Parameters of the VirtualLabs
by Christoph Hauert, Version 0.91, December 2006.
- Location:
- VirtualLabs
- » Parameters
A word of warning: In perfect agreement with the vast majority of software projects, the code of the VirtualLabs evolves much faster than the technical documentation... Therefore, this page may contain outdated or incomplete information - please bear with me.
Clicking on the Params button of the VirtualLabs applets opens a panel to change various parameter settings:

The parameters are divided into five categories: Game, Player, Population, Structure and Misc. For a brief description of each parameter group click the tabs on the image above or follow the links below.
- Game
- Group of parameters that characterizes the interaction between individuals.
- Player
- Group of parameters describing the propagation of strategies.
- Population
- Group of parameters specifying the size of the population and the updating procedure.
- Structure
- Group of parameters defining the structure of the population.
- Misc
- Group of parameters determining the initial configuration, mutation rates, migration rates etc.
The buttons along bottom of the parameter panel apply or discard new settings.
- Cancel
- Closes the parameter panel and discards changes of the parameters leaving all settings untouched.
- Revert
- Discards parameter changes and reverts all parameters to the current setting of the simulation engine.
- Apply
- Applies and verifies new parameter settings. Parameters that did not pass verification are adjusted to acceptable values. Details concerning parameter adjustments are provided on the Console.
- OK
- Applies new parameter settings and closes the parameter panel.
This group of parameters is game specific and is varies for the different types of virtual labs. Generally you will find here parameters that determine e.g. the costs and benefits of cooperative behavior and the initial frequencies of the different strategies or the range of initial strategies, respectively.