Uses of Package

  • Class
    All ChangeListener's get informed about state changes of the core of EvoLudo models.
    The GUI or engine can request running models to suspend execution and process a pendingAction.
    All MilestoneListener's get informed about milestones and state changes of the core of EvoLudo modules.
    Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.
  • Class
    Data types that are handled by the model.
    Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.
  • Class
    All ChangeListener's get informed about state changes of the core of EvoLudo models.
    The GUI or engine can request running models to suspend execution and process a pendingAction.
    The core class for individual based simulations.
    All MilestoneListener's get informed about milestones and state changes of the core of EvoLudo modules.
    Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.
    Numerical integration of partial differential equations for reaction-diffusion systems based on Euler's method (fixed step size)
    Supervisor of reaction-diffusion processes.
    Model types that modules may support.
  • Class
    All ChangeListener's get informed about state changes of the core of EvoLudo models.
    The GUI or engine can request running models to suspend execution and process a pendingAction.
    Base class for individual based simulation models, IBS.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    The core class for individual based simulations with a single continuous trait/strategy.
    Base class for individual based simulation models, IBS, with discrete traits/strategies.
    The core class for individual based simulations with discrete traits/strategies.
    The core class for individual based simulations.
    All MilestoneListener's get informed about milestones and state changes of the core of EvoLudo modules.
    Methods that every Module must implement, which advertises numerical solutions based on differential equations.
    Additional methods that must be implemented by Modules that advertise numerical solutions based on ordinary differential equations.
    Methods that every Module must implement, which advertises numerical solutions based on partial differential equations.
    Interface for modules that implement stochastic differential equations (SDE).
    Model types that modules may support.
  • Class
    The GUI or engine can request running models to suspend execution and process a pendingAction.
    Common interface for all models with continuous strategy sets.
    Data types that are handled by the model.
    Common interface for all models with discrete strategy sets.
    EXPERIMENTAL: should mature into data structure useful for statistics
    Base class for individual based simulation models, IBS.
    Enumeration of possible events in focal population.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with multiple continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    Types of species updates (only relevant for multi-species models): none no migration D diffusive migration (exchange of neighbors) B birth-death migration (fit migrates, random death). d death-birth migration (random death, fit migrates).
    Schedules for resetting individual payoffs/fitness: onchange Reset when changing trait (only after updating from reference model with a different trait) onupdate Reset when updating from reference individual (not necessarily a change in trait) ephemeral Determine payoffs/fitness calculated only for updating
    The class managing the settings for statistics mode.
    Type of statistics.
    The initialization of populations with continuous traits.
    Type of initial density distribution of traits.
    The core class for individual based simulations with a single continuous trait/strategy.
    The initialization of populations with discrete traits.
    Type of initial density distribution.
    Type of optimizations.
    The core class for individual based simulations with discrete traits/strategies.
    A minimalstic helper class (or data structure) to represent a single directed link in the network structure.
    Interaction and reference groups in IBS models.
    Types of sampling of groups for interactions or references: none no interactions all interact with all neighbours random interact with n random neighbours
    The core class for individual based simulations with multiple continuous traits/strategies.
    The core class for individual based simulations.
    Modes of the model.
    Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.
    Common base class for all differential equations models.
    Methods that every Module must implement, which advertises numerical solutions based on differential equations.
    Types of initial configurations.
    Numerical integration of partial differential equations for reaction-diffusion systems based on Euler's method (fixed step size)
    Types of initial configurations.
    Supervisor of reaction-diffusion processes.
    The implementation of population updates.
    Types of species updates (only relevant for multi-species models): synchronous Synchronized population updates.
    Model types that modules may support.
  • Class
    All ChangeListener's get informed about state changes of the core of EvoLudo models.
    The GUI or engine can request running models to suspend execution and process a pendingAction.
    Data types that are handled by the model.
    Common interface for all models with discrete strategy sets.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and interactions in groups must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with discrete traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    Modules that offer individual based simulation models with multiple continuous traits and pairwise interactions must implement this interface.
    The core class for individual based simulations with discrete traits/strategies.
    Interaction and reference groups in IBS models.
    The core class for individual based simulations.
    The class to manage customised markers for graphs.
    All MilestoneListener's get informed about milestones and state changes of the core of EvoLudo modules.
    Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.
    Common base class for all differential equations models.
    Methods that every Module must implement, which advertises numerical solutions based on differential equations.
    Additional methods that must be implemented by Modules that advertise numerical solutions based on ordinary differential equations.
    Methods that every Module must implement, which advertises numerical solutions based on partial differential equations.
    Implementation of Runge-Kutta method with adaptive step size for the numerical integration of systems of differential equations.
    Interface for modules that implement stochastic differential equations (SDE).
    Model types that modules may support.
  • Class
    All ChangeListener's get informed about state changes of the core of EvoLudo models.
    The GUI or engine can request running models to suspend execution and process a pendingAction.
    Data types that are handled by the model.
    All MilestoneListener's get informed about milestones and state changes of the core of EvoLudo modules.
    Modes of the model.
    Interface for EvoLudo models to interact with Modules, which define interactions (or games), and the engine EvoLudo, which manages the (un)loading and execution of different models based on what model types the module supports.