Interface HasPhase2D

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HasPhase2D
Modules that implement the HasPhase2D interface request a graphical view to visualize the mean state of the population in a 2D (projection) of the phase plane as a function of time in their GUI: Phase2D for GWT and MVDPhase2D for JRE. The mapping of the data can be customized through the HasPhase2D.Data2Phase interface.

Important: Implementations have to be agnostic of the runtime environment (JRE vs GWT).

Christoph Hauert
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    Interface for providing custom mappings from data to 2D phase plane projections.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the map that transforms the data of the module to a 2D phase plane (projection).
    default void
    Set the map that transforms the data of the module to a 2D phase plane (projection) to map.
  • Method Details

    • getPhase2DMap

      default HasPhase2D.Data2Phase getPhase2DMap()
      Get the map that transforms the data of the module to a 2D phase plane (projection).
      the map
    • setPhase2DMap

      default void setPhase2DMap(HasPhase2D.Data2Phase map)
      Set the map that transforms the data of the module to a 2D phase plane (projection) to map. This provides an opportunity for implementing classes to change settings of the map.
      map - the map