Class Tooltip.Registration

All Implemented Interfaces:
HandlerRegistration, HandlerRegistration
Enclosing class:

protected class Tooltip.Registration extends Object implements HandlerRegistration
Manage registrations of listener widgets, their tooltip providers and the corresponding event handlers. Used for a lookup table to match listeners and providers with the listeners serving as the lookup key.
  • Field Details

    • mouseOverHandler

      HandlerRegistration mouseOverHandler
      References to all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips registered with the listener widget.
    • mouseOutHandler

      HandlerRegistration mouseOutHandler
      References to all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips registered with the listener widget.
    • mouseMoveHandler

      HandlerRegistration mouseMoveHandler
      References to all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips registered with the listener widget.
    • mouseWheelHandler

      HandlerRegistration mouseWheelHandler
      References to all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips registered with the listener widget.
    • touchStartHandler

      HandlerRegistration touchStartHandler
      References to all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips registered with the listener widget.
    • touchMoveHandler

      HandlerRegistration touchMoveHandler
      References to all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips registered with the listener widget.
    • touchEndHandler

      HandlerRegistration touchEndHandler
      References to all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips registered with the listener widget.
    • provider

      Provider of tooltips for this listener widget.
    • listener

      FocusPanel listener
      Listener widget for tooltips.
  • Constructor Details

    • Registration

      public Registration(FocusPanel listener, Tooltip.Provider provider)
      Register all event handlers relevant for handling tooltips with listener widget and associate with the tooltip provider.
      listener - widget sporting tooltips
      provider - provides tooltips for this listener widget
  • Method Details