Uses of Class

Packages that use EvoLudo
  • Uses of EvoLudo in

    Constructors in with parameters of type EvoLudo
    Network2DGWT(EvoLudo engine, Geometry geometry)
    Create a new network in 2D for the given engine and geometry with a layouting process optimzed for GWT.
    Network3DGWT(EvoLudo engine, Geometry geometry)
    Create a new network in 3D for the given engine and geometry with a layouting process optimzed for GWT.
  • Uses of EvoLudo in org.evoludo.simulator

    Modifier and Type
    GWT specific implementation of EvoLudo controller.
    Fields in org.evoludo.simulator declared as EvoLudo
    Modifier and Type
    (package private) EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    protected EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    Constructors in org.evoludo.simulator with parameters of type EvoLudo
    Geometry(EvoLudo engine)
    Instantiates a new geometry for data visualization with pacemaker engine.
    Geometry(EvoLudo engine, Module module)
    Instantiates a new geometry for intra-species module module with pacemaker engine.
    Geometry(EvoLudo engine, Module popModule, Module oppModule)
    Instantiates a new geometry for inter-species module popModule and opponent oppModule with pacemaker engine.
    Network(EvoLudo engine, Geometry geometry)
    Create a new network for the given engine and geometry.
    Network2D(EvoLudo engine, Geometry geometry)
    Create a new network in 2D for the given engine and geometry.
    Network3D(EvoLudo engine, Geometry geometry)
    Create a new network in 3D for the given engine and geometry.
  • Uses of EvoLudo in org.evoludo.simulator.exec

    Constructors in org.evoludo.simulator.exec with parameters of type EvoLudo
    scanCSD(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new scanCSD simulation.
    simCDL(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new simulation to investigate the role of volunteering in public goods games.
    simCDLIBS(EvoLudo engine, CDL module)
    Create a new simulation.
    simCDLP(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new simulation to investigate the role of punishment in voluntary public goods games.
    simCDLPQ(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new simulation to investigate the role of pool- versus peer-punishment in voluntary public goods games.
    simTBT(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new simulation to investigate the two player, two trait model.
    Create a new simulation to compare the performance of individual based simulations versus stochastic differential equations.
  • Uses of EvoLudo in org.evoludo.simulator.models

    Modifier and Type
    protected EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    protected EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    protected EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    Constructors in org.evoludo.simulator.models with parameters of type EvoLudo
    Constructs a new model for the numerical integration of the system of partial differential equations representing the dynamics specified by the Module module using the EvoLudo pacemaker engine to control the numerical evaluations.
    IBS(EvoLudo engine)
    Creates a population of individuals for IBS simulations.
    IBSC(EvoLudo engine)
    Creates a population of individuals for IBS simulations with continuous traits/strategies.
    Creates a population of individuals with a single continuous trait for IBS simulations.
    IBSD(EvoLudo engine)
    Creates a population of individuals for IBS simulations with discrete traits/strategies.
    IBSDPopulation(EvoLudo engine, Discrete module)
    Creates a population of individuals with discrete traits for IBS simulations.
    Creates a population of individuals with multiple continuous traits for IBS simulations.
    IBSPopulation(EvoLudo engine, Module module)
    Creates a population of individuals for IBS simulations.
    Model(EvoLudo engine)
    Creates a model.
    ODE(EvoLudo engine)
    Constructs a new model for the numerical integration of the system of ordinary differential equations representing the dynamics specified by the Module module using the EvoLudo pacemaker engine to control the numerical evaluations.
    PDE(EvoLudo engine)
    Constructs a new model for the numerical integration of the system of partial differential equations representing the dynamics specified by the Module module using the EvoLudo pacemaker engine to control the numerical evaluations.
    PDESupervisor(EvoLudo engine, PDE charge)
    Creates a new supervisor to manage the PDE calculations of model charge.
    PDESupervisorGWT(EvoLudo engine, PDE charge)
    Creates a new supervisor to manage the PDE calculations of model charge with scheduling in GWT.
    Constructs a new model for the numerical integration of the system of ordinary differential equations representing the dynamics specified by the Module module using the EvoLudo pacemaker engine to control the numerical evaluations.
    SDE(EvoLudo engine)
    Constructs a new model for the numerical integration of the system of stochastic differential equations representing the dynamics specified by the Module module using the EvoLudo pacemaker engine to control the numerical evaluations.
  • Uses of EvoLudo in org.evoludo.simulator.modules

    Modifier and Type
    protected EvoLudo
    The pacemaker of all models.
    Constructors in org.evoludo.simulator.modules with parameters of type EvoLudo
    ATBT(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for asymmetric 2×2 games.
    ATBTPop(EvoLudo engine, ATBT module)
    Create a new instance of the IBS model for asymmteric 2×2 games.
    CDL(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for voluntary public goods games.
    CDLP(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for voluntary public goods games with peer punishment.
    CDLPQ(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for voluntary public goods games with peer and pool punishment.
    Constructs a new instance for the Centipede module.
    CLabour(EvoLudo engine)
    Constructs a new EvoLudo module for the evolution of two behavioural traits.
    Create new module with continuous traits.
    Continuous(EvoLudo engine, Continuous partner)
    Create a new module with continuous traits for pacemaker engine and interactions with module partner.
    CSD(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for continuous games.
    DemesTBT(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the DemesTBT module.
    Discrete(EvoLudo engine)
    Create new module with a discrete set of strategies.
    Discrete(EvoLudo engine, Discrete partner)
    Create a new module with a discrete set of strategies with pacemaker engine and interactions with module partner.
    EcoPGG(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for ecological public goods games.
    IBSPop(EvoLudo engine, CDL module)
    Create a new instance of the IBS model for voluntary (non-linear) public goods games.
    IBSPop(EvoLudo engine, DemesTBT module)
    Create a new instance of the IBSPop class.
    IBSPop(EvoLudo engine, NetGames module)
    Create a new instance of the IBS model for cooperative actions on dynamical networks.
    IBSPop(EvoLudo engine, RSP module)
    Create a new instance of the IBS model for 3×3 games.
    IBSPop(EvoLudo engine, TBT module)
    Create a new instance of the IBS model for 2×2 games.
    Module(EvoLudo engine, Module partner)
    Instantiate a new Module with engine and partner.
    Moran(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for the Moran process.
    NetGames(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for cooperation in dynamical networks, where the network structure encodes the individuals behaviour.
    ODE(EvoLudo engine)
    Constructs a new ODE solver taylored for the integration of asymmetric 2×2 games with environmental feedback.
    RSP(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for rock-scissors-paper games.
    TBT(EvoLudo engine)
    Create a new instance of the module for 2×2 games.