Uses of Package
Packages that use org.evoludo.simulator.modules
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules used by org.evoludo
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules used by
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules used by org.evoludo.simulator
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules used by org.evoludo.simulator.execClassDescriptionCooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions.The extension for IBS simulations specific to voluntary (non-linear) public goods games.Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions with peer punishment.Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions with peer and pool punishment.Parent class of all EvoLudo modules with one or more continuous traits.The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics of the continuous snowdrift game, or more generally, interactions among pairs of individuals with continuous traits.Parent class of all EvoLudo modules with discrete strategy sets.Interface to query features of the Module.All modules that admit interactions in larger groups (as opposed to interactions in pairs) should implement this interface.All modules that admit interactions in pairs (as opposed to larger groups) should implement this interface.Interface that all modules with static fitness/payoffs should implement.Parent class of all EvoLudo modules.The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in the classical Moran process with two types of individuals that have constant fitness values.The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in the classical
games. -
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules used by org.evoludo.simulator.modelsClassDescriptionParent class of all EvoLudo modules with one or more continuous traits.Parent class of all EvoLudo modules with discrete strategy sets.Interface to query features of the Module.All modules that admit interactions in larger groups (as opposed to interactions in pairs) should implement this interface.All modules that admit interactions in pairs (as opposed to larger groups) should implement this interface.Interface that all modules with static fitness/payoffs should implement.Map scores/payoffs to fitness and vice versa.Parent class of all EvoLudo modules.The class to implement mutations in continuous IBS models.The class to implement mutations in discrete IBS models.The implementation of player updates.The implementation of population updates.
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules used by org.evoludo.simulator.modulesClassDescriptionThe module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in asymmetric
games.The class that defines the mapping of asymmetric2×2
games onto a 2D phase plane: fraction of cooperators alongx
-axis and fraction of rich patches alongy
-axis.Extends TBT.TBTPop to take advantage of kaleidoscope initializations.Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions.The extension for IBS simulations specific to voluntary (non-linear) public goods games.Cooperation in voluntary (non-linear) public goods interactions with peer punishment.Parent class of all EvoLudo modules with one or more continuous traits.Selected benefit functions to translate continuous traits into payoffs.Selected cost functions to translate continuous traits into payoffs.Translate continuous traits into payoffs based on configurable cost and benefit functions.Simulations of 2x2 games in deme structured populations.Custom implemenation for individual based simulations in deme structured populations.Parent class of all EvoLudo modules with discrete strategy sets.The map for translating the data of the ecological public goods game models into 2D phase plane representation.Interface to query features of the Module.All modules that admit interactions in larger groups (as opposed to interactions in pairs) should implement this interface.All modules that admit interactions in pairs (as opposed to larger groups) should implement this interface.Interface that all modules with static fitness/payoffs should implement.Map scores/payoffs to fitness and vice versa.Enum representing the different types of payoff/score to fitness mapsParent class of all EvoLudo modules.The abstract superclass to implement mutations in IBS models with discrete or continuous traits.The class to implement mutations in continuous IBS models.Mutation types.The class to implement mutations in discrete IBS models.Mutation types.Cooperation in dynamical networks.The extension for IBS simulations implement cooperative actions on dynamical networks.The implementation of player updates.Player update types.Cyclical dynamics of the rock-scissors-paper game.The extension for IBS simulations specific to3×3
games.Types of species updates (only relevant for multi-species models): size focal species selected proportional to their size fitness focal species selected proportional to their total fitness turns one species is selected after another. sync simultaneous updates of all species (not yet implemented). For size and fitness selection is also proportional to the update rate of each species.The module for investigating the evolutionary dynamics in the classical2×2
games.The extension for IBS simulations specific to populations engaging in2×2
games. -
Classes in org.evoludo.simulator.modules used by org.evoludo.simulator.views