Interface CLOption.CLODelegate

Enclosing class:

public static interface CLOption.CLODelegate
Interface to process command line arguments
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    If settings for option are not known upon initialization, an up-to-date description is requested when needed (e.g.
    default int
    Optional: position of key in the list of arguments.
    Parse string arg and set configurable parameters that correspond to this command line option.
    default void
    Report settings of configurable parameters that correspond to this command line option (optional implementation).
  • Method Details

    • parse

      boolean parse(String arg)
      Parse string arg and set configurable parameters that correspond to this command line option.

      Note: should only return false if a warning or other information was logged.

      arg - for parsing by command line option
      true if parsing successful
    • report

      default void report(PrintStream output)
      Report settings of configurable parameters that correspond to this command line option (optional implementation).
      output - the outlet to send reports to
    • getDescription

      default String getDescription()
      If settings for option are not known upon initialization, an up-to-date description is requested when needed (e.g. if help is requested, typically using --help options).
      description of command line option.
    • getKeyPos

      default int getKeyPos()
      Optional: position of key in the list of arguments. Used in help display.
      the position of the key