Class DemesTBT.IBSPop
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Enclosing class:
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface ChangeListener
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) int[][]
The number of traits in each deme.protected RNGDistribution.Geometric
The distribution for migration events.protected RNGDistribution.Geometric
The distribution for migration events.(package private) boolean
The flag to indicate whether to optimize migration.protected double
Time of previous sample.private double[]
The time spent in homogenous states.Fields inherited from class TBT.IBSPop
tsFit, tsFits, tsMean, tsTraits
Fields inherited from class IBSDPopulation
accuTypeScores, groupmodule, init, initTypeCount, module, mutation, optimizeMoran, pairmodule, strategies, strategiesScratch, strategiesTypeCount
Fields inherited from class IBSPopulation
adjustScores, competition, compGroup, debugFocal, debugModel, debugModels, debugNModels, debugSame, distrMigrants, engine, fitness, groupScores, hasLookupTable, interaction, interactions, interGroup, isMultispecies, isNeutral, logger, map2fit, maxEffScoreIdx, maxFitness, maxScore, migrationType, minFitness, minScore, nMixedInter, nPopulation, nTraits, pAddwire, playerScoreAveraged, playerScoring, pMigration, pRewire, rng, scores, smallScores, staticmodule, sumFitness, tags, typeFitness, typeScores, VACANT
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(int me) Adjust scores of focal playerme
and its neighbours (interaction partners).boolean
Check all model parameters for consistency and adjust if necessary (and feasible).boolean
Check if population has converged.void
After a synchronous update step the new state must be copied back to become the current state.void
(int me) The change of a strategy of the player atindex
is stored in a temporary variable and must be committed before proceeding.void
Perform a death-birth migration, where a member of the population (selected uniformly at random) dies and the remaining individuals compete to repopulate the vacant site.void
Perform diffusion migration, which is implemented as two players swap their locations while leaving their respective neighbourhood structure untouched.Gets the status of the as a formatted string.protected int
Determine the number of homogeneous demes in trait A, provided that all demes are homogeneous.void
Initialize the model.void
(ChangeListener.PendingAction pending) Called whenever the state of the EvoLudo model changed.void
Called after a running EvoLudo model stopped because the model converged (or reached an absorbing state).protected void
Reset statistics.protected void
Start collecting statistics.protected void
(int parent) Perform a Moran (Birth-death) update for the focal individual with indexparent
to produce a clonal offspring and replace one of the parent's neighbours selected uniformly at random.void
Update the scores of all individuals in the population.protected void
(double time) Update statistics.Methods inherited from class TBT.IBSPop
getMeanFitness, getMeanTraits, getNMean, getTraitNameAt, initKaleidoscope
Methods inherited from class IBSDPopulation
adjustPairGameScoresAt, adjustScoreAt, adjustScoreAt, becomesVacantAt, countTraits, debugMarkChange, doAdjustScores, encodeStrategies, getFitnessAt, getFitnessHistogramData, getInit, getInitialTraits, getMonoScore, getPopulationSize, getScoreAt, getStrategiesTypeCount, getTraitData, getTraits, haveSameStrategy, initFrequency, initMono, initMutant, initStripes, initTemperature, initUniform, isConsistent, isMonomorphic, isSameStrategy, isVacantAt, maybeMutateAt, maybeMutateMoran, mouseHitNode, mutateAt, playGroupGameAt, playPairGameAt, preferredPlayerBest, prepareStrategies, reset, resetScoreAt, resetScores, resetStrategies, restoreFitness, restoreStrategies, setInit, setInitialTraits, setOpponentPop, setScoreAt, stripGroupVacancies, stripVacancies, swapStrategies, updateFromModelAt, updateMixedMeanScores, updatePlayerBestResponse, updatePlayerEcologyAt, updatePlayerMoranBirthDeath, updatePlayerMoranDeathBirth, updatePlayerMoranDeathBirth, updatePlayerMoranImitate, updateScoreAt, updateStrategiesTypeCount, yalpGroupGameAt
Methods inherited from class IBSPopulation
checkGeometry, createCompetitionGeometry, createInteractionGeometry, debugScores, debugUpdatePopulationAt, doBirthDeathMigration, doMigration, doSyncMigration, encodeFitness, encodeGeometry, encodeInteractions, generateGeometry, getCompetitionGeometry, getCompGroup, getFitness, getFitnessData, getFitnessNameAt, getFitnessNameAt, getInteractionGeometry, getInteractionsAt, getInterGroup, getMaxScore, getMigrationProb, getMigrationType, getMinScore, getModule, getPlayerScoreAveraged, getPlayerScoring, getPopulationUpdate, getScoreNameAt, getScores, getSyncFraction, getTagAt, getTagData, getTagNameAt, getTags, getTotalFitness, migrateMoran, mouseHitNode, mutate, nextBinomial, parseGeometry, pickFitFocalIndividual, pickFitFocalIndividual, pickFitNeighborAt, pickFitNeighborAt, pickFocalIndividual, pickFocalIndividual, pickFocalSite, pickFocalSite, pickNeighborSiteAt, playGameAt, playGameSyncAt, processScore, random01, random01d, random0n, random0N, randomGaussian, removeScoreAt, removeScoreAt, restoreGeometry, restoreInteractions, setAddwire, setConsistencyCheck, setMaxEffScoreIdx, setMigrationProb, setMigrationType, setPlayerScoreAveraged, setPlayerScoring, setPopulationUpdate, setRewire, setSyncFraction, setTagAt, srandom, step, swapScoresAt, updateEffScoreRange, updateFitnessAt, updateMinMaxScores, updatePlayerAsync, updatePlayerAsyncAt, updatePlayerAt, updatePlayerBest, updatePlayerBestHalf, updatePlayerEcology, updatePlayerMoranDeathBirthAt, updatePlayerMoranImitateAt, updatePlayerSwap, updateProportionalAbs, updateReplicatorHalf, updateReplicatorPlus, updateScoreAt, updateScoreAt, updateThermal
Methods inherited from class Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface MilestoneListener
modelDidInit, modelDidReset, modelLoaded, modelRelaxed, modelRunning, modelSettings, modelUnloaded, moduleLoaded, moduleRestored, moduleUnloaded
Field Details
The distribution for migration events. -
The distribution for migration events. -
private double[] pureThe time spent in homogenous states. -
int[][] demeTypeCountThe number of traits in each deme. -
boolean optimizeMigrationThe flag to indicate whether to optimize migration. -
protected double prevsampleTime of previous sample.
Constructor Details
Create a new instance of the IBSPop class.- Parameters:
- the pace maker of the simulationmodule
- the module that defines the interactions
Method Details
public boolean check()Description copied from class:IBSPopulation
Check all model parameters for consistency and adjust if necessary (and feasible). Returnstrue
if adjustments require a reset. Free memory if possible and request a reset if new memory needs to be allocated.- Overrides:
in classTBT.IBSPop
- Returns:
if reset is required- See Also:
public void init()Description copied from class:IBSPopulation
Initialize the model. All parameters must be consistent. Subclasses must override this method to generate the initial strategy configuration and call super.Note: Initialization leaves the interaction and competition structures untouched
- Overrides:
in classIBSDPopulation
- See Also:
Description copied from class:IBSPopulation
Gets the status of the as a formatted string. This is typically used in the GUI to summarize the progress of the model.- Overrides:
in classTBT.IBSPop
- Returns:
- the status of the population
public boolean checkConvergence()Description copied from class:IBSPopulation
Check if population has converged. By defaulttrue
if population is monomorphic and no (zero) mutations. However, different implementations may have different criteria for convergence.Note: This tends to be less restrictive than reaching an absorbing state. Typically convergence is used as a criterion to abort simulations.
- Overrides:
in classIBSDPopulation
- Returns:
if converged.
protected int homoDemes()Determine the number of homogeneous demes in trait A, provided that all demes are homogeneous. Returns-1
if any deme is heterogeneous.- Returns:
- the number of homogeneous A demes or
if any deme is heterogeneous
public void doDiffusionMigration()Perform diffusion migration, which is implemented as two players swap their locations while leaving their respective neighbourhood structure untouched.Override IBSPopulation.doDiffusionMigration() to take demes into account.
- Overrides:
in classIBSPopulation
public void doDeathBirthMigration()Perform a death-birth migration, where a member of the population (selected uniformly at random) dies and the remaining individuals compete to repopulate the vacant site. One competitor succeeds with a probability proportional proportional to fitness.Note: This is almost identical to Moran (birth-death) updating in well-mixed populations
- Override IBSPopulation.doDeathBirthMigration() to take demes into account.
- Almost identical (victim and migrant always different) to Moran (death-birth) updating in well-mixed population.
- Overrides:
in classIBSPopulation
protected void updatePlayerMoranBirthDeathAt(int parent) Description copied from class:IBSPopulation
Perform a Moran (Birth-death) update for the focal individual with indexparent
to produce a clonal offspring and replace one of the parent's neighbours selected uniformly at random. This is the original Moran process where the offspring can replace the parent in well-mixed populations.- Overrides:
in classIBSPopulation
- Parameters:
- the index of the parent
Description copied from interface:ChangeListener
Called whenever the state of the EvoLudo model changed. Process potentially pending requests.Note: the model may process some pending actions directly and without notifying the listeners through
first. In particular, this applies to pending actions that fire their own notifications, such asRESET
that in turn triggermodelReset()
, respectively.- Specified by:
in interfaceChangeListener
- Parameters:
- pending action that needs to be processed.- See Also:
public void modelStopped()Description copied from interface:MilestoneListener
Called after a running EvoLudo model stopped because the model converged (or reached an absorbing state).- Specified by:
in interfaceMilestoneListener
protected void startStatistics()Start collecting statistics. -
protected void resetStatistics()Reset statistics. -
protected void updateStatistics(double time) Update statistics.- Parameters:
- the time of the sample
public void commitStrategyAt(int me) Description copied from class:IBSPopulation
The change of a strategy of the player atindex
is stored in a temporary variable and must be committed before proceeding.- Overrides:
in classIBSDPopulation
- Parameters:
- the index of the player that needs to have its new strategy committed
public void commitStrategies()Description copied from class:IBSDPopulation
After a synchronous update step the new state must be copied back to become the current state.For discrete modules, update the strategy count of each type and check if population reached a homogeneous state.
- Overrides:
in classIBSDPopulation
- See Also:
public void updateScores()Update the scores of all individuals in the population.Note: Overridden to set scores in well-mixed populations more efficiently.
Overridden to set scores in demes more efficiently
- Overrides:
in classIBSDPopulation
public void adjustGameScoresAt(int me) Adjust scores of focal playerme
and its neighbours (interaction partners).Requirements/notes:
- This optimized method is only applicable if
is true and notGeometry.Type.MEANFIELD
, i.e. if the interaction group includes all neighbors but not all other members of the population. - For pairwise interactions more efficient approaches are possible but those require direct access to the stratgies and are hence delegated to subclasses.
Overridden to allow for adjusting scores in well-mixed populations.
Overridden to set scores in demes more efficiently
- Overrides:
in classIBSDPopulation
- Parameters:
- the index of the focal individual- See Also:
- This optimized method is only applicable if