Interface Discrete

All Known Implementing Classes:
Advection, ATBT.ODE, IBSD, ODE, PDE, RungeKutta, SDE

public interface Discrete
Common interface for all models with discrete strategy sets.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default double
    getMonoScore(int id, int idx)
    Calculate and return the payoff/score of individuals in monomorphic populations with trait/strategy idx but also deals with payoff accounting (averaged versus accumulated).
  • Method Details

    • getMonoScore

      default double getMonoScore(int id, int idx)
      Calculate and return the payoff/score of individuals in monomorphic populations with trait/strategy idx but also deals with payoff accounting (averaged versus accumulated).
      id - the id of the population for multi-species models
      idx - trait/strategy
      payoff/score in monomorphic population with trait/strategy idx. Returns NaN if scores ill defined
      See Also: