Enclosing class:

public class ATBT.ATBTPop extends TBT.IBSPop
Extends TBT.TBTPop to take advantage of kaleidoscope initializations.
  • Constructor Details

    • ATBTPop

      protected ATBTPop(EvoLudo engine, ATBT module)
      Create a new instance of the IBS model for asymmteric 2×2 games.
      engine - the pacemaker for running the model
      module - the module that defines the game
  • Method Details

    • updatePlayerAt

      public boolean updatePlayerAt(int me)
      Description copied from class: IBSPopulation
      Perform a single update of the individual with index me. Returns true if the individual adopted the trait of the reference individual. Does not imply that the trait changed in discrete modules. Whether the individuals score is reset depends on IBSPopulation.playerScoring
      updatePlayerAt in class IBSPopulation
      me - the index of the focal individual
      true if trait of reference adopted
      See Also:
    • isMonomorphic

      public boolean isMonomorphic()
      Description copied from class: IBSPopulation
      Check if population is monomorphic.

      Note: In models that admit vacant sites this does not imply a homogeneous (or absorbing) state of the population. Without vacant sites monomorphic states are absorbing, at least in the absence of mutations.

      isMonomorphic in class IBSDPopulation
      true if population is monomorphic
      See Also:
    • processEnvironmentalAsymmetryAt

      private boolean processEnvironmentalAsymmetryAt(int me, boolean changed)
      Helper method to process environmental asymmetries. Ensures that only strategies can be adopted by offspring and processes environmental changes through feedback with strategic types.

      Important: This requires that strategies are not yet committed.

      me - the index of the focal individual
      changed - the flag whether the focal individual changed strategy
      true if strategy and/or patch type has changed