Class ParaGraph

All Implemented Interfaces:
DoubleClickHandler, HasAllDragAndDropHandlers, HasAllFocusHandlers, HasAllGestureHandlers, HasAllKeyHandlers, HasAllMouseHandlers, HasAllTouchHandlers, HasBlurHandlers, HasClickHandlers, HasContextMenuHandlers, HasDoubleClickHandlers, HasDragEndHandlers, HasDragEnterHandlers, HasDragHandlers, HasDragLeaveHandlers, HasDragOverHandlers, HasDragStartHandlers, HasDropHandlers, HasFocusHandlers, HasGestureChangeHandlers, HasGestureEndHandlers, HasGestureStartHandlers, HasKeyDownHandlers, HasKeyPressHandlers, HasKeyUpHandlers, HasMouseDownHandlers, HasMouseMoveHandlers, HasMouseOutHandlers, HasMouseOverHandlers, HasMouseUpHandlers, HasMouseWheelHandlers, HasTouchCancelHandlers, HasTouchEndHandlers, HasTouchMoveHandlers, HasTouchStartHandlers, MouseDownHandler, MouseMoveHandler, MouseOutHandler, MouseUpHandler, MouseWheelHandler, TouchEndHandler, TouchMoveHandler, TouchStartHandler, HasAttachHandlers, EventHandler, HasHandlers, EventListener, AcceptsOneWidget, Focusable, HasFocus, HasOneWidget, HasVisibility, HasWidgets, HasWidgets.ForIsWidget, IsWidget, RequiresResize, SourcesClickEvents, SourcesFocusEvents, SourcesKeyboardEvents, SourcesMouseEvents, SourcesMouseWheelEvents, Iterable<Widget>, AbstractGraph.HasTrajectory, AbstractGraph.Shifter, AbstractGraph.Shifting, AbstractGraph.Zoomer, AbstractGraph.Zooming, ContextMenu.Listener, ContextMenu.Provider, Tooltip.Provider

Parametric graph for displaying trajectories in phase plane. The graph is used to display trajectories in phase space, i.e. the state of a system as a function of time.

The graph is backed by a RingBuffer to store the trajectory. The buffer is updated by calling addData(double, double[], boolean). It is interactive and allows the user to zoom and shift the view. The user can set the initial state by double-clicking on the graph. The graph can be exported in PNG or SVG graphics formats or the trajectory data as CSV.

The graph provides fine grained configurations for mapping the data to the phase plane, for tooltips, for markers as well as for the style of the graph.

Christoph Hauert
  • Field Details

    • init

      double[] init
      The starting point of the most recent trajectory.
    • map

      The map for converting data to phase plane coordinates.
    • bufferThreshold

      private double bufferThreshold
      Threshold for storing new data point in buffer. Roughly corresponds to the squared distance between two points that are at least a pixel apart.

      private static double MIN_PIXELS
      The minimum distance between two subsequent points in pixels.
    • paintScheduled

      private boolean paintScheduled
      The flag to indicate whether painting is already scheduled. Subsequent requests are ignored.
    • clearMenu

      private ContextMenuItem clearMenu
      The context menu item to clear the canvas.
    • autoscaleMenu

      private ContextMenuItem autoscaleMenu
      The context menu item to autoscale the axis.
  • Constructor Details

    • ParaGraph

      public ParaGraph(AbstractGraph.Controller controller, Module module)
      Create new parametric graph for module running in controller.
      controller - the controller of this graph
      module - the module backing the graph
  • Method Details

    • activate

      public void activate()
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Perform necessary preparations to show the graph in the GUI. Attaches mouse and touch handlers for graphs that implement AbstractGraph.Zooming or AbstractGraph.Shifting interfaces.
      activate in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      See Also:
    • setMap

      public void setMap(HasPhase2D.Data2Phase map)
      Set the map for converting data to phase plane coordinates.
      map - the conversion map
    • getMap

      public HasPhase2D.Data2Phase getMap()
      Get the map for converting data to phase plane coordinates.
      the conversion map
    • addData

      public void addData(double t, double[] data, boolean force)
      Add data to the graph. The time t is prepended to the data as the first element.
      t - the time of the data
      data - the data to add
      force - true to force adding the data
      Implementation Notes:
      • The data array is cloned and the time prepended before adding it to the buffer.
      • In order to conserve memory the data is added only if the distance between the new data point and the last point in the buffer is larger than threshold bufferThreshold, unless force == true.
    • distSq

      private double distSq(double[] vec, double[] buf)
      Helper method to calculate the distance squared between two vectors.
      vec - the first vector
      buf - the second vector
      the squared distance
    • paint

      public boolean paint(boolean force)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Draw the graph. For re-drawing the graph, set force to true.
      paint in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      force - true to force re-drawing of graph
      true if painting skipped
    • paintPara

      private void paintPara(boolean withMarkers)
      Paint the trajectory in the phase plane. If withMarkers is true the start and end points of the trajectory are marked with green and red circles, respectively.
      withMarkers - true to mark start and end points
    • calcBounds

      public void calcBounds(int width, int height)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Calculate bounds of drawing area.
      calcBounds in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      width - the width of the drawing area
      height - the height of the drawing area
    • autoscale

      public void autoscale()
      Automatically adjust the range of both axes to fit the data in the buffer.
    • schedulePaint

      protected void schedulePaint()
      Schedule painting of the graph. If painting is already scheduled, subsequent requests are ignored.
      See Also:
    • export

      public void export(AbstractGraph.MyContext2d ctx)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Export the graphical context ctx.
      Specified by:
      export in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      ctx - the graphical context to export
    • onDoubleClick

      public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event)
      Specified by:
      onDoubleClick in interface DoubleClickHandler
    • processInitXY

      private void processInitXY(double x, double y)
      Helper method to convert screen coordinates into an initial configuration and set the controller's initial state.
      x - the x-coordinate on screen
      y - the y-coordinate on screen
    • onTouchStart

      public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph

      The graph reacts to different kinds of touches: short touches or taps (&lt;250 msec) and long touches (&gt;250 msec). Long touches trigger different actions depending on the number of fingers:

      Single finger
      Initiate shifting the view
      Two fingers
      Initiate pinching zoom.
      Specified by:
      onTouchStart in interface TouchStartHandler
      onTouchStart in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      See Also:
    • getTooltipAt

      public String getTooltipAt(int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: Tooltip.Provider
      Get the tooltip information for the location with coordinates (x, y). The returned string may include HTML elements for formatting.
      Specified by:
      getTooltipAt in interface Tooltip.Provider
      x - the x-coordinate for the tooltip
      y - the y-coordinate for the tooltip
      the (formatted) string with the tooltip info
    • inside

      private boolean inside(double x, double y)
      Check if point (in user coordinates but not yet scaled to axis) lies inside of phase plane.
      x - x-coordinate of point
      y - y-coordinate of point
      true if inside
    • populateContextMenuAt

      public void populateContextMenuAt(ContextMenu menu, int x, int y)
      Description copied from class: AbstractGraph
      Populate context menu menu in listening widget at (relative) position (x,y).

      Adds buffer size menu and queries the controller to add further functionality.

      Specified by:
      populateContextMenuAt in interface ContextMenu.Provider
      populateContextMenuAt in class AbstractGraph<double[]>
      menu - context menu entries are added here
      x - horizontal coordinate (relative to listening widget)
      y - horizontal coordinate (relative to listening widget)
      See Also:
    • exportTrajectory

      public void exportTrajectory(StringBuilder export)
      Description copied from interface: AbstractGraph.HasTrajectory
      Export the trajectory of the graph to export.
      Specified by:
      exportTrajectory in interface AbstractGraph.HasTrajectory
      export - the string builder to export the trajectory