInLink(int from, int to)
      Remove incoming link (directed link) to node to from node from.


      Geometry needs to be re-evaluated when done with all manipulations.
      from - the index of the first node
      to - the index of the second node
      See Also:
    • clearLinksTo

      public void clearLinksTo(int idx)
      Remove all incoming links to node idx.


      Doesn't free memory.
      idx - the index of the node to remove all incoming links
    • removeOutLink

      private void removeOutLink(int from, int to)
      Remove outgoing link (directed link) from node from to node to.


      Geometry needs to be re-evaluated when done with all manipulations.
      from - the index of the first node
      to - the index of the second node
      See Also:
    • rewireLinkAt

      public void rewireLinkAt(int from, int to, int prev)
      Rewire directed link from node from to node prev to node to.


      Geometry needs to be re-evaluated when done with all manipulations.
      from - the index of the first node
      to - the index of the second node
      prev - the index of the second node
      See Also:
    • rewireEdgeAt

      public void rewireEdgeAt(int from, int to, int prev)
      Rewire edge (undirected link) from node from to node prev to node to.


      Geometry needs to be re-evaluated when done with all manipulations.
      from - the index of the first node
      to - the index of the second node
      prev - the index of the second node
      See Also:
    • isNeighborOf

      public boolean isNeighborOf(int focal, int check)
      Check if check is a neighbor of focal (not necessarily the other way round). For undirected networks focal and check can be exchanged.
      focal - index of focal individual
      check - index of individual to be checked
      true if check is neighbor of focal
    • deriveInteractionGeometry

      public Geometry deriveInteractionGeometry(IBSPopulation opp)
      Derive interaction geometry from current (competition) geometry. This is only possible if interCompSame is true. Returns null otherwise.

      If opp==population then it is an intra-species interaction, which allows to simply return this, i.e. no cloning etc. required. Otherwise the geometry is cloned, the opponent set and 'self-loops' added for interactions with individuals in the same location.

      opp - the population of interaction partners
      the derived interaction geometry or null if it cannot be derived
    • deriveCompetitionGeometry

      public Geometry deriveCompetitionGeometry()
      Derive competition geometry from current (interaction) geometry. This is only possible if interCompSame is true. Returns null otherwise.

      If opp==population then it is an intra-species interaction, which allows to simply return this, i.e. no cloning etc. required. Otherwise the geometry is cloned, the opponent, the opponent set and 'self-loops' removed.

      the derived interaction geometry or null if it cannot be derived
    • parse

      public boolean parse(String cli)
      Parse string of geometry specifications cli. Check for consistency of settings (e.g. in terms of population size, connectivity). If adjustments are required and possible inform the user through the logger.
      cli - the string with geometry specifications
      true if reset is required
    • usage

      public String usage()
      Get the usage description for the command line option --geometry.
      the usage description
    • clone

      public Geometry clone()
      Clone geometry.


      1. Overrides clone() in Object but conflicts with GWT's aversion to clone()ing...
      2. Remove @SuppressWarnings("all") to ensure that no other issues crept in when modifying method.
      clone in class Object
      clone of geometry
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Geometry geo)
      Check if this Geometry and geo refer to the same structures. Different realizations of random structures, such as random regular graphs, are considered equal as long as their characteristic parameters are the same.
      geo - the geometry to compare to.
      true if the structures are the same
    • encodeGeometry

      public String encodeGeometry()
      Encode geometry as a plist string fragment.
      the geometry encoded as a plist
      See Also:
    • decodeGeometry

      public void decodeGeometry(Plist plist)
      Decode the geometry from the plist. The structure is encoded in map which provides array of neighbor indices for each individual index.


      The population (including its geometry/geometries) must already have been initialized. This only restores a particular (unique) geometry.
      plist - the plist encoding the geometry
      See Also:
    • isUniqueGeometry

      public boolean isUniqueGeometry()
      Check if current geometry unique. Only unique geomteries need to be encoded.


      1. Lattices etc. are not unique because they can be identically recreated.
      2. All geometries involving random elements are unique.
      true if geometry is unique
    • isUniqueGeometry

      private boolean isUniqueGeometry(Geometry.Type geo)
      Helper method to check uniqueness of the geometry geo.


      Hierarchical geometries require recursive checks of uniqueness.
      geo - the geometry to be checked for uniqueness
      true if geometry is unique