Uses of Interface
Packages that use PDE.HasPDE
Uses of PDE.HasPDE in org.evoludo.simulator.exec
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.exec that implement PDE.HasPDEModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Simulations to investigate the role of volunteering in public goods games.class
Simulations to investigate peer punishment in the voluntary public goods game.class
Simulations of peer- versus pool-punishment in voluntary public goods games.class
Simulations to investigate the Moran process on graph structured populations.class
Simulation of the two player, two trait model.class
Simulations to investigate individual based simulations versus stochastic differential equations for modelling the evolutionary dynamics of populations with pairwise interactions andd
strategic traits. -
Uses of PDE.HasPDE in org.evoludo.simulator.modules
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules that implement PDE.HasPDEModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in asymmetric2×2
Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions.class
Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions with peer punishment.class
Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions with peer and pool punishment.class
Simulations of 2x2 games in deme structured populations.class
Cooperation in ecological public goods interactions.class
The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in the classical Moran process with two types of individuals that have constant fitness values.class
Cyclical dynamics of the rock-scissors-paper game.class
The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in the classical2×2