Uses of Class

Packages that use CLOption
  • Uses of CLOption in org.evoludo

    Fields in org.evoludo declared as CLOption
    Modifier and Type
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the size of the GUI or enter fullscreen.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the data view displayed in the GUI.
  • Uses of CLOption in org.evoludo.simulator

    Fields in org.evoludo.simulator declared as CLOption
    Modifier and Type
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the delay between subsequent updates.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to mimic ePub modes and to disable device capabilities.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to print help message for available command line options.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the type of model (see Type).
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set module.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to perform test of random number generator on launch.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to request that the EvoLudo model immediately starts running after loading.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set seed of random number generator.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to request that the EvoLudo model signals the completion of of the layouting procedure for taking snapshots, e.g.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set color scheme for coloring continuous traits.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the color for trajectories.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set verbosity level of logging.
  • Uses of CLOption in org.evoludo.simulator.exec

    Fields in org.evoludo.simulator.exec declared as CLOption
    Modifier and Type
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the benefit parameter b1, or its range or its range to scan.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the benefit parameter b2, or its range or its range to scan.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to determine the basin of attraction of punishers and cooperators.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of bins for the distribution (histogram).
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost parameter c1, or its range or its range to scan.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost parameter c2, or its range or its range to scan.
    final CLOption
    The command line option to print the trait distribution.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to generate a histogram of states visited.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the minimal measurement time.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to specify the population sizes.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of samples for fixation probabilities.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of steps for initial frequencies.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to show the simulation progress.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to show the simulation progress.
    (package private) final CLOption
    Command line option to show the simulation progress.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to show the simulation progress.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to show the simulation progress.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of runs.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to scan the donation game.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the range and increments for scanning non-linearities.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to scan the S-T-plane.
    final CLOption
    The command line option to set the interval for snapshots.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the interval for taking snapshots.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the interval for taking snapshots.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the prefix for snapshot filenames.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the threshold for corner states.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to determine the time to reach the threshold of punishers.
  • Uses of CLOption in org.evoludo.simulator.models

    Modifier and Type
    final CLOption
    Command line option to customize statistics settings.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the type of initial configuration.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the type of initial configuration.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to mark points on graphs (ParaGraph, S3Graph, LineGraph and HistoGraph).
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the method for updating the population(s).
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set whether player scores from interactions are accumulated or averaged (default).
    final CLOption
    Command line option to activate adjusted replicator dynamics (if possible) in ODE models.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to enable consistency checks.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the desired accuracy of ODE calculations as criteria for convergence and whether population is monomorphic.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the time increment dt in DE models.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the fraction of links to add.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the competition geometry.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the interaction geometry.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the fraction of links to rewire.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the initial configuration in ODE/SDE models.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set whether players interact with all their neighbours or a random subsample.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the migration types and probabilities of players.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to request optimizations.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the advection coefficients of every trait against all others.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the diffusion coefficients.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the linear extension.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the discretization as the total number of spatial units to use for the numerical integration of the PDE.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to request preservation of symmetry.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the method for choosing references/models among the neighbours of a player for updating their strategy.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of samples to take for statistical measurements.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set method for resetting the scores of individuals.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of generations to relax the model from the initial configuration.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of generations between reports for EvoLudo.modelNext().
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of generations between reports for EvoLudo.modelNext().
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the number of generations after which to stop the model calculations.
  • Uses of CLOption in org.evoludo.simulator.modules

    Modifier and Type
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the payoff/score to fitness map.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the type of player updates.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the type of player updates.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the type of player updates.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the method for updating the population(s).
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the origin of asymmetries to differences in genotype or in the environment.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the benefit of cooperation, i.e.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the benefit function(s) for continuous traits.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the colors for altruists, fair players, and egoists.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost of cooperation, i.e.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost of cooperation, i.e.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost of cooperation, i.e.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost of pool punishment.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost of peer punishment.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost function(s) for continuous traits.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set death rate for ecological population updates.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the environmental values of the two different patch types.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the feedback between strategic types and patch quality.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the fitness values for residents and mutants.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the geometry (interaction and competition graphs identical).
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the multiplication factor for public good interactions.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the multiplication factor for public good interactions.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the leniency of peer punishers towards cooperators, provided the composition of the interaction group reveals them as second-order free riders.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the leniency of peer punishers towards loners.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the payoff to cooperators that failed to find any interaction partners.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the payoff to cooperators that failed to find any interaction partners.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the payoff to defectors that failed to find any interaction partners.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the payoff to defectors that failed to find any interaction partners.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the payoff to loners that refuse to participate in the public goods interaction.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to request that models stop execution when reaching monomorphic population states.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the size of interaction groups.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the maximum number of decision nodes for the centipede game.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the population size.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set whether contributors get a share of the benefits generated by their own contributions.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the payoff matrix.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the 2×2 payoff matrix for interactions between cooperators and defectors.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the 2×2 payoff matrix for interactions between cooperators and defectors or the (generic) 4×4 payoff matrix for arbitrary interactions between four strategic types.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the traits on phase plane axis.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the fine of pool punishment for non-contributors.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the fine of peer punishment for non-contributors.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the cost-to-benefit ratio of cooperation.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set whether a single contributor suffices to generate the public good.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the relative rate for updating each population/species.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the color of traits.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to disable individual traits.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to assign trait names.
    final CLOption
    Command line option to set the minimum value of each trait.
  • Uses of CLOption in org.evoludo.util

    Fields in org.evoludo.util with type parameters of type CLOption
    Modifier and Type
    (package private) List<CLOption>
    List of command line options available (after parsing).
    Methods in org.evoludo.util that return CLOption
    Modifier and Type
    CLOParser.getCLO(String name)
    Return option with name from current list of command line options.
    Methods in org.evoludo.util that return types with arguments of type CLOption
    Modifier and Type
    Get the current list of command line options.
    Methods in org.evoludo.util with parameters of type CLOption
    Modifier and Type
    CLOParser.addCLO(CLOption option)
    Adds option to current list of command line options.
    CLOption.compareTo(CLOption opt)
    CLOption.inheritKeysFrom(CLOption option)
    Inherit keys from another option.
    CLOParser.removeCLO(CLOption option)
    Remove option from current list of command line options.