Interface HasDistribution

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CLabour, CSD, scanCSD

public interface HasDistribution
Modules that implement the HasDistribution interface request a graphical view to visualize the density distribution of data in multiple dimensions in their GUI: Distribution for GWT and MVCDistr, MVC2Distr for JRE modules with one or two continuous traits, respectively.

Important: Implementations have to be agnostic of the runtime environment (JRE vs GWT).

Christoph Hauert
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    Modules that implement the HasDistribution.Strategy interface include a graphical view that depicts the density distribution of strategic traits over time in their GUI.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the number of traits in the Modules.
    getTraitName(int idx)
    Gets the name of the trait with index idx.
  • Method Details

    • getNTraits

      int getNTraits()
      Gets the number of traits in the Modules. The trait distribution is shown over time if there is only a single trait and otherwise a 2D trait distribution is shown where the two traits can be selected and changed through a context menu.
      the number of traits
    • getTraitName

      String getTraitName(int idx)
      Gets the name of the trait with index idx. This is used to label the graph and entries in the context menu, if applicable.
      idx - the index of the trait
      name of the trait