Class NativeJS


public class NativeJS extends Object
Collection of native javascript methods.
  • Constructor Summary

    Private default constructor to ensure non-instantiability.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final void
    JSNI method: Add a fullscreen change handler.
    static void
    JSNI method: Display javascript alert panel - use sparingly.
    static String
    JSNI method: decoding of base-64 encoded string.
    static String
    JSNI method: base-64 encoding of string.
    createSVGContext(int width, int height)
    JSNI method: Create a SVG context for exporting the view.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: test if ePub reader supports feature.
    static void
    JSNI method: Exit fullscreen mode.
    static void
    export(String dataURL, String filename)
    JSNI method: encourage browser to download dataURL as a file named filename.
    static void
    JSNI method: Export the SVG context.
    static final void
    focusOn(Element element)
    JSNI method: focus on element.
    static String
    JSNI method: Determine name of the fullscreen change event in current web browser.
    static final int
    JSNI method: return the pixel ratio of the current device.
    static final String
    JSNI method: Retrieve string identifying the ePub reading system: web browser: null iBooks: iBooks, Apple Books Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.8 (macOS): RMSDK Readium: no JS (and no display equations!) TEA Ebook 1.5.0 (macOS): no JS (and issues with MathML) calibre: calibre-desktop (supports JS and MathML but appears unstable) Note: nonlinear content in Apple Books on iOS does not report as an ePub reading system (at least on the iPad).
    static final Element
    JSNI method: Gets fullscreen element if in fullscreen mode or null if not in fullscreen or fullscreen not supported by web browser.
    static final void
    JSNI method: the HTML5 File API enables reading of files.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: Check if document has focus.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: Check if execution environment supports keyboard events.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: Check if execution environment supports mouse events.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: Check if execution environment supports touch events.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: check if element is active.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: Check if graph is displayed in an ePub reading system.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: Check if the document is in fullscreen mode.
    static boolean
    JSNI method: Check if fullscreen mode is supported.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: check whether a single plist files was dropped.
    static boolean
    JSNI method: check whether WebGL and hence 3D graphics are supported.
    static final boolean
    JSNI method: Test whether loaded from an XHTML document.
    static final NodeList<Element>
    JSNI method: expose convenient javascript method to obtain a list of elements in the DOM that match the selection criterion selector.
    static final void
    JSNI method: Remove the fullscreen change handler.
    static void
    JSNI method: Request fullscreen mode for the element ele.
    static final void
    JSNI method: opens javascript file chooser and attempts to restore state from selected file

    Methods inherited from class Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • NativeJS

      private NativeJS()
      Private default constructor to ensure non-instantiability.
  • Method Details

    • alert

      public static void alert(String msg)
      JSNI method: Display javascript alert panel - use sparingly.
      msg - the message to display
    • b64encode

      public static String b64encode(String b)
      JSNI method: base-64 encoding of string.
      b - string to encode
      encoded string
    • b64decode

      public static String b64decode(String a)
      JSNI method: decoding of base-64 encoded string.
      a - string to decode
      decoded string
    • querySelectorAll

      public static final NodeList<Element> querySelectorAll(String selector)
      JSNI method: expose convenient javascript method to obtain a list of elements in the DOM that match the selection criterion selector.
      selector - the criterion for selecting elements in DOM
      list of elements that match selector
    • isElementActive

      public static final boolean isElementActive(Element element)
      JSNI method: check if element is active.
      element - the element to check
      true if element is active
    • focusOn

      public static final void focusOn(Element element)
      JSNI method: focus on element.
      element - the element to focus on
    • hasFocus

      public static final boolean hasFocus()
      JSNI method: Check if document has focus. This is important to avoid showing tooltips when the browser window is not in focus.
      true if document has focus
    • getDevicePixelRatio

      public static final int getDevicePixelRatio()
      JSNI method: return the pixel ratio of the current device. This is intended to prevent distortions on the canvas objects of the data views.
      the pixel ratio of device
    • isFullscreenSupported

      public static boolean isFullscreenSupported()
      JSNI method: Check if fullscreen mode is supported.
      true if fullscreen supported
    • requestFullscreen

      public static void requestFullscreen(Element ele)
      JSNI method: Request fullscreen mode for the element ele.
      ele - the element to request fullscreen mode for
    • isFullscreen

      public static final boolean isFullscreen()
      JSNI method: Check if the document is in fullscreen mode.
      true if the document is in fullscreen mode
    • getFullscreenElement

      public static final Element getFullscreenElement()
      JSNI method: Gets fullscreen element if in fullscreen mode or null if not in fullscreen or fullscreen not supported by web browser.
      fullscreen element or null
    • exitFullscreen

      public static void exitFullscreen()
      JSNI method: Exit fullscreen mode.
    • fullscreenChangeEventName

      public static String fullscreenChangeEventName()
      JSNI method: Determine name of the fullscreen change event in current web browser.

      Note: Chrome implements both fullscreenchange and webkitfullscreenchange but with slightly different behaviour (neither identical to Safari). fullscreenchange at least works for a single graph and hence give it precedence. For Firefox scaling/resizing issues remain as well as for Chrome with multiple graphs.

      web browser specific fullscreen change event name or null if Fullscreen API not implemented.
    • addFullscreenChangeHandler

      public static final void addFullscreenChangeHandler(String eventname, FullscreenChangeHandler handler)
      JSNI method: Add a fullscreen change handler.
      eventname - the name of the fullscreen change event
      handler - the handler to add
      Implementation Notes:
      The JSNI routine works reasonably well with Safari but not with all other browsers because aspects of the fullscreen API are interpreted differently, see fullscreenChangeEventName().
    • removeFullscreenChangeHandler

      public static final void removeFullscreenChangeHandler(String eventname, FullscreenChangeHandler handler)
      JSNI method: Remove the fullscreen change handler.
      eventname - the name of the fullscreen change event
      handler - the handler to add
      Implementation Notes:
      The handler function needs to be specified again when removing the listener... Because we don't know how to store the handler returned by the JSNI method _addFullscreenChangeHandler(String, FullscreenChangeHandler) it must be exact copy of handler specification there.
    • isWebGLSupported

      public static boolean isWebGLSupported()
      JSNI method: check whether WebGL and hence 3D graphics are supported.

      Note: asssumes that canvas is supported

      true if WebGL is supported
    • isValidDnD

      public static final boolean isValidDnD(JavaScriptObject dataTransfer)
      JSNI method: check whether a single plist files was dropped.

      Note: This check needs to be done in native javascript because the DataTransfer object returned by the onDrop handler cannot be read using GWT routines.

      dataTransfer - list of dropped file(s)
      true if the dropped file looks promising and ok for further processing
    • handleDnD

      public static final void handleDnD(JavaScriptObject dataTransfer, EvoLudoWeb gui)
      JSNI method: the HTML5 File API enables reading of files. Take advantage of functionality to read contents of dropped file.

      Note: isValidDnD(JavaScriptObject) should be called first to ensure that only a single 'plist' file was dropped.

      dataTransfer - the list of dropped file(s)
      gui - the user interface that processes dropped file
    • restoreFromFile

      public static final void restoreFromFile(EvoLudoWeb gui)
      JSNI method: opens javascript file chooser and attempts to restore state from selected file
      gui - the user interface that processes the contents of selected file
    • createSVGContext

      public static AbstractGraph.MyContext2d createSVGContext(int width, int height)
      JSNI method: Create a SVG context for exporting the view.

      Note: Requires that the Canvas2SVG.js script has been injected, e.g. using something like ScriptInjector.fromString(Resources.INSTANCE.canvas2SVG().getText()).inject();

      width - the width of the context
      height - the height of the context
      the SVG context
    • exportSVG

      public static void exportSVG(Context2d ctx)
      JSNI method: Export the SVG context.
      ctx - the SVG context to export
    • export

      public static void export(String dataURL, String filename)
      JSNI method: encourage browser to download dataURL as a file named filename.

      Note: # characters cause trouble in data URL. Escape them with %23.

      dataURL - the file content encoded as data URL
      filename - the name of the downloaded file
    • isXML

      public static final boolean isXML()
      JSNI method: Test whether loaded from an XHTML document.

      Note: GWT interferes here and both Document.get().createElement("div").getTagName()=="DIV" as well as $doc.createElement("div").tagName == "DIV" falsely (always?) return false.

      true if XML document
    • isEPub

      public static final boolean isEPub()
      JSNI method: Check if graph is displayed in an ePub reading system.
      true if ePub reading system.
    • getEPubReader

      public static final String getEPubReader()
      JSNI method: Retrieve string identifying the ePub reading system:
      • web browser: null
      • iBooks: iBooks, Apple Books
      • Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.8 (macOS): RMSDK
      • Readium: no JS (and no display equations!)
      • TEA Ebook 1.5.0 (macOS): no JS (and issues with MathML)
      • calibre: calibre-desktop (supports JS and MathML but appears unstable)
      Note: nonlinear content in Apple Books on iOS does not report as an ePub reading system (at least on the iPad). Apple Books on macOS behaves as expected.
      identification string of ePub reading system or null if no reading system or reading system unknown
    • ePubReaderHasFeature

      public static final boolean ePubReaderHasFeature(String feature)
      JSNI method: test if ePub reader supports feature. in ePub 3 possible features are:
      Scripts MAY make structural changes to the document’s DOM (applies to spine-level scripting only).
      Scripts MAY modify attributes and CSS styles that affect content layout (applies to spine-level scripting only).
      The device supports touch events and the Reading System passes touch events to the content.
      The device supports mouse events and the Reading System passes mouse events to the content.
      The device supports keyboard events and the Reading System passes keyboard events to the content.
      Indicates whether the Reading System supports spine-level scripting (e.g., so a container-constrained script can determine whether any actions that depend on scripting support in a Top-level Content Document have any chance of success before attempting them).
      feature - the ePub feature to test
      true if feature supported
      See Also:
    • hasKeys

      public static final boolean hasKeys()
      JSNI method: Check if execution environment supports keyboard events.
      true if keyboard events are supported
    • hasMouse

      public static final boolean hasMouse()
      JSNI method: Check if execution environment supports mouse events.
      true if mouse events are supported
    • hasTouch

      public static final boolean hasTouch()
      JSNI method: Check if execution environment supports touch events.
      true if touch events are supported